SQL Scripts for Microsoft Dynamics GP: Set Next PM Voucher Number

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis script is part of the SQL Scripts for Microsoft Dynamics GP where I will be posted the scripts I wrote against Microsoft Dynamics GP over the 19 years before I stopped working with Dynamics GP.

This script was created for a client who was having problems with the Next Voucher Number in the PM Setup File (PM40100) table being set back to am old value and needed a way to set it to the correct value. It uses the uf_AZRCRV_GetAlpha and uf_AZRCRV_GetNumber functions while selecting the highest current voucher number to write away the next number after this.

The client had a prefix of PINV on later invoices so the select uses this to select the correct highest number; the script was run automatically on a schedule using SQL Server Agent.

Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve | Ramblings of an IT Professional (http://www.azurecurve.co.uk) This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Int). */

SQL Scripts for Microsoft Dynamics GP: Sales Report With Year Prior Comparison

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis script is part of the SQL Scripts for Microsoft Dynamics GP where I will be posted the scripts I wrote against Microsoft Dynamics GP over the 19 years before I stopped working with Dynamics GP.

This script contains a SQL view which reports on sales transactions from one year compared against the prior year; it returns the number of transactions, number of items, costs, sales price and profit margins.

-- drop view if it exists
IF OBJECT_ID (N'uv_AZRCRV_SalesReportWithYearPriorComparison', N'V') IS NOT NULL
    DROP VIEW uv_AZRCRV_SalesReportWithYearPriorComparison
-- create view
CREATE VIEW uv_AZRCRV_SalesReportWithYearPriorComparison AS
Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve | Ramblings of an IT Professional (http://www.azurecurve.co.uk) This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Int). */
WITH cteSalesReportData AS ( SELECT FORMAT(['Sales Transaction History'].DOCDATE, 'yyyyMM') as YearMth ,['Item Master'].ITEMNMBR ,['Item Master'].ITEMDESC ,['Item Master'].ITMCLSCD ,['Sales Transaction Amounts History'].LOCNCODE ,SUM( CASE WHEN ['Sales Transaction Amounts History'].SOPTYPE = 3 THEN ['Sales Transaction Amounts History'].XTNDPRCE ELSE ['Sales Transaction Amounts History'].XTNDPRCE * -1 END ) AS 'Sales In Period' ,SUM( CASE WHEN ['Sales Transaction Amounts History'].SOPTYPE = 3 THEN ['Sales Transaction Amounts History'].EXTDCOST ELSE ['Sales Transaction Amounts History'].EXTDCOST * -1 END ) AS 'COGS In Period' ,SUM(['Sales Transaction Amounts History'].MARGINPERC) / SUM(['Sales Transaction Amounts History'].NUMBER) AS 'Margin %' ,SUM(['Sales Transaction Amounts History'].QTYTOINV) AS 'Quantity' ,COUNT(['Sales Transaction History'].SOPNUMBE) AS 'TrxCount' FROM IV00101 AS ['Item Master'] LEFT JOIN ( SELECT SOPNUMBE ,SOPTYPE ,LOCNCODE ,ITEMNMBR ,CMPNTSEQ ,XTNDPRCE ,EXTDCOST ,CASE WHEN EXTDCOST = 0 THEN 100 ELSE (XTNDPRCE / EXTDCOST) * 100 END AS MARGINPERC ,QTYTOINV ,1 AS NUMBER FROM SOP10200 UNION ALL SELECT SOPNUMBE ,SOPTYPE ,LOCNCODE ,ITEMNMBR ,CMPNTSEQ ,XTNDPRCE ,EXTDCOST ,CASE WHEN EXTDCOST = 0 THEN 100 ELSE (XTNDPRCE / EXTDCOST) * 100 END AS MARGINPERC ,QTYTOINV ,1 AS NUMBER FROM SOP30300 ) AS ['Sales Transaction Amounts History'] ON ['Sales Transaction Amounts History'].ITEMNMBR = ['Item Master'].ITEMNMBR AND ['Sales Transaction Amounts History'].CMPNTSEQ = 0 AND ['Sales Transaction Amounts History'].SOPTYPE IN (3,4) LEFT JOIN ( SELECT SOPNUMBE ,SOPTYPE ,DOCID ,DOCDATE FROM SOP10100 UNION ALL SELECT SOPNUMBE ,SOPTYPE ,DOCID ,DOCDATE FROM SOP30200 ) AS ['Sales Transaction History'] ON ['Sales Transaction History'].SOPNUMBE = ['Sales Transaction Amounts History'].SOPNUMBE AND ['Sales Transaction History'].SOPTYPE = ['Sales Transaction Amounts History'].SOPTYPE GROUP BY FORMAT(['Sales Transaction History'].DOCDATE, 'yyyyMM') ,['Item Master'].ITEMNMBR ,['Item Master'].ITEMDESC ,['Item Master'].ITMCLSCD ,['Sales Transaction Amounts History'].LOCNCODE ) SELECT DB_NAME() AS 'Company' ,['This Year'].LOCNCODE AS 'Site' ,['This Year'].YearMth ,['This Year'].ITEMNMBR AS 'Item Number' ,['This Year'].ITEMDESC AS 'Item Description' ,['This Year'].ITMCLSCD AS 'Item Class' ,ISNULL(['This Year'].TrxCount, 0) AS 'Trx TY' ,ISNULL(['Last Year'].TrxCount, 0) AS 'Trx LY' ,ISNULL(['This Year'].Quantity, 0) AS 'Qty of Item TY' ,ISNULL(['Last Year'].Quantity, 0) AS 'Qty of Item LY' ,ISNULL(['This Year'].[Sales In Period], 0) AS 'Sales This Year' ,ISNULL(['Last Year'].[Sales In Period], 0) AS 'Sales Last Year' ,ISNULL(['This Year'].[COGS In Period], 0) AS 'Cost This Year' ,ISNULL(['Last Year'].[COGS In Period], 0) AS 'Cost Last Year' ,ISNULL(['This Year'].[Sales In Period], 0) - ISNULL(['This Year'].[COGS In Period], 0) AS 'Margin This Year' ,ISNULL(['Last Year'].[Sales In Period], 0) - ISNULL(['Last Year'].[COGS In Period], 0) AS 'Margin Last Year' ,CASE WHEN ISNULL(['This Year'].[COGS In Period], 0) = 0 THEN 0 ELSE (ISNULL(['This Year'].[Sales In Period], 0) / ISNULL(['This Year'].[COGS In Period], 0)) * 100 END AS 'Margin % This Year' ,CASE WHEN ISNULL(['Last Year'].[COGS In Period], 0) = 0 THEN 0 ELSE (ISNULL(['Last Year'].[Sales In Period], 0) / ISNULL(['Last Year'].[COGS In Period], 0)) * 100 END AS 'Margin % Last Year' FROM cteSalesReportData AS ['This Year'] LEFT JOIN cteSalesReportData AS ['Last Year'] ON ['Last Year'].ITEMNMBR = ['This Year'].ITEMNMBR AND ['Last Year'].YearMth = ['This Year'].YearMth - 100 -- subtract 100 from 202003 to get March last year AND ['Last Year'].LOCNCODE = ['This Year'].LOCNCODE WHERE ['This Year'].YearMth IS NOT NULL UNION SELECT DB_NAME() AS 'Company' ,['Last Year'].LOCNCODE AS 'Site' ,['Last Year'].YearMth + 100 AS YearMth ,['Last Year'].ITEMNMBR AS 'Item Number' ,['Last Year'].ITEMDESC AS 'Item Description' ,['Last Year'].ITMCLSCD AS 'Item Class' ,ISNULL(['This Year'].TrxCount, 0) AS 'Trx TY' ,ISNULL(['Last Year'].TrxCount, 0) AS 'Trx LY' ,ISNULL(['This Year'].Quantity, 0) AS 'Qty of Item TY' ,ISNULL(['Last Year'].Quantity, 0) AS 'Qty of Item LY' ,ISNULL(['This Year'].[Sales In Period], 0) AS 'Sales This Year' ,ISNULL(['Last Year'].[Sales In Period], 0) AS 'Sales Last Year' ,ISNULL(['This Year'].[COGS In Period], 0) AS 'Cost This Year' ,ISNULL(['Last Year'].[COGS In Period], 0) AS 'Cost Last Year' ,ISNULL(['This Year'].[Sales In Period], 0) - ISNULL(['This Year'].[COGS In Period], 0) AS 'Margin This Year' ,ISNULL(['Last Year'].[Sales In Period], 0) - ISNULL(['Last Year'].[COGS In Period], 0) AS 'Margin Last Year' ,CASE WHEN ISNULL(['This Year'].[COGS In Period], 0) = 0 THEN 0 ELSE (ISNULL(['This Year'].[Sales In Period], 0) / ISNULL(['This Year'].[COGS In Period], 0)) * 100 END AS 'Margin % This Year' ,CASE WHEN ISNULL(['Last Year'].[COGS In Period], 0) = 0 THEN 0 ELSE (ISNULL(['Last Year'].[Sales In Period], 0) / ISNULL(['Last Year'].[COGS In Period], 0)) * 100 END AS 'Margin % Last Year' FROM cteSalesReportData AS ['Last Year'] LEFT JOIN cteSalesReportData AS ['This Year'] ON ['Last Year'].ITEMNMBR = ['This Year'].ITEMNMBR AND ['Last Year'].YearMth = ['This Year'].YearMth -100 -- subtract 100 from 202003 to get March last year AND ['Last Year'].LOCNCODE = ['This Year'].LOCNCODE WHERE ['This Year'].YearMth IS NULL AND ['Last Year'].YearMth <= FORMAT(GETDATE(), 'yyyyMM') - 100 GO -- grant select permissions to DYNGRP GRANT SELECT ON uv_AZRCRV_SalesReportWithYearPriorComparison TO DYNGRP GO