Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 19th December Release

Microsoft Dynamics GPYeserday Errol Schoenfish, on the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog announced the release of Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 on 19th December.

“Our December product releases deliver significant value to customers through simple-to-use and easy-to-implement business solutions,” said Kirill Tatarinov, president, Microsoft Business Solutions. “This wave of new Microsoft Dynamics’ capabilities, together with Microsoft’s innovative social, mobile, collaboration, productivity and analytics resources, inspires people to do their best work and transform their businesses.”

I’m looking forward to this release of Dynamics GP as there ae many new features included which clients have been asking about for a long time. For Partners there is also the mutli-tenant database and web services architecture as well as the web client (complimented by a web client for Management Reporter 2012 that was made available with Rollup 3).

I’ve been tracking the Feature of the Day announcements made by Pam Misialek, and team, and you can read about them by following the MDGP 2013 Feature of the Day tag.

MDGP 2013 Feature of the Day: Computer Prepayments

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft are posting the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Feature of the Day series on the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Blog.

The eighty sixth feature they’ve announced is Computer Prepayments.

This feature allows a user or multiple users to process a Purchase Order Prepayment using a computer check or EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer). The process is managed from the creation of the purchase order with the prepayment through the consumption of the prepayment when the vendor invoice is posted.

When raising a purchase order, there is now a field for entering the Prepayment amount (which can be printed on the PO);

Purchase Order Entry

Continue reading “MDGP 2013 Feature of the Day: Computer Prepayments”

MDGP 2013 Feature of the Day: Encumber General Journal Transactions

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft are posting the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Feature of the Day series on the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Blog.

The eighty fourth feature they’ve announced is Encumber General Journal Transactions.

In Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 you can integrate Encumbrance Management with General Ledger. When you enter a General Journal Entry, the system will look at previously posted amounts, previously encumbered amounts, and the amount of the transaction to determine if there is budget available for the transaction.

Transaction Entry

Continue reading “MDGP 2013 Feature of the Day: Encumber General Journal Transactions”

MDGP 2013 Feature of the Day: FICA Tax Sheltered Annunity Changes

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft are posting the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Feature of the Day series on the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Blog.

The eighty third feature they’ve announced is FICA Tax Sheltered Annunity Changes.

The TSA Sheltered from FICA Tax option has been changed to two separate options; FICA Social Security and FICA Medicare to allow each deduction to be exempt separately. In the Deduction Setup and the Employee Deduction Maintenance windows, the two check boxes replace the one Sheltered from FICA Tax check box.

Deduction Setup

Continue reading “MDGP 2013 Feature of the Day: FICA Tax Sheltered Annunity Changes”

How To Realign Trial Balance Summary Modified Report Columns

Microsoft Dynamics GPI was recently asked to assist the Support team to look into an issue with the Trail Balance Summary modified report. The problem was that when sent to screen or printer the report was fine, but when exported to Tab Delimited file, the columns didn’t match up with the totals at the bottom.

Trial Balance Summary on Screen shows as aligned;

Trial Balance Summary - Screen Output

Continue reading “How To Realign Trial Balance Summary Modified Report Columns”

MDGP 2013 Feature of the Day: PTO Manager Enhancements

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft are posting the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Feature of the Day series on the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Blog.

The eighty second feature they’ve announced is PTO Manager Enhancements.

In Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013, a number of enhancements were made to PTO Manager.

During payroll processing, you can select to update the vacation calendar with PTO information;

PTO Options

Continue reading “MDGP 2013 Feature of the Day: PTO Manager Enhancements”

Error Restoring SQL Database

Microsoft Dynamics GPI was in the process of building a virtual machine to do a test upgrade of Microsoft Dynamics GP for a client when I got this error message;

Restore failed for Server. (Microsoft.SqlServe.SmoExtended) Additional information - System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: Directory lookup for file "e:\SQL Server\Data\GPSGPNLDat.mdf" failed with the operating system error 3(failed to retrieve text for this error. Reason 15105). (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)

I know things go wrong and I don’t mind error messages telling me that they have gone wrong; in fact, a good error with details is a good thing to see when there is a problem. But I do mind when the error message doesn’t actually tell me anything (one company I worked with produced error code 0 for every single error which everyone hated but it took about five years before the error handler got fixed to return the real error).

I did a little digging and it turned out to be a nice easy fix; when the VM was created the HDD space allocated hadn’t been big enough for the size of the databases being restored to it. I added a new (larger) virtual HDD to the VM and was able to restore the databases without further error.

MDGP 2013 Feature of the Day: Use Multiple Budgets With Encumbrance Management

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft are posting the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Feature of the Day series on the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Blog.

The eight first feature they’ve announced is Use Multiple Budgets With Encumbrance Management.

In Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 you can enter multiple budgets for a single fiscal year. This allows you to have different budgets for different departments or for different periods and instead of combining them yourself, you let encumbrance management combine the budgets for you.

In Encumbrance Management Setup, there is a new window to enter all of the budgets that are for a fiscal year. Now, if the same account exists in more than one budget, encumbrance management will combine the amounts from each budget to verify against as a single available budget amount for a budget period.

Encumbrance Setup

This new feature is targeted at the following roles:

  • Purchasing Agent
  • Accounts Payable
  • Receivings Clerk

MDGP 2013 Feature of the Day: Custom Fields In Advanced HR

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft are posting the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Feature of the Day series on the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Blog.

The eightieth feature they’ve announced is Custom Fields in Advanced HR.

In Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013, you can set up labels for four user-defined fields for certifications and licenses for tracking additional information not provided by the system. The labels you set will appear as fields in the Certification Entry and License Entry windows.

Label definitions are configured in the setup window;

User Defined Field Setup

Continue reading “MDGP 2013 Feature of the Day: Custom Fields In Advanced HR”

MDGP 2013 Feature of the Day: Prevent PO Close with Unmatched Quantity

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft are posting the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Feature of the Day series on the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Blog.

The sixty ninth feature they’ve announced is Prevent PO Close with Unmatched Quantity.

With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Purchase Order Processing you will be warned if you try to close a purchase order when the quantity invoiced doesn’t match the quantity shipped on the purchase order.

In Edit Purchase Orders each line on the PO will check the quantity shipped and quantity invoiced. If the quantities don’t match and you try to close the PO line, a warning will be given for the line item. If you try to close the PO, a warning will be given if one or more lines have quantities that don’t match. You can continue to close the PO once the warning is given.

Edit Purchase Order Status

This new feature is targeted at the following roles:

  • Accounts Payable
  • Purchasing Agent
  • Purchasing Manager