MDGP 2013 Feature of the Day: Update Item Allocation Inquiry In Field Service

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft are posting the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Feature of the Day series on the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Blog.

The forty third feature they’ve announced is Update Item Allocation Inquiry In Field Service.

In the Item Allocation Inquiry window, Field Service now appears in the Module Restrictions box. You can now view item quantities allocated from Service Calls, RTVs and Depot work order documents. You can also use the Document Number field zoom to open the Field Service series inquiry window displaying the original document;

Service Call Entry/Update

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How To Install The Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 (Beta) Web Client – Installing The Web Client Runtime

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe first post in this series was a brief introduction which outlined the components within a web client deployment and the second covered the deployment options which are available. In this post I’m going to take a look at the process for installing the web client runtime.

Microsoft recommend that Microsoft Dynamics GP be installed, configured and confirmed as operating correctly before any of the components for the Microsoft Dynamics GP web client are installed.

Even if you’re using the web client you will still need at least one accessible desktop client as even though most of the administrative tasks of Microsoft Dynamics GP can be performed with the web client, some, such as creating companies, cannot.

Each of the servers which is being used as a session host must have a Microsoft Dynamics GP desktop client installation which can be connected to the Microsoft Dynamics GP databases.

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How To Install The Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 (Beta) Web Client – Deployment Options

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe first post in this series was a brief introduction which outlined the components within a web client deployment which I’m going to follow up in this post with a look at the deployment options which are available.

There are three options when deploying the Microsoft Dynamics GP web client:

  1. Single machine
  2. Scale out
  3. Multi-tenant

The single machine configuration is the simplest configuration available when deploying the Microsoft Dynamics GP web client. In this configuration, the web site, Session Central Service, Session Service and the Microsoft Dynamics GP web client runtime are all installed on a single server.

A typical single configuration machine is shown in the following diagram;

Web Client Deployment Configuration - Single Machine

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How To Install The Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 (Beta) Web Client – Introduction

Microsoft Dynamics GPI wrote this post before the excellant and most comprehensive write up on the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Web Client Infrastructure Overview done by Aaron Donat on the Developing for Microsoft Dynamics GP blog and decided to post this anyway as it gives a quick overview of the different parts of the web client as I kick off a series of posts on how to install the GP Web Client.

The Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Beta, including web client, is only available to partners and one important point to remember is that there is no upgrade path from the 2013 Beta to 2013 RTM so GP 2013 Beta should only be used for testing purposes.

The Microsoft Dynamics GP web client provides access to Microsoft Dynamics GP through Internet Explorer using a Silverlight plugin and closely matches the the user experience and functionality of the traditional desktop client.

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MDGP 2013 Feature of the Day: Edit Remit To Address

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft are posting the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Feature of the Day series on the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Blog.

The forthy second feature they’ve announced is Edit Remit To Address.

In Payables Management when entering an invoice, you select the vendor address to which an invoice is to be paid. Now, with Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013, you can edit the remit-to address ID after the invoice is posted.

This is done by loading the open invoice in the Edit Payables Transaction window where the remit-to address ID can be changed;

Edit Payables Transaction

This new feature is targeted at the following roles:

  • Accounts Payable
  • Accountant
  • Bookkeeper

How To Install Microsoft SQL Server 2012

Microsoft SQL ServerI covered a wide variety of topics mainly around GP and related products as well as a few around SQL Server but I’ve not actually done a post on the “correct” installation process of installing SQL Server for use with Microsoft Dynamics GP (I highlight correct as I’m sure some people will disagree with how I am doing the installation).

With the release of Microsoft SQL Server 2012 I thought it was time to rectify this. I am going to be installing the Enterprise Edition of Microsoft SQL Server 2012 but the process is the same for each of the versions. The install is being done as I usually do them on a VM for testing/demo purposes; I would pay more attention to security and the location of the log and data folders if this were being done on a production machine.

To install SQL Server, run the setup utility on the installation media which will open the SQL Server Installation Center;

SQL Server Installation Center

Continue reading “How To Install Microsoft SQL Server 2012”

MDGP 2013 Feature of the Day: Journal Entry History Inquiry

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft are posting the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Feature of the Day series on the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Blog.

The forty first feature they’ve announced is Journal Entry History Inquiry.

In versions prior to Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013, the only Journal Entry Inquiry was on open year journals. Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 introduces the ability to perform an inquiry on historical years.

This feature modifies the Journal Entry Inquiry window to display information for both open and historical year journal entries;

Journal Entry History Inquiry

In the past I’ve directed users to the SmartList for doing a lookup on historical year journals, but this amended inquiry provides a quick, and much simpler, way for users to do this lookup.

This new feature is targeted at the following roles:

  • CFO
  • Accounting Manager
  • Controller
  • Accountant

How To Install Connector for Microsoft Dynamics GP – Integrate Data

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis is the seventh post in the series on how to install the Connector for Microsoft Dynamics GP; the first six posts covered the prerequisites, installation, adapter configuration, creating a new integration, preparing data for integration and synchronise picklists.

Now that the Connector for Microsoft Dynamics has been installed and configured, the data has been prepared for integration and picklists synchronised, the next step is to start running the integrations.

As an example, I’m going to step through the process of integrating the Unit of Measure Schedules from GP into the CRM Unit Groups.

In the Connector for Microsoft Dynamics (Start menu » All Programs » Microsoft Dynamics » Microsoft Dynamics Adapter » Connector for Microsoft Dynamics) navigate down to the UofM Schedule to Unit Group node (Home » Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 \ Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 » Fabrikam, Inc. \ Fabrikam, Inc. » Maps » >UofM Schedule to Unit Group);

Connector for Microsoft Dynamics

Continue reading “How To Install Connector for Microsoft Dynamics GP – Integrate Data”

MDGP 2013 Feature of the Day: Pay Code, Benefit & Deduction

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft have started the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Feature of the Day series on the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Blog.

The fortieth feature they’ve announced is Pay Code, Benefit & Deduction.

This is a US and Canadian Payroll only Feature of the Day.

Now you can change the name of a pay code, deduction code or benefit code with Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013. This feature allows you to change individual codes or change multiple codes using an import file.

This feature will change the name of the code throughout the data tables including history tables. You can validate the import file before processing it and at the end of the process an update report is generated showing you what was changed.

Continue reading “MDGP 2013 Feature of the Day: Pay Code, Benefit & Deduction”

How To Install Connector for Microsoft Dynamics GP – Synchronise Picklists

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis is the sixth post in the series on how to install the Connector for Microsoft Dynamics GP; the first five posts covered the prerequisites, installation, adapter configuration, creating a new integration and preparing data for integration.

One of the things that needs to be done before integrating Microsoft Dynamics GP with Microsoft Dynamics CRM is to synchronise the CRM picklists with data in GP. This can be done using the supplied Microsoft Dynamics CRM Picking Sync utility which is installed along with the Connector for Microsoft Dynamics.

There is no menu item created for this utility, so you will need to open Windows Explorer and navigate to the installation folder (%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Dynamics\Microsoft Dynamics Adapter) and double click the Microsoft.Dynamics.Integration.GpToCrmPicklistSync.exe;

Windows Explorer

Continue reading “How To Install Connector for Microsoft Dynamics GP – Synchronise Picklists”