MDGP 2015 Feature of the Day: Employee Self Service Functionality

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog has started a series of posts on the new features of, the soon to be released, Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015. As I have done for the last two releases, I intend to shadow these posts and add my own opinions on these new feature; the series index is here.

The twelfth Feature of the Day is Employee Self Service Functionality. The new Employee Profile window in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 is an extension of the Employee Self Service functionality allows employees to view and/or update their personal information including Address/Phone Numbers, Emergency Contacts, Dependants, and Position History.

Employees maintain their Education and Tests in the Employee Skills and Training window and view their Skills and Training History.

Workflow functionality is integrated so employees can submit changes and managers can approve changes from a Navigation List or from an email notification.

Employee Profile

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MDGP 2015 Feature of the Day: Employee Benefits

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog has started a series of posts on the new features of, the soon to be released, Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015. As I have done for the last two releases, I intend to shadow these posts and add my own opinions on these new feature; the series index is here.

The eleventh Feature of the Day is Employee Benefits. Employee Benefits is part of the new Employee Self Service functionality being introduced in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015.

The new Benefits View window allows employees to view their benefits, employee contributions and employer contributions. An option for All or Active allows employees to view what they are assigned as well as all benefits available.

Benefit View

The roles targeted by this feature are:

  • Self Service Users

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MDGP 2015 Feature of the Day: .NET Interop

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog has started a series of posts on the new features of, the soon to be released, Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015. As I have done for the last two releases, I intend to shadow these posts and add my own opinions on these new feature; the series index is here.

The tenth Feature of the Day is .NET Interop. The new Service Based Architecture enables Microsoft Dynamics GP and ISV products to expose and consume services. Services are the backbone of the cloud and this feature supports new and exciting scenarios around cloud based interaction.

Developers can now directly reference .NET assemblies and their objects in sanScript in order to leverage capability offered in the .NET Framework. This includes the ability to call out to services or use objects as a means of data handling and processing.

Script Editor.NET objects can be instantiated, have their properties set or methods called within sanScript

The roles targeted by this feature are:

  • Developers
  • ISVs

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MDGP 2015 Feature of the Day: Service Based Architecture Deployment

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog has started a series of posts on the new features of, the soon to be released, Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015. As I have done for the last two releases, I intend to shadow these posts and add my own opinions on these new feature; the series index is here.

The ninth Feature of the Day is Service Based Architecture Deployment. The deployment for Service Based Architecture offers the flexibility to meet your deployment needs. There is a simple single machine configuration for demo, development and smaller production deployments. You may also choose a scale out deployment across multiple servers, using a single tenant or multitenant configuration.

The installation of the Service Based Architecture server components is included in the same installation as the web client so you can easily deploy both components at the same time.

Microsoft Dynamics GP Web Components

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MDGP 2015 Feature of the Day: Service Based Architecture

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog has started a series of posts on the new features of, the soon to be released, Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015. As I have done for the last two releases, I intend to shadow these posts and add my own opinions on these new feature; the series index is here.

The eighth Feature of the Day is Service Based Architecture. This new Service Based Architecture enables Microsoft Dynamics GP and ISV products to expose and consume services. Such services are the backbone of the cloud and this feature supports new and exciting scenarios around cloud based interaction.

With the addition of this functionality partners and ISVs can build more robust integrations or create companion apps in their platform of choice expanding reach, depth and capability of Microsoft Dynamics GP

Service Based Architecture

Before I can really comment on this

The roles targeted by this feature are:

  • Customers
  • Developers
  • ISVs

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MDGP 2015 Feature of the Day: Invoicing in the Web Client

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog has started a series of posts on the new features of, the soon to be released, Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015. As I have done for the last two releases, I intend to shadow these posts and add my own opinions on these new feature; the series index is here.

The seventh Feature of the Day is Invoicing in the Web Client. The Invoicing module has now been enabled to work on the web client:

Invoice Entry

I am somewhat surprised to see Invoicing added to the web client as I have been under the impression that this was a deprecated module which was seeing no further development. Hopefully there are some more deprecated modules which might see some attention in the future.

The roles targeted by this feature are:

  • Operations Manager
  • Shipping & Receiving

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MDGP 2015 Feature of the Day: Organizational Accounts User Authentication

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog has started a series of posts on the new features of, the soon to be released, Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015. As I have done for the last two releases, I intend to shadow these posts and add my own opinions on these new feature; the series index is here.

The sixth Feature of the Day is Organizational Accounts User Authentication.

This feature allows users to be authenticated for Microsoft Dynamics GP using organizational account credentials, also known as Azure AD accounts. This allows the user to log into the Microsoft Dynamics GP Web Client using the same credentials that are used for Office 365, Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online, or many other cloud applications:

User Setup

Continue reading “MDGP 2015 Feature of the Day: Organizational Accounts User Authentication”

MDGP 2015 Feature of the Day: Project Employee Expense Report

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog has started a series of posts on the new features of, the soon to be released, Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015. As I have done for the last two releases, I intend to shadow these posts and add my own opinions on these new feature; the series index is here.

The fifth Feature of the Day is Project Employee Expense Report.

Project Accounting employees can create expense reports for any projects to which they are assigned and employees can also be set up to allow delegates to enter expense reports on their behalf.

Workflow approvals and task assignments are defined for expense reports; workflow actions are executed on the documents from the Expense Entry window or from the Navigation lists.

PTE Expenses navigation list

Continue reading “MDGP 2015 Feature of the Day: Project Employee Expense Report”

MDGP 2015 Feature of the Day: Vendor Approval

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog has started a series of posts on the new features of, the soon to be released, Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015. As I have done for the last two releases, I intend to shadow these posts and add my own opinions on these new feature; the series index is here.

The fourth Feature of the Day is Vendor Approval. This feature is an enhancement to the new Workflow 2.0 module introduced in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 R2 which allows users to control the setup and maintenance of vendors.

Vendor Approval allows users to create mandatory workflow processes around the setup and maintenance of vendors. These mandatory processes need to be completed before transactions can be posted. The workflow processes are defined in Workflow Maintenance (Administration area page » Setup » Company » Workflow » Workflow Maintenance):

Workflow Maintenance

The workflow status appears on the window and actions can be taken directly from those windows, from an email or from a Navigation List.

I want to see more details about this feature as I am very much hoping that the workflow has been extended to include the EFT Bank details.

The new Workflow 2.0 is far, far simpler and easier to implement and use.

The roles targeted by this feature are:

  • All

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MDGP 2015 Feature of the Day: Receivables Management Batch Approval

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog has started a series of posts on the new features of, the soon to be released, Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015. As I have done for the last two releases, I intend to shadow these posts and add my own opinions on these new feature; the series index is here.

The third Feature of the Day is Receivables Management Batch Approval. This feature is an enhancement to the new Workflow 2.0 module introduced in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 R2 which allows users to control the processing of Receivables Management batches in a more streamlined fashion.

Receivables Management Batch Approval allows users to create mandatory workflow processes around Receivables transaction batches. These mandatory processes need to be completed before transactions can be posted. The workflow processes are defined in Workflow Maintenance (Administration area page » Setup » Company » Workflow » Workflow Maintenance):

Workflow Maintenance

The workflow status appears on the window and actions can be taken directly from those windows, from an email or from a Navigation List.

The new Workflow 2.0 is far, far simpler and easier to implement and use.

The roles targeted by this feature are:

  • All

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