Can Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Developer Edition be Used for Demos and Testing?

Microsoft SQL ServerI’ve been creating a new dev/demo/test environment recently and have already posted some articles about how I install and configure Windows on the servers; as I am also installing the latest version of SQL Server I thought that I’d post articles about that as well, which is coming up soon.

One though occurred to me though and that was which version of the SQL Server I could use with a valid licence. I preferred to use SQL Developer over Express, just to avoid any limitations I might run into.

That said, licences aren’t really something I’ve been that involved with before, so I did a little digging. In the old days, there was a license agreement within the installation folders of SQL Server, but it seems these have now been moved online.

After selecting the details for SQL Server 2022 Developer Edition I was taken to this page which starts with exactly the sort of information for which I was looking.

a.       SQL Server Developer.
i.           General. You may install and use copies of the software on any device, including third party shared devices, to design, develop, test and demonstrate your programs. You may not use the software in a production environment.
ii.         Demonstration. Any person that has access to your internal network may install and use copies of the software to demonstrate use of your programs with the software. Those copies may not be used for any other purpose.
iii.       User Testing. Your end users may access the software to perform acceptance tests on your programs.

As you can see from the above, my purposes of using SQL Server 2022 Developer Edition for development, demonstrations and testing are all valid use cases under the license.

There is also a detailed licensing guide available which contains another possibly relevant piece of information (my emphasis):

SQL Server Developer Edition is a fully featured version of SQL Server software—including all the features and capabilities of Enterprise Edition—licensed for development, test and demonstration purposes only. SQL Server Developer Edition may not be used in a production environment. Any test data that was used for design, development or test purposes must be removed prior to deploying the software for production use.

To my reading, you can use Developer Edition for testing, but cannot treat it like a staging database for loading or preparing data for transfer to production. This isn’t something I was planning on doing, but it’s good to know that this isn’t permitted with the Developer Edition; that could be a job to do on an install of the Express Edition.

SQL Scripts for Microsoft Dynamics GP: List Open Purchase Order Lines

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis script is part of the SQL Scripts for Microsoft Dynamics GP where I will be posting the scripts I wrote against Microsoft Dynamics GP over the 19 years before I stopped working with Dynamics GP.

This script returns a list of open purchase order lines from POs with a remaining sub total amount.

Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve | Ramblings of an IT Professional ( This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Int). */
SELECT PONUMBER AS 'PO Number' ,LineNumber AS 'Line Number' ,CASE WHEN POLNESTA = 1 THEN 'New' WHEN POLNESTA = 2 THEN 'Released' WHEN POLNESTA = 3 THEN 'Change Order' WHEN POLNESTA = 4 THEN 'Received' WHEN POLNESTA = 5 THEN 'Closed' ELSE 'Cancelled' END AS 'PO Line Status' ,CASE WHEN POTYPE = 1 THEN 'Standard' WHEN POTYPE = 2 THEN 'Drop Ship' WHEN POTYPE = 3 THEN 'Blanket' ELSE 'Blank Drop Ship' END AS 'PO Type' ,ITEMNMBR AS 'Item Number' ,ITEMDESC AS 'Item Description' ,VENDORID AS 'Vendor ID' ,UOFM AS 'Unit of Measure' ,QTYORDER AS 'Qty Ordered' ,UNITCOST AS 'Unit Cost' ,EXTDCOST AS 'Line Subtotal' ,TAXAMNT AS 'Tax Amount' FROM POP10110 --Purchase Order Line (POP10110) WHERE PONUMBER IN ( SELECT PONUMBER FROM POP10100 --Purchase Order Work (POP10100) WHERE REMSUBTO <> 0 ) GO

Click to show/hide the SQL Scripts for Microsoft Dynamics GP Series Index

SQL Scripts for Microsoft Dynamics GP
Verify PM Batches Exist
Update Accrued Purchases Distribution on History Receipts from Posting Account Setup
Insert Mfg BOMs from Text File
SQL Function To Return Approver
List of Active Fixed Assets
Insert Manufacturing Routings from Text File
Table Function to Split String on Delimiter
List of Open Payables Transactions
Insert Creditor Item Numbers
Return Top Level BOM for Manufacturing Orders
Custom Purchase Order Email Notification to Originator on Workflow Final Approval
list of Open Payables Distributions
Set New Vendor On Hold if EFT Exists
Set New Vendor On Hold if EFT Exists
Payment Run Apply Query
List GL Transactions
Simple RMA Audit
Change Vendor Change Approvals Joins and Fields
Insert National Accounts from CSV
List GL Accounts With Notes
Import Site Bins From CSV
Remove Multicurrency from Sales Transactions
Change Email Notification Assignment
List General Ledger Transactions (Excluding Year End Journals)
List Taxes Linked to GL Accounts
Allow Workflow Originator to be an Approver
Add Joins and Fields to PM Document Approval Notification Emails
Update Accounts and Distributions on Work Status Sales Transactions from Item Card, Tax Details or Posting Account Setup
Upload and Verify Tax Commodity Codes
Delete Corrupt Extended Pricing Data
Assign All Items to All Site Bins
Sales Transactions (Work) Against a Specific Site
Change Web Service URi
SQL View to Return Quantity Available
Verify Tax Detail Assigned to Vendor
Insert Extended Pricing Price Sheet Header
Prefix Companies Names with System Designator
SQL View to Return Category Linked to Segment 3 in COA
Update Site Descriptions From CSV
Copy Workflow from Source to Destination Database
Extract GL Period Balances
Sales by Customer By Year
Purchased Items With Serial Numbers and Linked Sales Transactions
SQL View to Return Purchase Orders
Select All Primary Keys and Generate ALTER Script
Copy Workflow Calendar from Source to Destination Database
SQL Trigger on PO invoice Insert to Change GL posted Date
Sales by Salesperson By Year
Script to Set Transactions as Included on VAT Daybook Return
SQL Script to Return PO Receipts
Insert Extended Pricing Price Sheet UofM Work
View for Payables Transactions Extract
Export Open/History PM Transactions After a Specified Date
Copy Email Messages from a Source to Destination Database
PO Receipt History View
Insert Extended Pricing Price Sheet Assignments
Extract Payables Transactions from All Companies
List Open Purchase Orders
SQL View to Create Division Tree for Management Reporter
Select Chart of Accounts
Activate Horizontal Scroll Bars for All Existing Users
Workflow Assignment Review
Update Item Replenishment Method for Manufacturing
Get Alpha Characters from an Alphanumeric String
Set Vendor On Hold If EFT Details Changed
List Open Purchase Order Lines
SQL View to Create Division, including UDF 3 and 4, Tree for Management Reporter
Delete Orphaned Vendor EFT Details
Sales Invoice Query
Round Extended Pricing Price Sheet Item Value
Get Numeric Characters from an Alphanumeric String
Trigger to Activate Horizontal Scroll Bars for New Users
View to Return List of Payments and Linked Invoices
Select Duplicate Extended Pricing Price Sheet Work Records
RM Aged Debt Report
Select Next Temporary Creditor ID
Select a List of Vendor Addresses
Set Vendor On Hold When Created
Assembly Transaction Quantities Required
Generate Standard Cost Update Macro from Text File Import
Check for Corrupt Extended Pricing Records
Sales Line Items
Compare Ship To Address on Work Sales Trx Against Customer
SQL View to Return PO Commitment Detail
List Bank Accounts with Linked GL Accounts
Validate and Insert/Update Vendor Emails from a Text File
Return Items with Incorrect Quantities
Set Account Categories To User-Defined Field 2
Check Posting Type for Account (Segment 2)/Account Category Combinations
Update Ship To Name on Work Sales Transactions to Match the Customer Name
List Tax Detail Transactions
Select Tax Details and Related G/L Accounts
Update Account Description by Adding 3rd Segment Description
Update Segment Descriptions from Other Database
Return Opening Balance for Period of Supplied Date
Update Min Order Qty and Average Lead Time on Vendor Item From Text File
List of PM Invoices for Vendors with POs
Select Debit, Credit and Net Change for All Accounts in Date Range
Select All Pending Prepayments
Available Stock for All Items
Item Report
Migrate Vendor Emails from Active Docs to Standard Email Fields
Update Mfg Cost Accounts from Mfg Item Class Setup
PO Commitment Detail
Update Inventory Accounts from Item Class
Create Macro to Delete Items
Update Accounts Payable Distribution on Work Status PM Transactions from Posting Account Setup
Update Item Resource Planning on Item Quantity Master from Text File
SQL View to Return List of Posted Vendor Document Numbers
Update Inventory Distribution on Work Status Purchase Orders from the Item Card
Update Item Engineering File from a Text File
List of Exchange Rates

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central User Can’t See Manufacturing Pages Despite Permissions

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business CentralI fielded a query from a customer recently where they reported that when doing some testing in a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central sandbox environment (they were considering using the Manufacturing functionality), they had assigned permission sets which gave access to Manufacturing windows, but when they searched or browsed the role explorer they could not see the pages from manufacturing that they expected:

Role Explorer without Manufacturing pages

Continue reading “Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central User Can’t See Manufacturing Pages Despite Permissions”

New Functionality In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2023 Wave 2: Use Actions to Navigate or Fix Errors From Inline Validation Dialog

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business CentralThis post is part of the New Functionality In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2023 Wave 2 series in which I am taking a look at the new functionality introduced in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2023 Wave 2.

The eighth of the new functionality in the User experiences section is Use actions to navigate or fix errors from inline validation dialog.

Business Central validates data to improve its accuracy and reliability. When there’s an error, Business Central shows a small validation dialog to inform you. Microsoft have added actions on validation dialogs that take you to the problem so you can fix it, or have Business Central fix it for you when possible. The clear and actionable information in validation messages helps you quickly resolve errors so you can get about your business.

Enabled for: Users, automatically
Public Preview: Sep 2023
General Availability: Oct 2023

Feature Details

Validating data helps reduce the risk of errors and inconsistencies and raises its overall quality. However, finding errors is one thing, resolving them can be another. In the previous release wave, Microsoft introduced actions on error messages that either take you to the page where you can fix an error or have Business Central fix it for you. To further increase your ability to resolve errors yourself, Microsoft are bringing those same capabilities to validation dialogs. If you enter data that causes an error, you can go to the page where you can fix the problem or have Business Central do that for you.

New Functionality In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2023 Wave 2

New Functionality In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2023 Wave 2
Change Modification Limits for Triggering Flows and Bulk Updates
Support Business Events in Business Central Connector for Power Automate
Enable Specific Virtual Tables When You Connect to Dataverse
Get Control Over How to View Power BI Embedded Content
Availability Overview Helps You Calculate Quantities in Your Warehouse
Configure The Right Level of Handling For Different Warehouse Operations
Do financial Consolidations Across Environments in Multicompany Setups
Edit in Excel on Item Journals and Warehouse Worksheets
Get More Productive While Approving Time Sheets
Get More Productive While Entering Time Sheets
Include Approvals for Intercompany General Journals in Your Workflows
Make Intercompany Transactions Across Business Central Environments
Suggest the Next Step For Sales and Production Orders
Sync Document and Posting Dates for Sales and Purchases
Troubleshoot Shopify Integration Issues
Usability Improves for Warehouse, Inventory, and Tracking
Use Directed Pick and Put-away Suggestions in Basic Warehouse Configurations
Use General Ledger Allocations to Distribute Costs and Revenue More Efficiently
Complete Bank Account Reconciliation Faster With Copilot
Get Marketing Text Suggestions with Copilot
New Design for Report Language and Region Settings
Advance Payment and a Posting Preview of Tax Documents – Czechia
Direct Transfer – Czechia
E-submission of VAT Return in Denmark
Iceland Localization App – Delocalization
Intercompany Posting Cues to the Accountant Role Center – Czechia
New Intrastat – Czechia
Registration and Notification Functionality for Denmark
E-invoicing with NemHandel in Denmark
Supporting More Countries and Regions
Open Visual Studio Code From Web Client to Investigate or Troubleshoot Extensions
Turn Off Data Analysis Mode on Pages and Queries
Turn Off Indexes as a Partner
Use the Built-in Rich Text Editor to Enter Data
Assign More Granular Administration Rights
Improved Update Release Processes
Cancel Cloud Migration Replication Runs
Digital Vouchers
E-documents Core as a Global Solution
Large Companies to Report Payment Times
Modify Texts on the Welcome Banner and Skip Banner Intro State
Set Initial Role Before First Sign-in for a Better First-Run Experience
Enhancements to Excel Add-in
Analyze, Group, and Pivot Data on Queries Using Multiple Tabs
Discover Report and Data Analysis Content Easily
Get Power BI Reports for Reporting and Data Analysis on Finance, Sales, and Inventory
Data Loads Faster in the Server
Faster Application Scenarios
Pages Load Faster in Client
Performance Gain Reducing Locks in the Database
Add Existing Table Fields to Optimize Your Pages
Get to Data Search From Anywhere in Business Central
Distinguish Browser Tabs When Multitasking
Share Readable Deep Links to Pages and Records
Manage User Expectations with Selection Context-Based Actions
Peek at Summarized Data From Editable Fields
Search for Pages and Data in the Mobile App
Use Actions to Navigate or Fix Errors From Inline Validation Dialog
Updates to the Release Plan
Power Pages Support via Business Central Virtual Tables on Dataverse
Synchronize More Fields in Your Integration with Dataverse and Dynamics 365 Sales
Consolidated Power Automate Flow Creation from Business Central Templates
Get List of Companies Using Business Central Connector in Power Automate
Simplified Power Automate Approval Flow Experience
Create Power Automate Flows that Dynamically Support Different Companies
Business Central Virtual Tables Fully Supported on Microsoft Dataverse
Relate Native and Virtual Tables to Expose More Business Central Data in Dataverse
Include Only Open Entries on Customer Statements
Adjust Exchange Rates Easily, Replace the Built-in Batch Job
More Control Over General Journal Approvals
Use Different General Ledger Accounts for Payables, Receivables
Add More Columns to Pages for Better Insight
Availability Overview Helps You Calculate Quantities in Your Warehouse
Block Item Variants
Identify and Track Items Easier with Item References
Improved Processes for Inventory Counts and Adjustments
Navigate Easier Between Order, Receipt, and Invoice Documents
Print and Scan Barcodes
Receive More Items Than Ordered by Using Inventory Put-away Documents
Generate a Customer Statement Only With Open Entries
Responsibility Centers Are Supported for Advance Payments in Czechia
Easier Management of System Application Permissions
Get the AL Language Extension in Prerelease Versions on Visual Studio Code Marketplace
Find All References Now Works on Triggers, System Methods, and Trigger Events
Get Inlay Hints in Source Editor for AL Method Parameters and Return Types
Get Inlay Hints in Source Editor for AL Method Parameters and Return Types
Hover Over Label Variable to See Text String Value
Set New Output Folder Setting for Storing App Files at AL Project Build
Choose Between More Sampling Intervals for Snapshot and In-client Profiling
Get IntelliSense for Adding Variables in Visual Studio Code AL Debugger Console
Get Smarter Method Signature Recommendations in IntelliSense
Set the Default Folder Location for New AL Projects
Track Source and Build Metadata on Extensions
Use SecretText Type to Protect Credentials and Sensitive Textual Values From Being Revealed
Document Your Extensions With the ALDoc Tool for Partners
Segment AL Code and Reduce Naming Conflicts with Namespaces
Show List of Keys While Working on AL Code
Use the AL Language Extension for Linux in Preview
Provide Queries for Users to do Ad Hoc Data Analysis Across Tables
Add a New FieldGroup to an Existing Table
Add Teaching Tooltips on Queries and Report Request Pages
Get Syntax Highlighting for AL in Azure DevOps
Sell Business Central Apps Through AppSource
AppSource ISV Publishers Can Preview Their AppSource Apps With Select Customers
Extend General Ledger Posting Aggregations
Define multi-worksheet datasets for Excel reports
Include or Exclude Tables From Cloud Migration
Delete Data from Uninstalled Extensions as an Admin
Automatically Update AppSource Apps With Minor Updates
Transfer Environments Between Microsoft Entra Tenants
Control Partner Access Per Environment
Use Drop Shipments for Triangular Intrastat Trade
Start Faster with Refreshed and Enhanced Setup Data
VAT Posting in General Ledger Setup
Demo Tool and Data for Service Scenarios
Analyze, Group, and Pivot Data on Lists
Share a Data Analysis With a Co-worker
Synchronize Multiple Business Central Companies With the Same Dataverse Environment
New Operational Limits on Scheduled Tasks and Web Requests Improve Throughput
Service-to-Service Apps and Device License Users Can Schedule Tasks
Mark Fields as Read-only When Customizing UI
Scan barcodes with Business Central mobile app for iOS and Android
Access Worksheet Pages From Mobile Phones
Use Virtual Tables to Expose More Business Central Data in Dataverse
Reverse a Customer and Vendor Ledger Entry with a Realized Gain or Loss Entry
Use General Ledger Account Revaluation for More Accurate Financial Statements
Use Standard Terminology for Project Management
Use Currencies When Posting Employee Transactions
Chat with Copilot
Improved Data Upgrade Troubleshooting for Dynamics GP Migration
Retain Permissions When Enabling Cloud Migration
Detect Invalid Cloud Migration Configurations with Proactive Warnings
Multiple VAT Numbers per Customer

New Functionality In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2023 Wave 2: Search for Pages and Data in the Mobile App

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business CentralThis post is part of the New Functionality In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2023 Wave 2 series in which I am taking a look at the new functionality introduced in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2023 Wave 2.

The seventh of the new functionality in the User experiences section is search for pages and data in the mobile app.

More and more people use mobile phones or tablets to access Business Central. The ability to quickly find pages or data on mobile devices opens up many new possibilities for mobile scenarios.

Enabled for: Users, automatically
Public Preview: Sep 2023
General Availability: Oct 2023

Feature Details

This feature adds the popular Tell Me experience to mobile devices that run the Business Central app. It also provides access to the Tell Me built-in data search.

  • The Tell Me feature is enabled in the mobile app (phone and tablet mode on iOS and Android), and users can access any page they’re allowed to.
  • Permissions are respected. Users can’t access pages they don’t have permissions to open.
  • Pages that weren’t allowed on phones before—for example, worksheet pages—aren’t available.
  • The Alt+Q keyboard shortcut is available for devices that have a physical keyboard.
  • You must turn on this feature on the Feature Management page.
  • The AppSource section is hidden on mobile devices.
  • You can bookmark pages on mobile devices like you would on your computer.
Tell Me on a mobile device

New Functionality In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2023 Wave 2

New Functionality In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2023 Wave 2
Change Modification Limits for Triggering Flows and Bulk Updates
Support Business Events in Business Central Connector for Power Automate
Enable Specific Virtual Tables When You Connect to Dataverse
Get Control Over How to View Power BI Embedded Content
Availability Overview Helps You Calculate Quantities in Your Warehouse
Configure The Right Level of Handling For Different Warehouse Operations
Do financial Consolidations Across Environments in Multicompany Setups
Edit in Excel on Item Journals and Warehouse Worksheets
Get More Productive While Approving Time Sheets
Get More Productive While Entering Time Sheets
Include Approvals for Intercompany General Journals in Your Workflows
Make Intercompany Transactions Across Business Central Environments
Suggest the Next Step For Sales and Production Orders
Sync Document and Posting Dates for Sales and Purchases
Troubleshoot Shopify Integration Issues
Usability Improves for Warehouse, Inventory, and Tracking
Use Directed Pick and Put-away Suggestions in Basic Warehouse Configurations
Use General Ledger Allocations to Distribute Costs and Revenue More Efficiently
Complete Bank Account Reconciliation Faster With Copilot
Get Marketing Text Suggestions with Copilot
New Design for Report Language and Region Settings
Advance Payment and a Posting Preview of Tax Documents – Czechia
Direct Transfer – Czechia
E-submission of VAT Return in Denmark
Iceland Localization App – Delocalization
Intercompany Posting Cues to the Accountant Role Center – Czechia
New Intrastat – Czechia
Registration and Notification Functionality for Denmark
E-invoicing with NemHandel in Denmark
Supporting More Countries and Regions
Open Visual Studio Code From Web Client to Investigate or Troubleshoot Extensions
Turn Off Data Analysis Mode on Pages and Queries
Turn Off Indexes as a Partner
Use the Built-in Rich Text Editor to Enter Data
Assign More Granular Administration Rights
Improved Update Release Processes
Cancel Cloud Migration Replication Runs
Digital Vouchers
E-documents Core as a Global Solution
Large Companies to Report Payment Times
Modify Texts on the Welcome Banner and Skip Banner Intro State
Set Initial Role Before First Sign-in for a Better First-Run Experience
Enhancements to Excel Add-in
Analyze, Group, and Pivot Data on Queries Using Multiple Tabs
Discover Report and Data Analysis Content Easily
Get Power BI Reports for Reporting and Data Analysis on Finance, Sales, and Inventory
Data Loads Faster in the Server
Faster Application Scenarios
Pages Load Faster in Client
Performance Gain Reducing Locks in the Database
Add Existing Table Fields to Optimize Your Pages
Get to Data Search From Anywhere in Business Central
Distinguish Browser Tabs When Multitasking
Share Readable Deep Links to Pages and Records
Manage User Expectations with Selection Context-Based Actions
Peek at Summarized Data From Editable Fields
Search for Pages and Data in the Mobile App
Use Actions to Navigate or Fix Errors From Inline Validation Dialog
Updates to the Release Plan
Power Pages Support via Business Central Virtual Tables on Dataverse
Synchronize More Fields in Your Integration with Dataverse and Dynamics 365 Sales
Consolidated Power Automate Flow Creation from Business Central Templates
Get List of Companies Using Business Central Connector in Power Automate
Simplified Power Automate Approval Flow Experience
Create Power Automate Flows that Dynamically Support Different Companies
Business Central Virtual Tables Fully Supported on Microsoft Dataverse
Relate Native and Virtual Tables to Expose More Business Central Data in Dataverse
Include Only Open Entries on Customer Statements
Adjust Exchange Rates Easily, Replace the Built-in Batch Job
More Control Over General Journal Approvals
Use Different General Ledger Accounts for Payables, Receivables
Add More Columns to Pages for Better Insight
Availability Overview Helps You Calculate Quantities in Your Warehouse
Block Item Variants
Identify and Track Items Easier with Item References
Improved Processes for Inventory Counts and Adjustments
Navigate Easier Between Order, Receipt, and Invoice Documents
Print and Scan Barcodes
Receive More Items Than Ordered by Using Inventory Put-away Documents
Generate a Customer Statement Only With Open Entries
Responsibility Centers Are Supported for Advance Payments in Czechia
Easier Management of System Application Permissions
Get the AL Language Extension in Prerelease Versions on Visual Studio Code Marketplace
Find All References Now Works on Triggers, System Methods, and Trigger Events
Get Inlay Hints in Source Editor for AL Method Parameters and Return Types
Get Inlay Hints in Source Editor for AL Method Parameters and Return Types
Hover Over Label Variable to See Text String Value
Set New Output Folder Setting for Storing App Files at AL Project Build
Choose Between More Sampling Intervals for Snapshot and In-client Profiling
Get IntelliSense for Adding Variables in Visual Studio Code AL Debugger Console
Get Smarter Method Signature Recommendations in IntelliSense
Set the Default Folder Location for New AL Projects
Track Source and Build Metadata on Extensions
Use SecretText Type to Protect Credentials and Sensitive Textual Values From Being Revealed
Document Your Extensions With the ALDoc Tool for Partners
Segment AL Code and Reduce Naming Conflicts with Namespaces
Show List of Keys While Working on AL Code
Use the AL Language Extension for Linux in Preview
Provide Queries for Users to do Ad Hoc Data Analysis Across Tables
Add a New FieldGroup to an Existing Table
Add Teaching Tooltips on Queries and Report Request Pages
Get Syntax Highlighting for AL in Azure DevOps
Sell Business Central Apps Through AppSource
AppSource ISV Publishers Can Preview Their AppSource Apps With Select Customers
Extend General Ledger Posting Aggregations
Define multi-worksheet datasets for Excel reports
Include or Exclude Tables From Cloud Migration
Delete Data from Uninstalled Extensions as an Admin
Automatically Update AppSource Apps With Minor Updates
Transfer Environments Between Microsoft Entra Tenants
Control Partner Access Per Environment
Use Drop Shipments for Triangular Intrastat Trade
Start Faster with Refreshed and Enhanced Setup Data
VAT Posting in General Ledger Setup
Demo Tool and Data for Service Scenarios
Analyze, Group, and Pivot Data on Lists
Share a Data Analysis With a Co-worker
Synchronize Multiple Business Central Companies With the Same Dataverse Environment
New Operational Limits on Scheduled Tasks and Web Requests Improve Throughput
Service-to-Service Apps and Device License Users Can Schedule Tasks
Mark Fields as Read-only When Customizing UI
Scan barcodes with Business Central mobile app for iOS and Android
Access Worksheet Pages From Mobile Phones
Use Virtual Tables to Expose More Business Central Data in Dataverse
Reverse a Customer and Vendor Ledger Entry with a Realized Gain or Loss Entry
Use General Ledger Account Revaluation for More Accurate Financial Statements
Use Standard Terminology for Project Management
Use Currencies When Posting Employee Transactions
Chat with Copilot
Improved Data Upgrade Troubleshooting for Dynamics GP Migration
Retain Permissions When Enabling Cloud Migration
Detect Invalid Cloud Migration Configurations with Proactive Warnings
Multiple VAT Numbers per Customer

New Functionality In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2023 Wave 2: Peek at Summarized Data From Editable Fields

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business CentralThis post is part of the New Functionality In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2023 Wave 2 series in which I am taking a look at the new functionality introduced in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2023 Wave 2.

The sixth of the new functionality in the User experiences section is Peek at summarized data from editable fields.

Peek view offers a quick and easy way to access and understand key information about related records. Peeking records can improve decision-making by providing a clear and concise overview of important information without leaving your current task.

Enabled for: Users, automatically
Public Preview: Sep 2023
General Availability: Oct 2023

Feature Details

Until now, the peek control was available only in lists and non-editable forms. You can now use the peek control to access summarized information about related records on every page, which can help you stay focused on the task at hand.

My Opinion

This sounds like it could be good, but I dp really want to see how it is implemented.

New Functionality In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2023 Wave 2

New Functionality In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2023 Wave 2
Change Modification Limits for Triggering Flows and Bulk Updates
Support Business Events in Business Central Connector for Power Automate
Enable Specific Virtual Tables When You Connect to Dataverse
Get Control Over How to View Power BI Embedded Content
Availability Overview Helps You Calculate Quantities in Your Warehouse
Configure The Right Level of Handling For Different Warehouse Operations
Do financial Consolidations Across Environments in Multicompany Setups
Edit in Excel on Item Journals and Warehouse Worksheets
Get More Productive While Approving Time Sheets
Get More Productive While Entering Time Sheets
Include Approvals for Intercompany General Journals in Your Workflows
Make Intercompany Transactions Across Business Central Environments
Suggest the Next Step For Sales and Production Orders
Sync Document and Posting Dates for Sales and Purchases
Troubleshoot Shopify Integration Issues
Usability Improves for Warehouse, Inventory, and Tracking
Use Directed Pick and Put-away Suggestions in Basic Warehouse Configurations
Use General Ledger Allocations to Distribute Costs and Revenue More Efficiently
Complete Bank Account Reconciliation Faster With Copilot
Get Marketing Text Suggestions with Copilot
New Design for Report Language and Region Settings
Advance Payment and a Posting Preview of Tax Documents – Czechia
Direct Transfer – Czechia
E-submission of VAT Return in Denmark
Iceland Localization App – Delocalization
Intercompany Posting Cues to the Accountant Role Center – Czechia
New Intrastat – Czechia
Registration and Notification Functionality for Denmark
E-invoicing with NemHandel in Denmark
Supporting More Countries and Regions
Open Visual Studio Code From Web Client to Investigate or Troubleshoot Extensions
Turn Off Data Analysis Mode on Pages and Queries
Turn Off Indexes as a Partner
Use the Built-in Rich Text Editor to Enter Data
Assign More Granular Administration Rights
Improved Update Release Processes
Cancel Cloud Migration Replication Runs
Digital Vouchers
E-documents Core as a Global Solution
Large Companies to Report Payment Times
Modify Texts on the Welcome Banner and Skip Banner Intro State
Set Initial Role Before First Sign-in for a Better First-Run Experience
Enhancements to Excel Add-in
Analyze, Group, and Pivot Data on Queries Using Multiple Tabs
Discover Report and Data Analysis Content Easily
Get Power BI Reports for Reporting and Data Analysis on Finance, Sales, and Inventory
Data Loads Faster in the Server
Faster Application Scenarios
Pages Load Faster in Client
Performance Gain Reducing Locks in the Database
Add Existing Table Fields to Optimize Your Pages
Get to Data Search From Anywhere in Business Central
Distinguish Browser Tabs When Multitasking
Share Readable Deep Links to Pages and Records
Manage User Expectations with Selection Context-Based Actions
Peek at Summarized Data From Editable Fields
Search for Pages and Data in the Mobile App
Use Actions to Navigate or Fix Errors From Inline Validation Dialog
Updates to the Release Plan
Power Pages Support via Business Central Virtual Tables on Dataverse
Synchronize More Fields in Your Integration with Dataverse and Dynamics 365 Sales
Consolidated Power Automate Flow Creation from Business Central Templates
Get List of Companies Using Business Central Connector in Power Automate
Simplified Power Automate Approval Flow Experience
Create Power Automate Flows that Dynamically Support Different Companies
Business Central Virtual Tables Fully Supported on Microsoft Dataverse
Relate Native and Virtual Tables to Expose More Business Central Data in Dataverse
Include Only Open Entries on Customer Statements
Adjust Exchange Rates Easily, Replace the Built-in Batch Job
More Control Over General Journal Approvals
Use Different General Ledger Accounts for Payables, Receivables
Add More Columns to Pages for Better Insight
Availability Overview Helps You Calculate Quantities in Your Warehouse
Block Item Variants
Identify and Track Items Easier with Item References
Improved Processes for Inventory Counts and Adjustments
Navigate Easier Between Order, Receipt, and Invoice Documents
Print and Scan Barcodes
Receive More Items Than Ordered by Using Inventory Put-away Documents
Generate a Customer Statement Only With Open Entries
Responsibility Centers Are Supported for Advance Payments in Czechia
Easier Management of System Application Permissions
Get the AL Language Extension in Prerelease Versions on Visual Studio Code Marketplace
Find All References Now Works on Triggers, System Methods, and Trigger Events
Get Inlay Hints in Source Editor for AL Method Parameters and Return Types
Get Inlay Hints in Source Editor for AL Method Parameters and Return Types
Hover Over Label Variable to See Text String Value
Set New Output Folder Setting for Storing App Files at AL Project Build
Choose Between More Sampling Intervals for Snapshot and In-client Profiling
Get IntelliSense for Adding Variables in Visual Studio Code AL Debugger Console
Get Smarter Method Signature Recommendations in IntelliSense
Set the Default Folder Location for New AL Projects
Track Source and Build Metadata on Extensions
Use SecretText Type to Protect Credentials and Sensitive Textual Values From Being Revealed
Document Your Extensions With the ALDoc Tool for Partners
Segment AL Code and Reduce Naming Conflicts with Namespaces
Show List of Keys While Working on AL Code
Use the AL Language Extension for Linux in Preview
Provide Queries for Users to do Ad Hoc Data Analysis Across Tables
Add a New FieldGroup to an Existing Table
Add Teaching Tooltips on Queries and Report Request Pages
Get Syntax Highlighting for AL in Azure DevOps
Sell Business Central Apps Through AppSource
AppSource ISV Publishers Can Preview Their AppSource Apps With Select Customers
Extend General Ledger Posting Aggregations
Define multi-worksheet datasets for Excel reports
Include or Exclude Tables From Cloud Migration
Delete Data from Uninstalled Extensions as an Admin
Automatically Update AppSource Apps With Minor Updates
Transfer Environments Between Microsoft Entra Tenants
Control Partner Access Per Environment
Use Drop Shipments for Triangular Intrastat Trade
Start Faster with Refreshed and Enhanced Setup Data
VAT Posting in General Ledger Setup
Demo Tool and Data for Service Scenarios
Analyze, Group, and Pivot Data on Lists
Share a Data Analysis With a Co-worker
Synchronize Multiple Business Central Companies With the Same Dataverse Environment
New Operational Limits on Scheduled Tasks and Web Requests Improve Throughput
Service-to-Service Apps and Device License Users Can Schedule Tasks
Mark Fields as Read-only When Customizing UI
Scan barcodes with Business Central mobile app for iOS and Android
Access Worksheet Pages From Mobile Phones
Use Virtual Tables to Expose More Business Central Data in Dataverse
Reverse a Customer and Vendor Ledger Entry with a Realized Gain or Loss Entry
Use General Ledger Account Revaluation for More Accurate Financial Statements
Use Standard Terminology for Project Management
Use Currencies When Posting Employee Transactions
Chat with Copilot
Improved Data Upgrade Troubleshooting for Dynamics GP Migration
Retain Permissions When Enabling Cloud Migration
Detect Invalid Cloud Migration Configurations with Proactive Warnings
Multiple VAT Numbers per Customer

Add Missing Prefix to Purchase Order Number in Continia Software’s Document Capture

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business CentralI’ve been doing some work with a client recently, helping them implement Document capture (DC) from Continia Software. One of the queries which cam eup, was how to add a prefix onto a purchase order number.

The issue was that they were sending purchase orders out with a company specific prefix (e.g. FAB- for Fabrikam, Inc. or CRO- for Cronus UK, Ltd.), but when the invoice came in, the supplier was not including the prefix so the invoices were not matching up with the receipts.

I did a little experimenting and came up with a solution of the client which both worked and was easy for them to maintain in future. We did this by adding two new fields (PO Prefix and PO Number Without Prefix) and changing the standard Our Order No. field to have a formula where the two new fields were concatenated.

The example below is one I have mocked up, rather than using screenshots from the clients system. In this example, the new PO Number field has a Formula set to 'PO' (on the client’s system this would have been something like 'FAB-') and set to not required and not to search for the value:

Template Card Field - PO Prefix

Continue reading “Add Missing Prefix to Purchase Order Number in Continia Software’s Document Capture”

New Functionality In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2023 Wave 2: Manage User Expectations with Selection Context-Based Actions

error Important

The planned features for this release wave have been updated and this feature appears to have been removed.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business CentralThis post is part of the New Functionality In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2023 Wave 2 series in which I am taking a look at the new functionality introduced in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2023 Wave 2.

The fifth of the new functionality in the User experiences section is manage user expectations with selection context-based actions.

Microsoft have made the experience of using actions on pages easier to understand and more consistent. While you’re working, only the actions that are relevant to your current selections are available. Because only the actions you can use are available, you’ll spend less effort on trying to figure out what you can do with your selections.

Enabled for: Users, automatically
Public Preview: Sep 2023
General Availability: Oct 2023

Feature Details

You might want to request approval for multiple documents or send multiple sales order confirmations to customers. However, some actions don’t work for more than one thing at a time. To clarify what you can do when you haven’t selected anything, or you’ve made single or multiple selections, only the actions that you can use are available.

My Opinion

I like this; there has been a few occasions recently where I’ve selected multiple rows and found that when I select an action it was only one row which was impacted. More clarity around this will be really good.

New Functionality In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2023 Wave 2

New Functionality In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2023 Wave 2
Change Modification Limits for Triggering Flows and Bulk Updates
Support Business Events in Business Central Connector for Power Automate
Enable Specific Virtual Tables When You Connect to Dataverse
Get Control Over How to View Power BI Embedded Content
Availability Overview Helps You Calculate Quantities in Your Warehouse
Configure The Right Level of Handling For Different Warehouse Operations
Do financial Consolidations Across Environments in Multicompany Setups
Edit in Excel on Item Journals and Warehouse Worksheets
Get More Productive While Approving Time Sheets
Get More Productive While Entering Time Sheets
Include Approvals for Intercompany General Journals in Your Workflows
Make Intercompany Transactions Across Business Central Environments
Suggest the Next Step For Sales and Production Orders
Sync Document and Posting Dates for Sales and Purchases
Troubleshoot Shopify Integration Issues
Usability Improves for Warehouse, Inventory, and Tracking
Use Directed Pick and Put-away Suggestions in Basic Warehouse Configurations
Use General Ledger Allocations to Distribute Costs and Revenue More Efficiently
Complete Bank Account Reconciliation Faster With Copilot
Get Marketing Text Suggestions with Copilot
New Design for Report Language and Region Settings
Advance Payment and a Posting Preview of Tax Documents – Czechia
Direct Transfer – Czechia
E-submission of VAT Return in Denmark
Iceland Localization App – Delocalization
Intercompany Posting Cues to the Accountant Role Center – Czechia
New Intrastat – Czechia
Registration and Notification Functionality for Denmark
E-invoicing with NemHandel in Denmark
Supporting More Countries and Regions
Open Visual Studio Code From Web Client to Investigate or Troubleshoot Extensions
Turn Off Data Analysis Mode on Pages and Queries
Turn Off Indexes as a Partner
Use the Built-in Rich Text Editor to Enter Data
Assign More Granular Administration Rights
Improved Update Release Processes
Cancel Cloud Migration Replication Runs
Digital Vouchers
E-documents Core as a Global Solution
Large Companies to Report Payment Times
Modify Texts on the Welcome Banner and Skip Banner Intro State
Set Initial Role Before First Sign-in for a Better First-Run Experience
Enhancements to Excel Add-in
Analyze, Group, and Pivot Data on Queries Using Multiple Tabs
Discover Report and Data Analysis Content Easily
Get Power BI Reports for Reporting and Data Analysis on Finance, Sales, and Inventory
Data Loads Faster in the Server
Faster Application Scenarios
Pages Load Faster in Client
Performance Gain Reducing Locks in the Database
Add Existing Table Fields to Optimize Your Pages
Get to Data Search From Anywhere in Business Central
Distinguish Browser Tabs When Multitasking
Share Readable Deep Links to Pages and Records
Manage User Expectations with Selection Context-Based Actions
Peek at Summarized Data From Editable Fields
Search for Pages and Data in the Mobile App
Use Actions to Navigate or Fix Errors From Inline Validation Dialog
Updates to the Release Plan
Power Pages Support via Business Central Virtual Tables on Dataverse
Synchronize More Fields in Your Integration with Dataverse and Dynamics 365 Sales
Consolidated Power Automate Flow Creation from Business Central Templates
Get List of Companies Using Business Central Connector in Power Automate
Simplified Power Automate Approval Flow Experience
Create Power Automate Flows that Dynamically Support Different Companies
Business Central Virtual Tables Fully Supported on Microsoft Dataverse
Relate Native and Virtual Tables to Expose More Business Central Data in Dataverse
Include Only Open Entries on Customer Statements
Adjust Exchange Rates Easily, Replace the Built-in Batch Job
More Control Over General Journal Approvals
Use Different General Ledger Accounts for Payables, Receivables
Add More Columns to Pages for Better Insight
Availability Overview Helps You Calculate Quantities in Your Warehouse
Block Item Variants
Identify and Track Items Easier with Item References
Improved Processes for Inventory Counts and Adjustments
Navigate Easier Between Order, Receipt, and Invoice Documents
Print and Scan Barcodes
Receive More Items Than Ordered by Using Inventory Put-away Documents
Generate a Customer Statement Only With Open Entries
Responsibility Centers Are Supported for Advance Payments in Czechia
Easier Management of System Application Permissions
Get the AL Language Extension in Prerelease Versions on Visual Studio Code Marketplace
Find All References Now Works on Triggers, System Methods, and Trigger Events
Get Inlay Hints in Source Editor for AL Method Parameters and Return Types
Get Inlay Hints in Source Editor for AL Method Parameters and Return Types
Hover Over Label Variable to See Text String Value
Set New Output Folder Setting for Storing App Files at AL Project Build
Choose Between More Sampling Intervals for Snapshot and In-client Profiling
Get IntelliSense for Adding Variables in Visual Studio Code AL Debugger Console
Get Smarter Method Signature Recommendations in IntelliSense
Set the Default Folder Location for New AL Projects
Track Source and Build Metadata on Extensions
Use SecretText Type to Protect Credentials and Sensitive Textual Values From Being Revealed
Document Your Extensions With the ALDoc Tool for Partners
Segment AL Code and Reduce Naming Conflicts with Namespaces
Show List of Keys While Working on AL Code
Use the AL Language Extension for Linux in Preview
Provide Queries for Users to do Ad Hoc Data Analysis Across Tables
Add a New FieldGroup to an Existing Table
Add Teaching Tooltips on Queries and Report Request Pages
Get Syntax Highlighting for AL in Azure DevOps
Sell Business Central Apps Through AppSource
AppSource ISV Publishers Can Preview Their AppSource Apps With Select Customers
Extend General Ledger Posting Aggregations
Define multi-worksheet datasets for Excel reports
Include or Exclude Tables From Cloud Migration
Delete Data from Uninstalled Extensions as an Admin
Automatically Update AppSource Apps With Minor Updates
Transfer Environments Between Microsoft Entra Tenants
Control Partner Access Per Environment
Use Drop Shipments for Triangular Intrastat Trade
Start Faster with Refreshed and Enhanced Setup Data
VAT Posting in General Ledger Setup
Demo Tool and Data for Service Scenarios
Analyze, Group, and Pivot Data on Lists
Share a Data Analysis With a Co-worker
Synchronize Multiple Business Central Companies With the Same Dataverse Environment
New Operational Limits on Scheduled Tasks and Web Requests Improve Throughput
Service-to-Service Apps and Device License Users Can Schedule Tasks
Mark Fields as Read-only When Customizing UI
Scan barcodes with Business Central mobile app for iOS and Android
Access Worksheet Pages From Mobile Phones
Use Virtual Tables to Expose More Business Central Data in Dataverse
Reverse a Customer and Vendor Ledger Entry with a Realized Gain or Loss Entry
Use General Ledger Account Revaluation for More Accurate Financial Statements
Use Standard Terminology for Project Management
Use Currencies When Posting Employee Transactions
Chat with Copilot
Improved Data Upgrade Troubleshooting for Dynamics GP Migration
Retain Permissions When Enabling Cloud Migration
Detect Invalid Cloud Migration Configurations with Proactive Warnings
Multiple VAT Numbers per Customer

Problem Recognising Lines on Telephone Bill in Continia Software’s Document Capture

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business CentralI was doing some work with a client implementing Document Capture (DC) from Continia Software. This is an extension for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central which allows PDF invoices to be scanned and (optionally) matched against purchase orders and/or receipts. I provided some training to clients on doing the setup of vendor templates and let them get on with creating the required templates.

However, they brought one to me as they could not get the invoice line fields to recognise. The issue was down to it being an invoice from a mobile phone (cellnet for any Americans reading) company where the header (and footer) fields were on the first page and all of the lines on the second page.

I did some digging and found that two of the footer fields, Amount Incl. VAT and VAT Amount, needed a setting changed. These fields are set up with the Stop Lines Recognition set to If Caption or Value is on same line. As these fields were on the first page and the lines on the second page, there setting on the Stop Lines Recognition meant that DC found these fields and stopped looking for lines.

I changed the setting on both fields to a blank:

Template Field Card - VAT Amount

The Amount Excl. VAT field is also set the same way, but there was a subtotal below the lines so I was able to use this field as the footer to stop recognising lines; which was necessary as there was an additional four pages on the invoice, none of which needed to be recognised.

New Functionality In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2023 Wave 2: Share Readable Deep Links to Pages and Records

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business CentralThis post is part of the New Functionality In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2023 Wave 2 series in which I am taking a look at the new functionality introduced in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2023 Wave 2.

The fourth of the new functionality in the User experiences section is share readable deep links to pages and records.

Like many web applications, Business Central offers deep linking to pages and records, enabling users to copy the current URL and share that with others, or add links to their browser favourites. In this wave, the Business Central web client introduces a simple and consistent naming convention so that pasting a link to any Business Central page or record results in a readable hyperlink that clearly indicates context but hides the full URL, which is often daunting to work with. Not only does this feature enrich hyperlinks pasted into rich text editors such as in Outlook, OneNote or Teams, it also delivers a better experience when you use Business Central with modern browser features, such as collections in Microsoft Edge.

Enabled for: Users, automatically
Public Preview: Aug 2023
General Availability: Oct 2023

Feature Details

Business Central uses a simple and consistent naming convention for deep links when you copy the URL in the browser or use the Copy Link action and paste the link into any rich text editor:

  • Multicompany: If the company has a badge, the hyperlink includes it.
  • Context: The hyperlink for a list, card, or document page reflects the current record, page, or view, no matter how you got to that page.
  • Readability: To improve readability, secondary information is trimmed from the hyperlink. For example, the full product branding is no longer included, and the view or edit state of the page is also omitted.

The following table includes examples of deep links pasted in a rich text editor.

Pattern Example Hyperlink caption
List page Items list page "Items"
List view "Open" filtered view on Sales Orders list "Sales Orders – Open"
Single record Item card showing single record "Item Card – 1896 ∙ ATHENS Desk"
Setup pages Sale sand Inventory Forecast Setup page "Sales and Inventory Forecast Setup"
Draft records New customer card "New – Customer card"
Root URL Business Manager Role Center home page "Dynamics 365 Business Central"
Profile override URL includes ?profile=DISPATCHER "Service Manager – Dynamics 365 Business Central"

When you paste a link into a simple text field or plain text editor, the URL is pasted instead of a readable hyperlink.

My Opinion

This sounds like a good addition; the current links that you can supply to people are not in the slightest friendly.

New Functionality In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2023 Wave 2

New Functionality In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2023 Wave 2
Change Modification Limits for Triggering Flows and Bulk Updates
Support Business Events in Business Central Connector for Power Automate
Enable Specific Virtual Tables When You Connect to Dataverse
Get Control Over How to View Power BI Embedded Content
Availability Overview Helps You Calculate Quantities in Your Warehouse
Configure The Right Level of Handling For Different Warehouse Operations
Do financial Consolidations Across Environments in Multicompany Setups
Edit in Excel on Item Journals and Warehouse Worksheets
Get More Productive While Approving Time Sheets
Get More Productive While Entering Time Sheets
Include Approvals for Intercompany General Journals in Your Workflows
Make Intercompany Transactions Across Business Central Environments
Suggest the Next Step For Sales and Production Orders
Sync Document and Posting Dates for Sales and Purchases
Troubleshoot Shopify Integration Issues
Usability Improves for Warehouse, Inventory, and Tracking
Use Directed Pick and Put-away Suggestions in Basic Warehouse Configurations
Use General Ledger Allocations to Distribute Costs and Revenue More Efficiently
Complete Bank Account Reconciliation Faster With Copilot
Get Marketing Text Suggestions with Copilot
New Design for Report Language and Region Settings
Advance Payment and a Posting Preview of Tax Documents – Czechia
Direct Transfer – Czechia
E-submission of VAT Return in Denmark
Iceland Localization App – Delocalization
Intercompany Posting Cues to the Accountant Role Center – Czechia
New Intrastat – Czechia
Registration and Notification Functionality for Denmark
E-invoicing with NemHandel in Denmark
Supporting More Countries and Regions
Open Visual Studio Code From Web Client to Investigate or Troubleshoot Extensions
Turn Off Data Analysis Mode on Pages and Queries
Turn Off Indexes as a Partner
Use the Built-in Rich Text Editor to Enter Data
Assign More Granular Administration Rights
Improved Update Release Processes
Cancel Cloud Migration Replication Runs
Digital Vouchers
E-documents Core as a Global Solution
Large Companies to Report Payment Times
Modify Texts on the Welcome Banner and Skip Banner Intro State
Set Initial Role Before First Sign-in for a Better First-Run Experience
Enhancements to Excel Add-in
Analyze, Group, and Pivot Data on Queries Using Multiple Tabs
Discover Report and Data Analysis Content Easily
Get Power BI Reports for Reporting and Data Analysis on Finance, Sales, and Inventory
Data Loads Faster in the Server
Faster Application Scenarios
Pages Load Faster in Client
Performance Gain Reducing Locks in the Database
Add Existing Table Fields to Optimize Your Pages
Get to Data Search From Anywhere in Business Central
Distinguish Browser Tabs When Multitasking
Share Readable Deep Links to Pages and Records
Manage User Expectations with Selection Context-Based Actions
Peek at Summarized Data From Editable Fields
Search for Pages and Data in the Mobile App
Use Actions to Navigate or Fix Errors From Inline Validation Dialog
Updates to the Release Plan
Power Pages Support via Business Central Virtual Tables on Dataverse
Synchronize More Fields in Your Integration with Dataverse and Dynamics 365 Sales
Consolidated Power Automate Flow Creation from Business Central Templates
Get List of Companies Using Business Central Connector in Power Automate
Simplified Power Automate Approval Flow Experience
Create Power Automate Flows that Dynamically Support Different Companies
Business Central Virtual Tables Fully Supported on Microsoft Dataverse
Relate Native and Virtual Tables to Expose More Business Central Data in Dataverse
Include Only Open Entries on Customer Statements
Adjust Exchange Rates Easily, Replace the Built-in Batch Job
More Control Over General Journal Approvals
Use Different General Ledger Accounts for Payables, Receivables
Add More Columns to Pages for Better Insight
Availability Overview Helps You Calculate Quantities in Your Warehouse
Block Item Variants
Identify and Track Items Easier with Item References
Improved Processes for Inventory Counts and Adjustments
Navigate Easier Between Order, Receipt, and Invoice Documents
Print and Scan Barcodes
Receive More Items Than Ordered by Using Inventory Put-away Documents
Generate a Customer Statement Only With Open Entries
Responsibility Centers Are Supported for Advance Payments in Czechia
Easier Management of System Application Permissions
Get the AL Language Extension in Prerelease Versions on Visual Studio Code Marketplace
Find All References Now Works on Triggers, System Methods, and Trigger Events
Get Inlay Hints in Source Editor for AL Method Parameters and Return Types
Get Inlay Hints in Source Editor for AL Method Parameters and Return Types
Hover Over Label Variable to See Text String Value
Set New Output Folder Setting for Storing App Files at AL Project Build
Choose Between More Sampling Intervals for Snapshot and In-client Profiling
Get IntelliSense for Adding Variables in Visual Studio Code AL Debugger Console
Get Smarter Method Signature Recommendations in IntelliSense
Set the Default Folder Location for New AL Projects
Track Source and Build Metadata on Extensions
Use SecretText Type to Protect Credentials and Sensitive Textual Values From Being Revealed
Document Your Extensions With the ALDoc Tool for Partners
Segment AL Code and Reduce Naming Conflicts with Namespaces
Show List of Keys While Working on AL Code
Use the AL Language Extension for Linux in Preview
Provide Queries for Users to do Ad Hoc Data Analysis Across Tables
Add a New FieldGroup to an Existing Table
Add Teaching Tooltips on Queries and Report Request Pages
Get Syntax Highlighting for AL in Azure DevOps
Sell Business Central Apps Through AppSource
AppSource ISV Publishers Can Preview Their AppSource Apps With Select Customers
Extend General Ledger Posting Aggregations
Define multi-worksheet datasets for Excel reports
Include or Exclude Tables From Cloud Migration
Delete Data from Uninstalled Extensions as an Admin
Automatically Update AppSource Apps With Minor Updates
Transfer Environments Between Microsoft Entra Tenants
Control Partner Access Per Environment
Use Drop Shipments for Triangular Intrastat Trade
Start Faster with Refreshed and Enhanced Setup Data
VAT Posting in General Ledger Setup
Demo Tool and Data for Service Scenarios
Analyze, Group, and Pivot Data on Lists
Share a Data Analysis With a Co-worker
Synchronize Multiple Business Central Companies With the Same Dataverse Environment
New Operational Limits on Scheduled Tasks and Web Requests Improve Throughput
Service-to-Service Apps and Device License Users Can Schedule Tasks
Mark Fields as Read-only When Customizing UI
Scan barcodes with Business Central mobile app for iOS and Android
Access Worksheet Pages From Mobile Phones
Use Virtual Tables to Expose More Business Central Data in Dataverse
Reverse a Customer and Vendor Ledger Entry with a Realized Gain or Loss Entry
Use General Ledger Account Revaluation for More Accurate Financial Statements
Use Standard Terminology for Project Management
Use Currencies When Posting Employee Transactions
Chat with Copilot
Improved Data Upgrade Troubleshooting for Dynamics GP Migration
Retain Permissions When Enabling Cloud Migration
Detect Invalid Cloud Migration Configurations with Proactive Warnings
Multiple VAT Numbers per Customer