MDGP 2013 Feature of the Day: Update Back Order Item Qty In Field Service

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft have started the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Feature of the Day series on the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Blog.

The thirty ninth feature they’ve announced is Update Back Order Item Qty In Field Service.

Microsoft Dynamics GP Service Call Management and Depot Management will now update the Item Quantity Master when they have a back ordered item. This will be visible in the Item Inquiry and Item Quantities Maintenance windows and give you a truer representation of your inventory quantities.

The example screenshots show Item 3-D2657A (DB 15 Male Adapter) with no items on back order in Item Inquiry;

Item Inquiry

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How To Install Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 (Beta) – Deploy Demo Company

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis post relates to the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Beta; if you’re installing the RTM of Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 please read this post instead

With the release of the beta of Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 earlier this evening I thought I’d do a short series of posts on the installation process.

In this post I’m going to cover the deployment of the demo company.

To perform the server configuration, run GP Utilities and log in using the sa user and progress to the Additional Tasks stage, select Add sample company data and click Process;

Additional Tasks

Continue reading “How To Install Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 (Beta) – Deploy Demo Company”

How To Install Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 (Beta) – Server Configuration

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis post relates to the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Beta; if you’re installing the RTM of Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 please read this post instead

With the release of the beta of Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 earlier this evening I thought I’d do a short series of posts on the installation process.

In this post I’m going to cover the server configuration part of the installation process.

To perform the server configuration, run GP Utilities and log in using the sa user;;

Welcome to Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities

Continue reading “How To Install Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 (Beta) – Server Configuration”

How To Install Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 (Beta) – Client

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis post relates to the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Beta; if you’re installing the RTM of Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 please read this post instead.

Well, with the beta of Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 being released, I couldn’t resist. I got a friend to download it for me so I didn’t have to wait for tomorrow morning when I got to work.

Yes, I’m a geek. Yes, I’ sad. Yes, I need a life. I’ve heard it all tonight. I don’t care; a fresh bottle of Glenkinchie is accompanied by GP 2013 🙂

To start with I thought I’d cover the installation of the traditional desktop client.

Run up the setup utility by double clicking the setup.exe which will run the Bootstrapper Setup to install the prerequisites;

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Bootstrapper Setup

Continue reading “How To Install Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 (Beta) – Client”

Management Reporter Web-based Report Viewer Announced

Microsoft Dynamics GPAt the Dynamics GP 2013 Technical Airlift in Fargo today a web-based viewer for Management Reporter 2012 was announced (details on the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog).

The demo was done by Jill Carter of Microsoft in front of 400 partners. The new web-based viewer allows allows users to experience the many features of the desktop viewer without the need for a desktop client to be installed.

The fresh, modern user interface of the new Management Reporter Report Viewer will mean users can focus on the data in the report. And, reports are both personalized and secured. In the report shown above, the user has access to the Production and Sales nodes in the Management Reporter Reporting Tree, but doesn’t have access to the Administration node;

Management Reporter Web-based Report Viewer

Continue reading “Management Reporter Web-based Report Viewer Announced”

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Beta Available For Partners To Download

Microsoft Dynamics GPErrol Schoenfish, Director Product Management at Microsoft, on the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog has just announced that the beta release of Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 is now available for download.

Unfortunately, I won’t be able to download it until tomorrow morning but it can be found here.

I’m really looking forward to playing with this version of GP.

How To Install Connector for Microsoft Dynamics GP – Preparing Data for Integration

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis is the fifth post in the series on how to install the Connector for Microsoft Dynamics GP; the first four posts covered the prerequisites, installation, adapter configuration and creating a new integration.

In this post, I’m going to highlight an issue which bit me when I was creating this series of posts using the Fabrikam, Inc. demo company.

This isn’t an issue I’ve encountered in the wild, so to speak, but it is a difference in how Microsoft Dynamics GP and Microsoft Dynamics CRM handle Unit of Measure Schedules and Unit Groups respectively.

Microsoft Dynamics GP allows for Unit of Measure Schedules to have two UoM details of the same name. For example, the Fabrikam, Inc. Unit of Measure Schedule Wire contains Spool defined as both 100.00 Foot and 33.33 Yard;

Unit of Measure Schedule Setup

Continue reading “How To Install Connector for Microsoft Dynamics GP – Preparing Data for Integration”

MDGP 2013 Feature of the Day: Un-apply Credit Documents When Voiding A Check

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft have started the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Feature of the Day series on the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Blog.

The thirty eighth feature they’ve announced is Un-apply Credit Documents When Voiding A Check.

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 will automatically un-apply a credit document from an invoice after a payment that was associated with the same invoice is voided in Void Historical Payables Transactions (Transactions » Purchasing » Void Historical Transactions).

This means that credit documents no longer need to be voided if the applied invoice is to be voided and the credit can then be applied to other documents (or against the same invoice if required).

The screenshot beow shows the Transactions by Vendor (Inquiry » Purchasing » Transaction By Vendor) inquiry window for Cowley Engineering which shows an invoice along with the applied credit note and payment;

Payables Transaction Inquiry - Vendor

Continue reading “MDGP 2013 Feature of the Day: Un-apply Credit Documents When Voiding A Check”

How To Install Connector for Microsoft Dynamics GP – Create A New Integration

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis is the fourth post in the series on how to install the Connector for Microsoft Dynamics GP; the first three posts covered the prerequisites, installation and adapter configuration. This one will show the step-by-step process to create a new integration between Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 and Microsoft Dynamics 2011.

To create a new integration between Microsoft Dynamics GP and Microsoft Dynamics CRM, open the Connector for Microsoft Dynamics from the Windows Start menu (Start menu » All Programs » Microsoft Dynamics » Microsoft Dynamics Adapter » Connector for Microsoft Dynamics).

To create a new integration, click the New Integration button on the toolbar;

Connector for Microsoft Dynamics

Continue reading “How To Install Connector for Microsoft Dynamics GP – Create A New Integration”

MDGP 2013 Feature of the Day: Saved GL Batch Approval

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft have started the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Feature of the Day series on the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Blog.

The thirty seventh feature they’ve announced is Saved GL Batch Approval.

The Year-To_Date Transaction Open (GL20000) and Account Transaction History (GL30000) tables have been updated with new columns to store the approval user (APRVLUSERID) and date (APPRVLDT) in order to enhance tracking; this information will be passed from Posting Definitions Master (SY00500) when the batch is posted.

These two new columns can be used on reports;

SQL Server Management Studio

This new feature is targeted at the following roles:

  • Accounting Manager
  • Accountant
  • Controller & CFO