MDGP 2015 R2 Feature of the Day: Purchasing All in One Document View — Options

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2 will soon be released (due late May/early June and, as with previous releases, Microsoft have started a Feature of the Day series on the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Team blog. As I have done with the last three series, I’ll be reposting these blog posts here with a little commentary.

The eighth Feature of the Day is Purchasing All in One Document View — Options.

This is a newly designed window inside of Microsoft Dynamics GP to enable users to view related purchasing documents in the same window.

Accessible from the Vendor Maintenance window, many purchasing inquiry windows, Navigation lists and even the Home Page this window will save users time in searching for all relevant information for a purchasing document.

The Options button will allow users to select which columns they want to see in this window. For example, if customers do not use Purchase Orders, they can uncheck the box and the first column would be Receipts. By default the Credit Documents column does not display but with this column checked up to six columns of data can be shown.

Purchasing All in One Document View — Options

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MDGP 2015 R2 Feature of the Day: Purchasing All in One Document View — Filter

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2 will soon be released (due late May/early June and, as with previous releases, Microsoft have started a Feature of the Day series on the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Team blog. As I have done with the last three series, I’ll be reposting these blog posts here with a little commentary.

The seventh Feature of the Day is Purchasing All in One Document View — Filter.

This is a newly designed window inside of Microsoft Dynamics GP to enable users to view related purchasing documents in the same window.

Accessible from the Vendor Maintenance window, many purchasing inquiry windows, Navigation lists and even the Home Page this window will save users time in searching for all relevant information for a purchasing document.

The Filter icon allows users to select open and/or historical or saved vs. posted documents in the Purchasing All in One Document View window. The options are specific to each column and saved per user allowing users to customize what they want to see. Specific searches are also enabled in the filter window to narrow down the search results. The clear filter icon with the red x will clear all filters and reset to the defaults.

Purchasing All in One Document View — Filter

This window looks like it could be a good addition as I often end up talking clients through finding all of the transactions relating to a purchase order.

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MDGP 2015 R2 Feature of the Day: Purchasing All in One Document View – Checkbox

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2 will soon be released (due late May/early June and, as with previous releases, Microsoft have started a Feature of the Day series on the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Team blog. As I have done with the last three series, I’ll be reposting these blog posts here with a little commentary.

The sixth Feature of the Day is Purchasing All in One Document View – Checkbox.

This is a newly designed window inside Microsoft Dynamics GP that enable users to view related purchasing documents in the same window.

Accessible from the Vendor Maintenance window, many purchasing inquiry windows, Navigation lists and even the Home Page this window will save users time in searching for all relevant information for a purchasing document.

By selecting the checkbox for one document the window redisplays all columns with only the related documents.

For example, select a purchase order and then only the receipts, invoices, payments and returns related to that PO are displayed.

Purchasing All in One Document View - Checkbox

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MDGP 2015 R2 Feature of the Day: Purchasing All in One Document View

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2 will soon be released (due late May/early June and, as with previous releases, Microsoft have started a Feature of the Day series on the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Team blog. As I have done with the last three series, I’ll be reposting these blog posts here with a little commentary.

The fifth Feature of the Day is Purchasing All in One Document View.

This is a newly designed window inside of Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2 which enables users to view related purchasing documents in the same window.

Accessible from the Vendor Maintenance window, many purchasing inquiry windows, Navigation lists and even the Home Page this window will save users time in searching for all relevant information for a purchasing document.

The most recent documents will default into the window and to see the next set of five transactions the navigation buttons under each column can be used.

Purchasing All in One Document View

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MDGP 2015 R2 Feature of the Day: Analytical Accounting Transaction Lists

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2 will soon be released (due late May/early June and, as with previous releases, Microsoft have started a Feature of the Day series on the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Team blog. As I have done with the last three series, I’ll be reposting these blog posts here with a little commentary.

The fourth Feature of the Day is Analytical Accounting Transaction Lists.

This feature provides improvements to SmartLists and Excel Reports for Analytical Accounting (AA) transaction information. The first improvement is an expansion of the amount of information available to be included as columns in the AA SmartLists and Excel Reports. AA tracks a lot of information for each record, and we’ve included more of this data in the SmartLists and Excel Reports.

Microsoft have also improved the way the AA dimension code information displays in the lists. In prior releases, the lists contained a single column for the AA transaction dimension code. Thus, if the company is tracking more than one dimension on a transaction, multiple lines were required in the list for a distribution entry.

In GP2015 R2, they have updated the SmartLists and Excel Reports to display a column for each transaction dimension, showing the code assigned for that dimension.

For example, the below SmartList shows how the list would display for a company tracking Cost Center and Project as AA transaction dimensions.

Analytical Accounting SmartList

The change in how the data displays improves readability of the report, and also improves the ease with which users can summarize and work with the data in Excel using pivot table functionality.

Analytical Accounting is one of the modules which is not much used, but can add substantial analysis without needing the chart of accounts to be overly complicated.

If you’re thinking of starting to use Analytical Accounting, more information is available in my second book, Microsoft Dynamics GP Financial Management:

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MDGP 2015 R2 Feature of the Day: Scriptable Provisioning & Management

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2 will soon be released (due late May/early June and, as with previous releases, Microsoft have started a Feature of the Day series on the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Team blog. As I have done with the last three series, I’ll be reposting these blog posts here with a little commentary.

The third Feature of the Day is Scriptable Provisioning & Management.

A critical element in successfully delivering Microsoft Dynamics GP as a cloud offering is the ability to centralize and automate the provisioning and management of the application.

Automation speeds up delivery, minimizes human involvement which reduces costs and the possibility of human errors, and can provide self-service functionality to the end user.

This feature addS APIs and PowerShell cmdlets that will enable automated/scriptable GP provisioning and management.

The screen shot shows a list of the PowerShell cmdlets available:

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 PowerShell

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 R2 saw the introduction of some PowerShell cmdlets, to which this new set adds. At Perfect Image we have been doing an increasing amount of work with the web client and have also had a number of projects recently whereby new companies are being created on existing systems.

The cmdlets have the potential to speed up both the deployment of the web client and new companies.

It has been on my To Do list for a while to learn PowerShell, but I think I may have to move it up the list fairly quickly.

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MDGP 2015 R2 Feature of the Day: Employee Self Service — W2

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2 will soon be released (due late May/early June and, as with previous releases, Microsoft have started a Feature of the Day series on the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Team blog. As I have done with the last three series, I’ll be reposting these blog posts here with a little commentary.

The second Feature of the Day is Employee Self Service — W2.

This was one of the top suggestions for employee self-service functionality. The new feature allows employees to view and print their own W2.

W2 - Wage and Tax Statement

Continue reading “MDGP 2015 R2 Feature of the Day: Employee Self Service — W2”

Security Views For Use In SmartList Designer: Security Roles With Tasks

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe fourth view being posted in this series takes a step back from the users and just shows the role and tasks within.

CREATE VIEW [dbo].[uv_AZRCRV_SecurityRolesWithTasks] AS
Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve|Ramblings of a Dynamics GP Consultant (
This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 UK: England & Wales (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 UK).
	['Security Roles Master'].SECURITYROLEID AS 'Security Role ID'
	,['Security Roles Master'].SECURITYROLENAME AS 'Security Role Name'
	,['Security Role Task Assignment'].SECURITYTASKID AS 'Security Task ID'
	,['Security Task Master'].SECURITYTASKNAME AS 'Security Task Name'
	SY09100 AS ['Security Roles Master']
	SY10600 AS ['Security Role Task Assignment']
		ON ['Security Role Task Assignment'].SECURITYROLEID = ['Security Roles Master'].SECURITYROLEID
	SY09000 AS ['Security Task Master']
		ON ['Security Task Master'].SECURITYTASKID = ['Security Role Task Assignment'].SECURITYTASKID


Security Views For Use In SmartList Designer: User Access & Granted Security Roles With Tasks

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe third SQL view I’m posting in this series is one which shows the user, the companies to which they have access and the security roles assigned within each company as well as the tasks within the role.

CREATE VIEW [dbo].[uv_AZRCRV_UserAccessAndGrantedSecurityRolesWithTasks] AS
Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve|Ramblings of a Dynamics GP Consultant (
This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 UK: England & Wales (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 UK).
	['User Master'].USERID AS 'User ID'
	,['User Master'].USERNAME AS 'Username'
	,['User Master'].USRCLASS AS 'User Class'
	,ISNULL(['Class Master'].DSCRIPTN, '') AS 'User Class Description'
	,ISNULL(['Company Master'].INTERID, '') AS 'Intercompany ID'
	,ISNULL(['Company Master'].CMPNYNAM, '') AS 'Company Name'
	,ISNULL(['Security Assignment User Role'].SECURITYROLEID, '') AS 'Security Role ID'
	,ISNULL(['Security Roles Master'].SECURITYROLENAME, '') AS 'Security Role Name'
	,ISNULL(['Security Role Task Assignment'].SECURITYTASKID, '') AS 'Security Task ID'
	,ISNULL(['Security Task Master'].SECURITYTASKNAME, '') AS 'Security Task Name'
	SY01400 AS ['User Master']
	SY40400 AS ['Class Master']
		ON ['Class Master'].USRCLASS = ['User Master'].USRCLASS
	SY60100 AS ['User-Company Access']
		ON ['User-Company Access'].USERID = ['User Master'].USERID
	SY10500 AS ['Security Assignment User Role']
		ON ['Security Assignment User Role'].CMPANYID = ['User-Company Access'].CMPANYID
			AND ['Security Assignment User Role'].USERID = ['User-Company Access'].USERID
	SY09100 AS ['Security Roles Master']
		ON ['Security Roles Master'].SECURITYROLEID = ['Security Assignment User Role'].SECURITYROLEID
	SY01500 AS ['Company Master']
		ON ['Company Master'].CMPANYID = ['User-Company Access'].CMPANYID
	SY10600 AS ['Security Role Task Assignment']
		ON ['Security Role Task Assignment'].SECURITYROLEID = ['Security Roles Master'].SECURITYROLEID
	SY09000 AS ['Security Task Master']
		ON ['Security Task Master'].SECURITYTASKID = ['Security Role Task Assignment'].SECURITYTASKID

GRANT SELECT ON uv_AZRCRV_UserAccessAndGrantedSecurityRolesWithTasks TO DYNGRP

MDGP 2015 R2 Feature of the Day: Payables Transaction Approval Workflow

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2 will soon be released (due late May/early June and, as with previous releases, Microsoft have started a Feature of the Day series on the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Team blog. As I have done with the last three series, I’ll be reposting these blog pists here with a little commentary.

The first Feature of the Day is Payables Transaction Workflow. Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 R2 saw the introduction of a new Dynamics Workflow module which replaced the old SharePoint one. This module was further extedned in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 and is seeing further improvements in GP 2015 R2.

On the Microsoft Connect website, one of the most requested additions to Workflow was a new Approval Workflow type for Payables Transactions. Well, we asked… and Microsoft delivered.

The Payables Transaction Approval workflow type allows each individual transaction to be submitted for approval (Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 allowed for batches of transactions to be submitted for approval; a workflow type which remains).

Payables Transaction Approval Workflow

I am really pleased to see this Approval type introduced as we have a number of clients who, when shown the Payables Batch Approval workflow, immediately asked if they could submit individual transactions for approval instead of the entire batch.

This Feature of the Day also proves what I have been telling clients for a while; Microsoft do listen to requests for new features, so if there is something you really want, submit it to MS Connect and let me know so I can both vote for it and also publicise it on this site (while writing this I realised how long ago it is since I publicised something).

I’ll have some news on the Workflow front in the near future so keep checking back (I should have more to tell you within a couple of weeks or so).

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