Don’t Forget We Have 3 e-Copies Of Packt’s Developing Microsoft Dynamics GP Business Applications Book To Giveaway

Microsoft Dynamics GPAs the title says, don’t forget that I have teamed up with Packt Publishing and have organised a give away especially for you. All you need to do is submit a reason why you should win and win one of three free e-copies of Developing Microsoft Dynamics GP Business Applications. Three lucky winners stand a chance to win an e-copy of the book;

Developing Microsoft Dynamics GP Business Applications by Leslie Vail

How to Enter?
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How To Install Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Web Client: Installing the Web Client

Microsoft Dynamics GPIn this series of posts, I’m taking a look at the steps needed to install the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Web Client. In the previous posts I took a look at installing the Web Client Runtime, adding the IIS Role and a self-signed certificate created. With those steps completed, we can now install the Web Client itself.

This is done from the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 setup utility by selecting Web Client under the Additional Products section;

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 setup utility

Continue reading “How To Install Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Web Client: Installing the Web Client”

How To Install Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Web Client: Create A Self-Signed Certificate

Microsoft Dynamics GPEarlier in this series of posts, I took a look at installing the Web Client Runtime and adding the IIS server role. In this post I’ll take a look at installing a self-signed certificate (self-signed is really only a valid option for a demo or test system; on a live system you should really use a real certificate.

To create a self-signed one, open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager and click on Server Certificates;

Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager - Server Home

Continue reading “How To Install Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Web Client: Create A Self-Signed Certificate”

Win A Free e-Copy of Packt’s Developing Microsoft Dynamics GP Business Applications Book

Microsoft Dynamics GPI am pleased to announce that I have teamed up with Packt Publishing and are organizing a give away especially for you. All you need to do is submit a comment below the post and win a free e-copy of Developing Microsoft Dynamics GP Business Applications. Three lucky winners stand a chance to win an e-copy of the book.

Keep reading to find out how you can be one of the Lucky Ones.

Developing Microsoft Dynamics GP Business Applications by Leslie Vail

Overview of Developing Microsoft Dynamics GP Business Applications eBook

  • Make your business more efficient with fully customizable applications
  • Develop mission critical applications with Microsoft Dynamics GP
  • Learn how to enhance your application with sanScript

How to Enter?
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Review of Developing Microsoft Dynamics GP Business Applications – Part 2

Microsoft Dynamics GPThings have been very hectic recently and I’ve found myself slacking off from reviewing Leslie’s book Developing Microsoft Dynamics GP Business Applications which was published at the end of December by Packt Publishing;

Developing Microsoft Dynamics GP Business Applications by Leslie Vail

Well, I now have a bit more time so I’ve returned to the book to take a look at chapter 3, Getting Started with Dexterity which gives a thorough look at Dexterity; how to install it’s development environment, what the components are and how they hang together and the pitfalls to watch out for.

Continue reading “Review of Developing Microsoft Dynamics GP Business Applications – Part 2”

How To Install Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Web Client: Adding The IIS Role

Microsoft Dynamics GPIn this series of posts, I’m taking a look at installing the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Web Client as a single machine deployment. To be able to install the Web Client, we need to have ISS installed. The server I am installing this on is a Windows Server 2012 so this is done via the Server Manager.

To add the ISS Role, click on Add Roles and Features;

Server Manager

Continue reading “How To Install Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Web Client: Adding The IIS Role”

How To Install Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Web Client: Installing the Web Client Runtime

Microsoft Dynamics GPI’ve been working my way through a number of different products which ship alongside Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013, such as Business Analyzer and Integration Manager, and thought I’d also cover one of the additional products which is brand new: the Web Client.

In this series of posts, I’m going to take a look at a Single Machine deployment (I will look at a Multi-Machine deployment another time). The first step in the deployment of the Web Client is to install the Web Client Runtime on a machine which already has Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 desktop client installed.

This can be done either via Programs and Features in the Control Panel or, as I am doing in this example, via the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 setup utility. In the setup utility, select Microsoft Dynamics GP;

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 setup utility

Continue reading “How To Install Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Web Client: Installing the Web Client Runtime”

Web Services Management Tools Error – Could not access the SecurityService service

Microsoft Dynamics GPWhile I was working on the series of posts for how to install the Web Services for Microsoft Dynamics GP, I encountered a couple of problems which I thought it might be worth covering; in the last post I looked at resolving a problem with the eConnect Integration Service not running. The second error I encountered was after I installed the Management Tools on a client machine and tried to start it;

Could not access service: Could not access the SecurityService service. The request failed with HTTP status 404: Not FoundCould not access service: Could not access the SecurityService service. The request failed with HTTP status 404: Not Found

Continue reading “Web Services Management Tools Error – Could not access the SecurityService service”

Resolving A Problem With The eConnect Integration Service Not Running

Microsoft Dynamics GPWhile I was working on the series of posts for how to install the Web Services for Microsoft Dynamics GP, I encountered a couple of problems which I thought it might be worth covering in this and the next post.

The first was to do with the eConnect Integration Service which is installed as part of the install of Web Services. The basic problem was that the service was not running;

Services - eConnect for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Integration Service

Continue reading “Resolving A Problem With The eConnect Integration Service Not Running”

How To Install Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Web Services Management Tools

Microsoft Dynamics GPWith the web services installed, configured and verified we can install the Management Tools on a client machine so we don’t need to access the server each time we need to make a change; note that the Management Tools can only be installed on a client machine if there is a domain controller on the network.

To install the Web Services Management Tools, open the Microsoft Dynamics GP setup utility and select Web Services Management Tools;

Microsoft Dynamics GP setup utility

Continue reading “How To Install Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Web Services Management Tools”