Outlook.com: Send Without Attachments?

azurecurveI’ve been a bit quiet on the posting front recently because my second book is in the later stages of the publishing process and I need to review and respond to feedback from the editors at Packt Publishing.

To do this we’ve been emailing drafts of the chapters to and fro. And (again) this morning a feature of Outlook.com saved me from looking slightly silly when I replied to an email intending to send back an updated draft, but clicked Send without actually attaching the file;

Send without attachments?Send without attachments? Just checking. It looks like you’ve mentioned attachments but haven’t added any.

I was presented with the above message. Clicked Go back, added the file and sent the message.

I’ve talked to various people who dislike this type of message, but I really don’t see the problem with it. I’ve only ever been presented the message when I have meant to attach a file and forgotten; I’ve never received it for a false positive so I quite like it. I wish Outlook 2010 had it (or perhaps it does and I just don’t know where the setting is.

Management Reporter 2012 Rollup 6 Available

Microsoft Dynamics GPA couple of days ago , the Dynamics PTS blog announced the release of Management Reporter 2012 Rollup 6.

This rollup has a range of new features including:

  • The ability to generate a single report link for a report group and open all reports from a single page in the web viewer
  • 14 new default reports for new Dynamics GP customers (existing customers can easily import these reports)
  • Transaction descriptions greater than 100 characters are now supported
  • Support for bi-directional text in Management Reporter Report Designer and Web Viewer

Partners can get more information here and download RU6 here.

Full details are available on the Dynamics PTS blog.

Management Reporter 2012 Incorrect Figures Using Data Mart Connector

Microsoft Dynamics GPA client reported an issue the other day with figures being incorrect in Management Reporter when compared to the equivalent report in FRx and also to the figures in Microsoft Dynamics GP (which matched FRx).

I think the original cause of this problem is that when the calendar for the current year was created, there was a gap accidentally left between the end of last year and the start of the current one. This was fixed and a reconciliation run in GP, but this did not allow the data to be trickled out into the Management Reporter Data Mart.

In an attempt to resolve the issue, I removed and re-added the Data Mart (deleting the DDM database between removing and re-adding) using the Management Reporter Configuration Console, waited for the initial extract and ended up with figures that were even more different to FRx; a slightly worrying moment I have to admit.

I checked the version and discovered the client was running Management Reporter 2012 RU4 which is known to have an issue populating the DDM database during the initial data extract. Fortunately, Microsoft Support KB 2831693 details how transactions posted from the open years in Dynamics GP are not included during the initial data load and links to the hotfix for RU4 which resolves this problem.

I again removed the Data Mart, deleted the database, installed the hotfix and added the Data Mart back and, after the initial data load completed, all of the data needed to make the report match both GP and FRx was present.

Unknown Dictionary Error

Microsoft Dynamics GPA client logged a problem which I needed to look at through the GP 2010 client, so I logged onto their server and ran up GP.

Or at least I attempted to. After double clicking the Desktop shortcut I received the following error message;

Dexterity Runtime - Unknown dictionary errorDexterity Runtime – Unknown dictionary error

Continue reading “Unknown Dictionary Error”

VBA Compile Error – Expected: expression

Microsoft Dynamics GPI realise that the use of VBA in modifications and customisations is something that needs to be carefully considered with Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 including a Silverlight based Web Client which cannot use VBA. I had a requirement from a client for a modification to the Debtor Enquiry (Customer Inquiry to the Americans reading) to include the sum of the displayed transactions on the window and as this was a small client with GP installed locally on each PC there is no requirement for the web client, I felt able to perform this change using Modifier using some VBA.

I added the required fields to the VBA project but encountered an error message when writing the VBA code to concatenate the fields into the SQL statement I was going to use to get the data;

Microsoft Visual Basic: Compile error: Expected: expressionMicrosoft Visual Basic: Compile error: Expected: expression

Continue reading “VBA Compile Error – Expected: expression”

Management Reporter – An Unknown Error Has Occurred

Microsoft Dynamics GPAfter dealing with an obscure and unhelpful Integration Manager error recently, I’ve also had a Management Reporter one; when trying to generate a report the following error was consistently produced;

An unknown error has occurred while processing reportAn unknown error has occurred while processing report

Continue reading “Management Reporter – An Unknown Error Has Occurred”

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 SP2 Announced for Q4

Microsoft Dynamics GPA few days ago, Errol Schoenfish on the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog announced the forthcoming Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 SP2 (or H2 as he named it) for Q4 of the 2013 calendar year.

The part of the announcement which surprised me was the announcement that there would be a “Feature of the Day” starting in September; I thought that, usually, “Feature of the Day” only occurred for major releases and not service packs. Let me say though: this is not a complaint!

In SP2 the Web Client will see the see releases for the Project, Manufacturing and Field Service series as well as the expansion of ISV Extensibility to allow Visual Studio forms to be presented in the Web Client in the same way as Dexterity forms.

Document Attach will be extended to allow attachments to be included in emails and to allow documents attached to cards to be rolled down to the transactions. So a terms and conditions file attached to a customer record could be rolled down to the sales invoices and attached to the email.

One really nice feature is the ability in SmartList to hide the navigation tree; here’s hoping this is a button on the toolbar to quickly expand and shrink the nav pane.

There are additional features so far announced in the blog post including an update to the Windows 8 Business Analyzer app to rewrite it in HTML5 and JavaScriptto allow, amongst other new features, the inclusion of reports from Management Reporter.

For full details of the announcment check the original blog post.

Integration Manager Error – Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object

Microsoft Dynamics GPSometimes I find Integration Manager to be very trying. It can be a very useful tool but it can also be incredibly frustrating.

A client we have taken over support for logged a call about an integration they couldn’t run and hadn’t been able to run for a couple of months after their upgrade to Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010. The error message they were receiving was this;

Integration Manager - Object reference not set to an instance of an objectIntegration Manager – Object reference not set to an instance of an object

Continue reading “Integration Manager Error – Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object”

You Cannot Print An Unauthorized Purchase Order

Microsoft Dynamics GPAs the title says, “you cannot print an unauthorized purchase order”. This is an error message which I encountered the other day on my demo system when I was trying to print a PO. Now, I’m largely not surprised to see errors occur on that VM and regularly either build a new one or, more often, redeploy the Fabrikam, Inc. sample company, but in this case I was a little surprised to see this message;

You cannot print an unauthorized purchase orderYou cannot print an unauthorized purchase order

Continue reading “You Cannot Print An Unauthorized Purchase Order”

Area Page Error – Value Cannot be Null

Microsoft Dynamics GPA client who upgraded to Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 a few weeks ago began encountering a problem when switching between modules. In particular when they loaded the Purchasing area page they received the following message;

Value cannot be null. Parameter  name: contentValueValue cannot be null. Parameter name: contentValue

Fortunately, there are two solutions to this problem outlined in the Microsoft Support KB Article 2843273. The first is to upgrade to Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 which at very short notice isn’t really an option, or to use the script in the KB article to both remove the corrupt entry in SY07140 and add a trigger to the table to prevent another corrupt entry being created.

As we needed the client up and running without the error quickly, we opted for the second approach and will look to schedule in the upgrade from 2013 RTM to SP1.