MDGP 2015 R2 Feature of the Day: SmartList Designer View Workflow Type

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2 will soon be released (due late May/early June and, as with previous releases, Microsoft have started a Feature of the Day series on the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Team blog. As I have done with the last three series, I’ll be reposting these blog posts here with a little commentary.

The fourteenth Feature of the Day is SmartList Designer View Workflow Type.

Within SmartList Designer a user can send a SmartList through workflow to create a SQL view based on the SmartList query. One active workflow will need to be setup in order for the SQL view to go through the approval process. SmartList workflows will be setup under the Administration series within the Workflow Maintenance window.

I’m interested in seeing this one in practice, but I am sceptical of the utility as there are not that many clients with technical users who would be able to do this type of thing who would also not be part of the IT Department with the ability and permissions just to create a view for SmartList.

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Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2 Now Available

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft appear to have snuck this one out on the quiet, as I haven’t seen any announcements.

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2 is now available to download from CustomerSource (login required).

It has a release date of 29/05/2015 so it looks to have been released on Friday. I wish I had known about it as I could have spent time over the weekend taking a look. Unfortunately, I am away for work until Saturday afternoon and then the neighbours have their 40th wedding anniversary party so it may be a while until I can download it.

I’ll be trying to download it from the hotel. But unless the hotel Wi-Fi is far better than I expect, you will have to take a look for me and report back.

New Book On Microsoft Dynamics GP Workflow 2.0 Available Now

Microsoft Dynamics GPMy fourth book is now available to buy in eBook format from azurecure Publishing.

Dynamics GP includes a variety of tools and modules to assist in controlling processes and data; one of the major modules for this was the Dynamics Workflow module. However, this module had major flaws which very much limited its usefulness; it was slow, clunky and difficult to install, configure and maintain.

Microsoft Dynamics GP Workflow 2.0

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Security Views For Use In SmartList Designer: Security Roles With Tasks & Operations

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe sixth SQL view in this series does not include users, but instead shows the security roles, tasks and also the operations. To use this view you will need to have populated the Security Resource Descriptions table.

CREATE VIEW [dbo].[uv_AZRCRV_SecurityRolesWithTasksAndOperations] AS
Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve|Ramblings of a Dynamics GP Consultant (
This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 UK: England & Wales (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 UK).
	['Security Roles Master'].SECURITYROLEID AS 'Security Role ID'
	,['Security Roles Master'].SECURITYROLENAME AS 'Security Role Name'
	,['Security Role Task Assignment'].SECURITYTASKID AS 'Security Task ID'
	,['Security Task Master'].SECURITYTASKNAME AS 'Security Task Name'
	,['Security Resource Descriptions'].Series_Name AS 'Series Name'
	,['Security Resource Descriptions'].DSPLNAME AS 'Security Operation Name'
	,['Security Resource Descriptions'].PRODNAME AS 'Product Name'
	SY09100 AS ['Security Roles Master']
	SY10600 AS ['Security Role Task Assignment']
		ON ['Security Role Task Assignment'].SECURITYROLEID = ['Security Roles Master'].SECURITYROLEID
	SY09000 AS ['Security Task Master']
		ON ['Security Task Master'].SECURITYTASKID = ['Security Role Task Assignment'].SECURITYTASKID
	SY10700 AS ['Security Assignment Task Operations']
		ON ['Security Assignment Task Operations'].SECURITYTASKID = ['Security Task Master'].SECURITYTASKID
	SY09400 AS ['Security Resource Descriptions']
			['Security Resource Descriptions'].DICTID = ['Security Assignment Task Operations'].DICTID
			['Security Resource Descriptions'].SECURITYID = ['Security Assignment Task Operations'].SECURITYID
			['Security Resource Descriptions'].SECRESTYPE = ['Security Assignment Task Operations'].SECRESTYPE

GRANT SELECT ON uv_AZRCRV_SecurityRolesWithTasksAndOperations TO DYNGRP

Updated 01/04/2020 to correct errors in join to SY09400 and add Series Name and Product Name to output.

Security Views For Use In SmartList Designer: Populating Security Resource Descriptions

Microsoft Dynamics GPIn this post I’m taking a slight diversion and not posting a SQL view. The reason is that the next view I will be posting requires that the security resource descriptions be available which, by default, they’re not. However, they can be made available, which is what I will be covering in this post.

SY09400 is the Security Resource Descriptions table which is, by default, empty as the names are stored within the Microsoft Dynamics GP client itself. However, this table can be populated, perhaps somewhat counter-intuitively, by using the Clear Data window (Microsoft Dynamics GP menu » Maintenance » Clear Data).

To populate the table, open Clear Data, click on Display and then select Physical:

Clear Data

Continue reading “Security Views For Use In SmartList Designer: Populating Security Resource Descriptions”

MDGP 2015 R2 Feature of the Day: SmartList Designer Create View

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2 will soon be released (due late May/early June and, as with previous releases, Microsoft have started a Feature of the Day series on the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Team blog. As I have done with the last three series, I’ll be reposting these blog posts here with a little commentary.

The thirteenth Feature of the Day is SmartList Designer Create View .

Within SmartList Designer a user can send a SmartList through workflow to create a SQL view based on the SmartList query.

This SQL view can then be used outside of GP for such purposes as creating reports using SQL reporting services or Power BI reports in Excel.

The view will also allow the user to publish the SmartList as a refreshable excel report from inside of Dynamics GP.

SmartList Designer

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MDGP 2015 R2 Feature of the Day: Self Service User Tasks and Roles

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2 will soon be released (due late May/early June and, as with previous releases, Microsoft have started a Feature of the Day series on the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Team blog. As I have done with the last three series, I’ll be reposting these blog posts here with a little commentary.

The twelfth Feature of the Day is Self Service User Tasks and Roles.

In the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2 release a Self Service user type was added; this user type will enable users that only require very limited access to the system a less expensive option to perform tasks such as entering payroll time, entering project time and expenses, or creating a requisition.

This feature also includes Employee Self Service Security Roles and the ability to filter on security tasks available for each user type, which will make the task and role assignment more efficient.

Security Role Setup & Security Role Setup

Nice to see that the new user type is also getting some easing of the setup of the roles and tasks. This is one area that, despite the default roles and tasks available, seems to daunt a lot of new users to the system.

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MDGP 2015 R2 Feature of the Day: Self Service User Type

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2 will soon be released (due late May/early June and, as with previous releases, Microsoft have started a Feature of the Day series on the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Team blog. As I have done with the last three series, I’ll be reposting these blog posts here with a little commentary.

The eleventh Feature of the Day is Self Service User Type.

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2 sees a Self Service user type added.

This user type will enable users that only require very limited access to the system a less expensive option to perform tasks such as entering payroll time, entering project time and expenses, or creating a requisition.

User Setup

This new user type is going to be a really useful addition. I have one client who has been looking for a POP add-on to allow online creation of orders for more than 400 users and all the old options were looking quite pricey.

This Self Service user type used in conjunction with the web client should give them the functionality they want, at a price point they can accept.

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MDGP 2015 R2 Feature of the Day: Document Attachment Workflow

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2 will soon be released (due late May/early June and, as with previous releases, Microsoft have started a Feature of the Day series on the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Team blog. As I have done with the last three series, I’ll be reposting these blog posts here with a little commentary.

The tenth Feature of the Day is Workflow — Document Attachment.

When a document has been added to a transaction or record using the Microsoft Dynamics GP Document Attachment feature, these attachments can now be sent with the workflow task notification email.

This feature is available for PM Batch Approval, Purchase Order Approval, Purchase Requisition Approval, Vendor Maintenance, and the new workflow type, Payables Transaction Approval.

For example, you can now enter a payables invoice, scan in and attach the record from the vendor, then submit the invoice for approval. When the approver receives the email, they will get the invoice information and the attachment will show the scanned invoice from the vendor.

Workflow Maintenance

For a few of our clients this is the missing piece of the Workflow puzzle. An email action from Workflow can contain the detail lines of an order, but a few clients have been asking to be able to include the attachments, especially for invoices and quotes attached to POs, for the manager or budget holder to review before approving.

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MDGP 2015 R2 Feature of the Day: Combined General Ledger Inquiry

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2 will soon be released (due late May/early June and, as with previous releases, Microsoft have started a Feature of the Day series on the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Team blog. As I have done with the last three series, I’ll be reposting these blog posts here with a little commentary.

The ninth Feature of the Day is Combined General Ledger Inquiry.

In Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2 in General Ledger, the inquiry windows have been consolidated. Now, you can view open and historical information in the same window for Summary Inquiry, Detail Inquiry and for Account Summary.

Any GoTos or drill backs will now go to the single window instead of the user picking open or history.

Combined General Ledger Summary Inquiry

Combined General Ledger Detailed Inquiry

This particular feature is well overdue. It always feels a little embarrassing when doing user training for a new client and having to show them separate enquiry windows for open and history years.

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