How To Change The SQL Server Backup Folder

Microsoft SQL ServerWhen you install Microsoft SQL Server you select the Data, Logs and Backup folder during the installation process. If you subsequently need to change these folders you can only change two of them through the SQL Server Management Studio UI. On the Server Properties dialog there are boxes for the Data and Logs default locations;

Server Properties

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VAT 100 Is Missing

Microsoft Dynamics GPI ran into an issue recently when installing Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 R2 where the VAT Return was not available. I was configuring the system in preparation for training a new client and was running through the Company options (Microsoft Dynamics GP menu » Tools » Routines » Company » Company » Options button) where I was sure the Enable VAT 100 option was but in this case wasn’t;

Company Options - No Enable VAT 100 Option

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Financial Year End Closing – Only Open Year Error Message

Microsoft Dynamics GPI was recently doing some training for a new client and, when showing them how to do period and year end processing encountered an error message when trying to do the Financial Year End Closing (Microsoft Dynamics GP menu » Tools » Routines » Financial » Year End Closing);

Financial Year End Closing - You must set up a new financial year before you can close the only open year.

This had me stumped for a few minutes as there were Open Year calendars (Microsoft Dynamics GP menu » Tools » Setup » Company » Financial Periods) on the system for 2011, 2012 and 2013. Typically in the UK a financial year runs from 1st April to 31st March; but this isn’t a hard and fast rule. This particular client has a different financial year and the error message was being produced as there was a gap of one day between the end of 2011 and the start of 2012. Once the calendar was fixed, the Year End Closing could be run without issue.

Integration Manager Error – MSScriptControl

Microsoft Dynamics GPI’ve spent a fair bit of time recently importing data into Microsoft Dynamics GP using Integration Manager with which I have encounterd a few different error messages (ADO Field Is Nothing, All GP Windows Must Be Closed and Source Document Doesn’t Exist).

The latest error I’ve encountered related to the MSScriptControl;

Integration Manager - MSScriptControl Error

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Problem With SOP Word Templates

Microsoft Dynamics GPI’ve recently been working on a Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 implementation project for a client.

We created custom Word templates (Reports » Template Maintenance) for POP Purchase Order Blank Form, SOP Blank Quote Form, SOP Blank Order Form and SOP Blank Invoice Form without problems and granted access to the relevant companies.

To test the new Word templates we printed the documents to screen so we could quickly see the result. The POP Purchase Order Blank Form worked fine but when it came to the SOP documents we had a problem. When printing any of the SOP documents as Word Templates, instead GP printed the Standard Report Writer reports. Continue reading “Problem With SOP Word Templates”

Word Template Generator, Where Art Thou?

Microsoft Dynamics GPI’m currently doing some work for a client where we’re modifying some of the reports in Microsoft Dynamics GP and I’m trying to avoid using Report Writer as a) I don’t like it, b) Word template reports look better and c) I don’t want to spend time training a client on a module which can be avoiding and is being retired in the near future.

For some of the reports such as the Sales Orders and Invoices and the Purchase Order reports, there are Word templates already available for customising, but for some of the reports such as the Sales Picking Ticket or Dispatch Notes there are no Word templates available by default.

In Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 this meant starting a template from scratch. In Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 R2 you can use the Word Template Generator to convert a saved xml report into a Word template.

The only problem is, I can’t find it. None of the blog posts I read announcing the feature said where it would be; just that it would be available with 2010 R2. My first port of call was within GP itself. The I tried the installation media but no luck. I then tried a couple of Internet searches and came up dry. I asked a colleague but they hadn’t used it before.

I finally searched on PartnerSource (I don’t like the PartnerSource search so usually try general Internet searches first) and finally found the download link for the Word template Generator.

Missing Font Causes Crash In Management Reporter

Microsoft Dynamics GPI’ve recently been doing some work for a client where we’ve upgraded them from Microsoft Dynamics GP 10 to 2010 R2. Alongside this, we also migrated them from FRx to Management Reporter.

All looked fine after the upgrade until I opened one of the rows for editing and got the following warning message;

Management Reporter - Font 'Gill Sans' cannot be found.

Continue reading “Missing Font Causes Crash In Management Reporter”

Changing Open-Year In Financial Statement Reports

Microsoft Dynamics GPIf you’re using the Financial Statements (Reports » Financial » Financial Statements) in Microsoft Dynamics GP you may see a messagesililar to the following after doing a year end;

Cash Flows Screen Output: The year you

Continue reading “Changing Open-Year In Financial Statement Reports”

Integration Manager Error – You Must Close All Microsoft Dynamics GP Windows

Microsoft Dynamics GPI am in the process of implementing Microsoft Dynamics GP for a new client and am currently testing the static data integrations (chart of accounts, suppliers, customers, stock and so on) using Integration Manager.

I’d successfully run an integration of the chart of accounts which threw out a couple of warnings. After amending the file I realised that GP was no longer showing in the task bar and assumed that I had accidentally closed it. I restarted it and logged into the test company and tried to run the COA integration again and got the following error message;

Integration Manager - You must close all Microsoft Dynamics GP windows in order to run an integration.

Continue reading “Integration Manager Error – You Must Close All Microsoft Dynamics GP Windows”