eConnect Incoming Queue In Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 Does Not Work

Microsoft Dynamics GPI did an upgrade of a client from Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 R2 to Dynamics GP2015 recently and encountered a problem with eConnect.

This particular client uses the eConnect incoming queue to integrate journals and payables invoices into Dynamics GP from a housing management system.

After installing eConnect and configuring the incoming queue I set about doing a test to ensure it was working.

Unfortunately, it didn’t.

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GP Power Tools Now Available

Winthrop DCWinthrop DC has now officially launched the GP Power Tools and which are available to purchase from Winthrop DC’s partner Mekorma.

The GP Power Tools includes all of the functionality of the old Support Debugging Tool that they replace, but have new functionality, enhancements and bug fixes.

There is a special introductory annual subscription price of US$365 (one free day every four years!).

More information can be found on the GP Power Tools here.

I am/was a Support Debugging Tool user; what now?

If you were a Support Debugging Tool user on Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 or 2013 then absolutely nothing needs to change. SUpport Debugging Tool will not expire.

That said, you should consider upgrading to GP Power Tools for one major benefit: GP Power Tools is fully supported by Winthrop DC.

While this may not sound like much, the old Support Debugging Tool, which was offered by Microsoft, was not supported at all (not even by Microsoft).

The Future Of The Support Debugging Tool

Winthrop DCI am slightly behind the times with this post as this news is a few weeks old, but I have been busy and am now trying to catch up. When David Musgrave was working for Microsoft he wrote the Support Debugging Tool which contained some very useful functions. I did wonder what the future held for it when he left Microsoft last year, but he posted a while ago that he had negotiated an exclusive agreement with Microsoft which allows him to continue work on and release the tool.

There will be some changed to the Support Debugging Tool under this agreement. Most noticeable is the fact that it will now be called GP Power Tools.

GP Power Tools will be initially released for the following Microsoft Dynamics GP versions:

  • v11.0: Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010
  • v12.0: Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 and GP 2013 R2
  • v14.0: Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015

There is going to be some changes to the functionality when GP Power Tools is launched:

  • New simpler Navigation with menus and area page
  • Database Validation, to ensure that your upgrades work
  • Numerous enhancements and the odd bug fix
  • And lots more….

Another change is that GP Power Tools will now be available via an annual subscription for each customer site at the special introductory price of US$365.00. That’s a dollar a day, and every four years you will get a day for free.

For now continue to use the free Support Debugging Tool for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 and GP 2013 (inc. GP 2013 R2) which is available from

Stay tuned here or to the WInthrop DC blog for more information on when to upgrade to GP Power Tools for continued support and improved functionality.

Those of you on Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 will need to be patient for a while longer and wait for the release of GP Power Tools.

MDGP 2015 R2 Feature of the Day: Default SmartList Visibility

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2 has been released and, as with previous releases, Microsoft have started a Feature of the Day series on the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Team blog. As I have done with the last three series, I’ll be reposting these blog posts here with a little commentary.

The twenty fifth, and last, Feature of the Day is Default SmartList Visibility. When creating a new SmartList Favorite, the user has the option to select to whom the SmartList Favorite will be visible, including the following options: System, Company, User Class, and User ID. System is the default option selected for the visibility.

Add or Remove Favorites

Continue reading “MDGP 2015 R2 Feature of the Day: Default SmartList Visibility”

MDGP 2015 R2 Feature of the Day: Customer Credit Limit Visual

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2 has been released and, as with previous releases, Microsoft have started a Feature of the Day series on the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Team blog. As I have done with the last three series, I’ll be reposting these blog posts here with a little commentary.

The twenty fourth Feature of the Day is Customer Credit Limit Visual. In Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2, you have additional options that determine how and when you are notified of a customer who is over the credit limit you set for them.

In Receivables Setup, you can select to display an icon or give a warning message for a customer who is over their limit.

The existing process for an existing credit limit password will still be asked when entering a line item or saving a transaction.

The warning message:

Continue reading “MDGP 2015 R2 Feature of the Day: Customer Credit Limit Visual”

MDGP 2015 R2 Feature of the Day: Automatically Deposit Cash Receipts

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2 has been released and, as with previous releases, Microsoft have started a Feature of the Day series on the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Team blog. As I have done with the last three series, I’ll be reposting these blog posts here with a little commentary.

The twenty third Feature of the Day is Automatically Deposit Cash Receipts. This feature provides the option to have cash receipts directly update the checkbook balance without the need to manually post the cash receipt deposit in Bank Reconciliation.

This option was previously available in Analytical Accounting. In Microsoft Dynamic GP2015 R2, the option is made available in the core dictionary, expanding the option to companies not using Analytical Accounting.

To select the option, mark the “Automatically post cash receipt deposits” checkbox in the Company Setup Options window.

Company Setup - Options

When this option is marked, cash receipts entered in Cash Receipt Entry, Receivables Transaction Entry, Sales Transaction Entry, and Invoice Entry will be deposited automatically in the checkbook, updating the checkbook balance.

I have a few clients who will benefit from this one, but I have one client especially in mind for it who has asked before about if this was possible.

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MDGP 2015 R2 Feature of the Day: Display Debits before Credits

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2 has been released and, as with previous releases, Microsoft have started a Feature of the Day series on the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Team blog. As I have done with the last three series, I’ll be reposting these blog posts here with a little commentary.

The twenty second Feature of the Day is . A top suggestion on the MS Connect site, this feature moves the Debit column to display before the Credit column by default in account transaction reporting options in which the Credit column previously displayed before the Debit column.

This applies to SmartLists and Excel Reports, as well as the database tables and views on which the reports are based.

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MDGP 2015 R2 Feature of the Day: Enable Email on All Sales Order Document Formats

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2 will soon be released (due late May/early June and, as with previous releases, Microsoft have started a Feature of the Day series on the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Team blog. As I have done with the last three series, I’ll be reposting these blog posts here with a little commentary.

The twenty first Feature of the Day is Enable Email on All Sales Order Document Formats. The Print Options for Sales Orders currently only support email for ‘Blank’ document formats. This feature will support email for any document format for all Sales Order documents.

This feature is supported when printing from the Transaction Entry Window, Navigation Lists, and Print Sales Documents window.

Print Sales Documents

While being able to all PO documents is a welcome feature, it is even more welcome on the Sales Order Processing side of things as I have a number of clients who need to produce a proforma invoice when the order is raised and this is typically done using one of the other document formats such as the Despatch Note Blank Form which can be emailed. It is going to be good to be able to configure the SOP Short Order Form as the proforma invoice and be able to use the despatch note for its intended purpose.

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MDGP 2015 R2 Feature of the Day: Enable Email on All Purchase Order Document Formats

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2 will soon be released (due late May/early June and, as with previous releases, Microsoft have started a Feature of the Day series on the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Team blog. As I have done with the last three series, I’ll be reposting these blog posts here with a little commentary.

The twentieth Feature of the Day is Enable Email on All Purchase Order Document Formats. The Print Options for Purchase Orders currently only support email for ‘Blank’ document formats. This feature will support email for any document format for all Purchase Order documents.

This feature is supported when printing from the Transaction Entry Window, Navigation Lists, and Print Purchasing Documents window.

Purchase Order Print Options

I like this addition as it has always seemed a very artificial restriction to only be able the blank paper format of the purchase order.

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MDGP 2015 R2 Feature of the Day: Mask Employee SSN on Reports

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2 will soon be released (due late May/early June and, as with previous releases, Microsoft have started a Feature of the Day series on the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Team blog. As I have done with the last three series, I’ll be reposting these blog posts here with a little commentary.

The nineteenth Feature of the Day is Mask Employee SSN on Reports. Feature will provide an option for a Payroll Administrator to mask the employee social security numbers on a predefined list of payroll reports. If the Payroll Administrator selects to apply the mask for a particular report, when generated, the employee social security number field on the report will appear with a XXX-XX-XXXX mask.

Report Masking

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