Bug With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 RTM Workflow Step Copy Function

Microsoft Dynamics GPOne of the new features introduced with Microsoft Dynamics GP was the Copy Workflow Step feature; I have a number of clients using workflow and having to manually configure every step could be very time consuming, when being able to copy and amend the conditions would save huge amounts of time.

When the new feature came out I did go hand on with it, but only so far as to copy a step. What I didn’t actually do was amend the conditions; if I had I would have found that there was a bug in this new functionality. Unfortunately, it took one of my clients to come across the bug when they were adding some steps to a workflow.

The problem is this; when you copy a step, it also copies the conditions. When the step is copied, it adds a new line to the Workflow Step Table (WF100003); but, there is no new entry added to the QueryDesigner_Conditions (CO00123) table.

This has the unfortunate side effect that when you amend the condition on the new step, you are also changing it on the original step.

below is a simple example of the problem.

First, set up a step:

Workflow Original Step

Continue reading “Bug With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 RTM Workflow Step Copy Function”

Doc Attach Button in Notes Window Missing

Microsoft Dynamics GPAfter a clients system was upgraded a while ago from Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 SP3 to Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018, we enabled the Document Attachment feature for the client to use. Unfortunately when showing the client how to use the feaute, we found that the Doc Attach button was missing (the red square is where the button should be):


Continue reading “Doc Attach Button in Notes Window Missing”

Logical File Name SQL Scripts: SQL Script to Create Restore Scripts for all Dynamics Databases

Microsoft SQL ServerSince the release of Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018, on the 1st December 2018, we have been busy with a few upgrade projects for clients. Our standard recommendation is to have a standalone test system for performing UAT and this means backing up and restoring databases.

While the backups are easy to do, the restores can be trickier when one database has been restored into another, as this means the logical file name will not match the physical one.

This isn’t an issue when the client has only a handful of databases, but when there are 30 or even a hundred, it becomes much more of an issue. However, you can select database details in SQL Server from the sys.master_files single, system-wide view.

This script creates restore scripts for all Dynamics GP databases and will use the correct logical filename whether it matches the . The script is configured with the assumption that the system database is called DYNAMICS; if you are using a named system database, change the highlighted section:

Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve|Ramblings of a Dynamics GP Consultant (https://www.azurecurve.co.uk)
This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Int).

DECLARE @BackupLocation VARCHAR(300) = 'I:\Live Upgrade\2016R2\'
DECLARE @DataLocation VARCHAR(300) = 'S:\Data\'
DECLARE @LogLocation VARCHAR(300) = 'L:\Logs\'
DECLARE @DateParameter VARCHAR(10) = FORMAT(GETDATE(), 'yyyy-MM-dd')
SELECT @SQLStatement =	'
	USE master
	DISK = N''' + @BackupLocation + DB_NAME() + '_' + @DateParameter + '.bak'' WITH  FILE = 1,  
	MOVE N''' + ['databases-data'].name + ''' TO N''' + @DataLocation + RIGHT(['databases-data'].physical_name, CHARINDEX('\', REVERSE(['databases-data'].physical_name)) - 1) + ''',  
	MOVE N''' + ['databases-log'].name + ''' TO N''' + @LogLocation + RIGHT(['databases-log'].physical_name, CHARINDEX('\', REVERSE(['databases-log'].physical_name)) - 1) + ''',  NOUNLOAD,  STATS = 5
	sys.master_files AS ['databases-data']
	sys.master_files AS ['databases-log']
			DB_NAME(['databases-log'].database_id) = DB_NAME(['databases-data'].database_id)
	DB_NAME(['databases-data'].database_id) = DB_NAME() and ['databases-data'].name like '%.mdf'

SELECT @SQLStatement = @SQLStatement + 
	'RESTORE DATABASE ' + RTRIM(['Company Master'].INTERID) + ' FROM  
	DISK = N''' + @BackupLocation + RTRIM(['Company Master'].INTERID) + '_' + @DateParameter + '.bak'' WITH  FILE = 1,  
	MOVE N''' + ['databases-data'].name + ''' TO N''' + @DataLocation + RIGHT(['databases-data'].physical_name, CHARINDEX('\', REVERSE(['databases-data'].physical_name)) - 1) + ''',  
	MOVE N''' + ['databases-log'].name + ''' TO N''' + @LogLocation + RIGHT(['databases-log'].physical_name, CHARINDEX('\', REVERSE(['databases-log'].physical_name)) - 1) + ''',  NOUNLOAD,  STATS = 5
	SY01500 AS ['Company Master']
	sys.master_files AS ['databases-data']
			DB_NAME(['databases-data'].database_id) = ['Company Master'].INTERID AND ['databases-data'].name LIKE '%mdf'
	sys.master_files AS ['databases-log']
			DB_NAME(['databases-log'].database_id) = ['Company Master'].INTERID AND ['databases-log'].name LIKE '%ldf'
	['databases-data'].name NOT LIKE '%<TEST>'
	['Company Master'].CMPANYID > 0
	['Company Master'].INTERID

SELECT @SQLStatement

Logical File Name SQL Scripts: SQL Script to Create Backup Scripts for all Dynamics Databases

Microsoft SQL ServerSince the release of Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018, on the 1st December 2018, we have been busy with a few upgrade projects for clients. Our standard recommendation is to have a standalone test system for performing UAT and this means backing up and restoring databases.

While the backups are easy to do, the restores can be trickier when one database has been restored into another, as this means the logical file name will not match the physical one.

This isn’t an issue when the client has only a handful of databases, but when there are 30 or even a hundred, it becomes much more of an issue. However, you can select database details in SQL Server from the sys.master_files single, system-wide view.

This script creates backup scripts for all Dynamics GP databases. The script is configured with the assumption that the system database is called DYNAMICS; if you are using a named system database, change the highlighted section:

Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve|Ramblings of a Dynamics GP Consultant (https://www.azurecurve.co.uk)
This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Int).

DECLARE @BackupLocation VARCHAR(300) = 'I:\Live Upgrade\2016R2\'
DECLARE @DateParameter VARCHAR(10) = FORMAT(GETDATE(), 'yyyy-MM-dd')
	USE master
	DISK = N''' + @BackupLocation + DB_NAME() + '_' + @DateParameter + '.bak'' WITH NOFORMAT, INIT,    
	NAME = N''' + DB_NAME() + '-Full Database Backup'', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD,  STATS = 10

SELECT @SQLStatement = @SQLStatement +
	'BACKUP DATABASE ' + RTRIM(['Company Master'].INTERID) + ' TO
	DISK = N''' + @BackupLocation + RTRIM(['Company Master'].INTERID) + '_' + @DateParameter + '.bak'' WITH NOFORMAT, INIT,    
	NAME = N''' + RTRIM(['Company Master'].INTERID) + '-Full Database Backup'', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD,  STATS = 10
	SY01500 AS ['Company Master']
	sys.master_files ['databases-data']
			DB_NAME(['databases-data'].database_id) = ['Company Master'].INTERID AND ['databases-data'].name LIKE '%mdf'
	['databases-data'].name NOT LIKE '%<TEST>'
	['Company Master'].CMPANYID > 0
	['Company Master'].INTERID

SELECT @SQLStatement

Logical File Name SQL Scripts: SQL Script to Alter Logical Filenames of all Dynamics GP Company Databases

Microsoft SQL ServerSince the release of Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018, on the 1st December 2018, we have been busy with a few upgrade projects for clients. Our standard recommendation is to have a standalone test system for performing UAT and this means backing up and restoring databases.

While the backups are easy to do, the restores can be trickier when one database has been restored into another, as this means the logical file name will not match the physical one.

This isn’t an issue when the client has only a handful of databases, but when there are 30 or even a hundred, it becomes much more of an issue. However, you can select database details in SQL Server from the sys.master_files single, system-wide view.

This script creates an alter script for all Dynamics GP company databases’ logical file names which will ensure that all databases have a logical filename which matches the physical name. The script is configured with the assumption that the system database is called DYNAMICS; if you are using a named system database, change the highlighted section:

Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve|Ramblings of a Dynamics GP Consultant (https://www.azurecurve.co.uk)
This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Int).

	CASE WHEN ['databases'].name LIKE '%Dat%' THEN
		' + ['Company Master'].INTERID + '
		NAME = [' + RTRIM(['databases'].name) + ']
		,NEWNAME = [GPS' + RTRIM(['Company Master'].INTERID) + 'Dat.mdf]
		' + ['Company Master'].INTERID + '
		NAME = [' + RTRIM(['databases'].name) + ']
		,NEWNAME = [GPS' + RTRIM(['Company Master'].INTERID) + 'Log.ldf]
	SY01500 AS ['Company Master']
	sys.master_files AS ['databases']
			DB_NAME(['databases'].database_id) = ['Company Master'].INTERID
	['Company Master'].CMPANYID > 0
	(RTRIM(['databases'].name) <> 'GPS' + RTRIM(['Company Master'].INTERID) + 'Dat.mdf'
	RTRIM(['databases'].name) <> 'GPS' + RTRIM(['Company Master'].INTERID) + 'Logldf')
	['Company Master'].INTERID

Logical File Name SQL Scripts: SQL Script to Return Logical and Physical Names for Dynamics GP Company Databases

Microsoft SQL ServerSince the release of Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018, on the 1st December 2018, we have been busy with a few upgrade projects for clients. Our standard recommendation is to have a standalone test system for performing UAT and this means backing up and restoring databases.

While the backups are easy to do, the restores can be trickier when one database has been restored into another, as this means the logical filename will not match the physical one.

This isn’t an issue when the client has only a handful of databases, but when there are 30 or even a hundred, it becomes much more of an issue. However, you can select database details in SQL Server from the sys.master_files single, system-wide view.

This script gets the logical file names for all Dynamics GP company databases attached to a system database which can be used to update the restore script so you can easily create backup scripts rather than having to go through the Restore Database for each database individually.

The script is configured with the assumption that the system database is called DYNAMICS; if you are using a named system database, change the highlighted section:

Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve|Ramblings of a Dynamics GP Consultant (https://www.azurecurve.co.uk)
This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Int).

	['Company Master'].INTERID AS InterID
	,['Company Master'].CMPNYNAM AS CompanyName
	,['databases'].name AS LogicalFileName
	,['databases'].physical_name AS PhysicalFileName 
	SY01500 AS ['Company Master']
	sys.master_files ['databases']
			DB_NAME(['databases'].database_id) = ['Company Master'].INTERID
	['Company Master'].CMPANYID > 0
	['Company Master'].INTERID

This gets the logical file names which can be used to update the restore script so you can easily create backup scripts rather than having to go through the Restore Database for each database individually.

Logical File Name SQL Scripts: Series Index

Microsoft SQL ServerSince the release of Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018, on the 1st December 2018, we have been busy with a few upgrade projects for clients. Our standard recommendation is to have a standalone test system for performing UAT and this means backing up and restoring databases.

While the backups are easy to do, the restores can be trickier when one database has been restored into another, as this means the logical filename will not match the physical one.

This isn’t an issue when the client has only a handful of databases, but when there are 30 or even a hundred, it becomes much more of an issue. However, you can select database details in SQL Server from the sys.master_files single, system-wide view.

I started off with a simple script and then developed it through to generating the backup and restore scripts directly.

This small series includes the four scripts I created.

Microsoft Dynamics GP January 2018 Hotfix Now Available

Microsoft Dynamics GPTerry Heley announced the availability of the January 2018 Hotfix for Microsoft Dynamics GP the other day on the Dynamics GP Support and Services Blog. This hotfix is available for the following version of Microsoft Dynamics GP;

  • 2013 – this will be the last hotfix for GP 2013, so you should really start planning your upgrade to a supported version.
  • 2015
  • 2016
  • 2018

While you don’t need to install every hotfix for Microsoft Dynamics GP, I would always recommend reviewing the fix list to determine if you need to upgrade.

I am not listing all of the fixes here, just the ones which seem important or relevant to my clients:

  • These fixes are for 2018 only:
    • You may experience slow performance when you click Inquiry>>Purchasing>>Transaction By Document.
    • You are unable to make changes to copied workflow steps when created using the Copy Workflow Step feature.
  • These fixes are for both 2016 and 2018:
    • PM Payables Transaction Workflow A get/change operation on table ‘PM_Transcation_WORK’ failed.
    • Upgrade error CO00104 set BusObjKey = replace(BusObjKey,’0\PM\Payables Transaction History’,’0\PM\Payables Transaction’) where BusObjKey.
    • When two users simultaneously submit a document into a workflow with multiple approvers at the same time, one of the workflows will either go to the workflow manager or only be assigned to a portion of the approvers (this is an issue I logged with Microsoft which was causing issues for a couple of clients, so nice to see the fix available).
    • You may notice duplicate payments with simultaneous use of the payables select checks window, warning was added to the user.
    • You are unable to add new columns to existing Analytical Accounting SmartLists in Dynamics GP 2016 R2 or later & columns with special characters result in “excel found unreadable content” error when list is exported to excel.
    • Posting a GL reversing entry to a historical year with P&L account, where it reverses in the new year has incorrect SEQNUMBR in the GL20000 and incorrect ACTINDX in AAG30001 on reversing ‘GJ’ entry and 0% in AAG3000.

For the full fix list, check Terry’s blog post

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 RTM Now Available for Download

Microsoft Dynamics GPI’ve been checking all day, but, finally, the download for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 RTM is now available.

You can download it from here (CustomerSource or PartnerSource login required).

You can read about the new features coming in my Dynamics GP 2018 RTM Feature of the Day series of posts.

The Support team will be running a New Feature series of posts starting on 5th December. These blogs will give a comprehensive overview of the features along with excellent content, documentation, and videos, as they have done in the past.

I’ll be going hands on with the new version in a series of posts, probably starting as soon as the download is finished; the posts will start with the installation of the new version, before moving onto covering the new functionality.

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 System Requirements Updated to Include Windows 7

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP is scheduled for release today, so make sure you review the system requirements to ensure your hardware and software are both compatible with the new version.

Back in July the system requirements for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 RTM were released and, at that time, Windows 7 was not supported with any edition, but this version of Windows is now being officially supported with Dynamics GP 2018 RTM.

The system (minimum) requirements for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 are now available on CustomerSource (login required):

There are a few versions of OS and software which are not supported with Dynamics GP 2018; the following are not supported in any edition (e.g. Professional, Standard or Enterprise):

  • Windows Server 2008
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2012