Microsoft Dynamics GP Roadmap to 2028 and Beyond

Microsoft Dynamics GPTerry Heley on the Dynamics GP Support and Services Blog posted an article on Friday on the exciting future of Microsoft Dynamics GP and giving a Lifecycle Update. As part of the article she inked to the published Lifecycle (Roadmap) for Microsoft Dynamics GP which extends to 2028 and beyond for Microsoft Dynamics GP.

The published roadmap also shows the end of mainstream and extended support for versions older versions of the product which predate the Modern Lifecycle:

Microsoft Dynamics GP Roadmap through to 2028

In brief:

  • 2013 and 2013 R2 are out of mainstream support and in extended support until 11/4/2023.
  • 2015 and 2015 R2 are out of mainstream support and in extended support until 14/4/2025.
  • 2016 and 2016 R2 are out of mainstream support on 13/7/2021 and in extended support until 7/4/2026.
  • 2018 and 2018 R2 in mainstream support until 10/1/2023 and in extended support until 7/4/2026.

Microsoft Dynamics GP is now under the Modern Lifecycle and has the same commitment from Microsoft as Dynamics 365. The Modern Lifecycle means there should be more frequent updates to Microsoft Dynamics GP with at least three updates a year in January, June/July and October.

Microsoft will continue to keep adding new features and improving it based on direct feedback from users. The best way to make sure you continue to benefit from the improvements is to keep up-to-date on upgrades and use the latest version of Microsoft Dynamics GP.

The key takeaway from the published Lifecycle is that Microsoft Dynamics GP is not going anywhere and development will continue under the Modern Lifecycle policy with multiple releases each year.

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2 user cannot login into Exchange

Microsoft Dynamics GPI’ve recently been working on a project with a client to introduce emailing of remittences to suppliers. To do this, we switched them from using Outlook foe sending emails to using a shared Exchange mailbox which their IT created for them.

We discovered that while I could use by email address for logging into Exchange, they couldn’t use their shared mailbox. My initial thought was that while we were both using Office365 accounts, they were trying to use an ordinary password, whereas I was using an app password.

I checked that they were entering the credentials correctly, which for Office365 is to use the email address in both the Email Address and Login ID fields (as shown in the example below), and they were:

Exchange Logon window

Continue reading “Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2 user cannot login into Exchange”

Is there a POP Historical Received Not Invoiced Report Available?

Microsoft Dynamics GPI’ve had a couple of people recently ask if it is possible to get a historical version of the Shipments Received but not invoiced* SmartList favourite (located under Purchasing » Receivings Line Items).

Within SmartList, this is not possible as the point-in-time calculations required for a historical report are too complex for a SmartList, even one driven by a view.

While historically this report wasn’t available in Microsoft Dynamics GP, this changed in the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2 release when a Reporting Services Report version of a Historical Received Not Invoiced Report was introduced. It seems though that many people are remain unaware of this new Historical RNI report.

As long as you have the Reporting Services Reports from the Reporting Tools Setup window deployed you can launch the report from the Purchasing series Reporting Services Reports navigation pane:

Historical Received Not Invoiced

This report allows you to enter criteria including a Date as of.

Microsoft Dynamics GP Crashes/Closes When Emailing After Microsoft Office Update

Microsoft Dynamics GPEarly last week, the Dynamics GP Support and Services Blog posted about a problem whereby Microsoft Dynamics GP will crash when emailing after the latest Microsoft Office update.

This officially effects all versions from Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 RTM onward, but one comment on the above blog post says it also effects Dynamics GP 2010.

The Microsoft Office update which causes the problem is:

  • Office 365 – Version 1811 (Build 11029.20079) – Standard
  • Office 365 – Version 1811 (Build 11029.20045) – Insider Edition
  • Office 2019 – Version 1811 (Build 11029.20079)

To check your version of Office, launch Microsoft Outlook, click File then Office Account; on the right hand side of the screen is a section for About Outlook:

About Office section showing version number

There are two options to resolve the issue (you should only have to apply one of them):

  • Revert/Rollback Microsoft Office to the last build.
  • Rename Dynamics GP Code folder and run a Repair (this will remove 3rd Parties).

Instructions for both options are available on the Dynamics GP Support and Services Blog.

We’ve found that for clients with the problem, rolling back the version of Microsoft Office fixes the issue.

Debugging Integration Manager Crashes

Microsoft Dynamics GPWe’ve had two separate clients recently log calls where Integration Manager was crashing while performing an integration.

The first client was doing an Inventory Items integration on Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2 and the other was doing a Sales Transaction integration on Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 R2.

Both of the integrations had been running fine for quite a long period of time before starting to crash; no changes had been made to either system and I’ve not been able to determine why Integration Manager (IM) has started crashing.

However, by the use of two ini file switches, we were able to determine what error was being encountered by IM resulted in a crash.

The two switches are already present in the ini file (C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics\Integration Manager nn/Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.IntegrationManager.ini by default) where the False value needs to be changed to True:


When these switches are set to True, the Microsoft Dynamics GP windows are not hidden when the integration runs.

We found that for the Inventory Items integration, accounts either didn’t exist, didn’t allow account entry or were inactive; for the Sales Transaction integration, Analytical Accounting (AA) had been enabled for one of the accounts and the integration didn’t handle AA.

I created a VB script for the Inventory Items integration to check the accounts in the Before Document script and cancel the document if the account was going to be a problem.

Cancelling a PO Line Created From a Purchase Requisition

Microsoft Dynamics GPCancelling a purchase order line which came from a purchase requisition should, one would think, be a simple task. However, prior to Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 R2, this was not necessarily the case.

This recently came back to mind when a client, who has recently implemented Purchase Order Processing with Workflow approvals on the requisitions (PO Entry window has been customised to lock a lot of the fields) raised an issue with me about not being able to cancel a line on the PO. After writing and demoing the functionality of Dynamics GP 2016 R2 a few times recently, it took a few minutes to identify a workaround for them as the client was running Dynamics GP 2015 R2 (14.00.1016).

The problem, is that you cannot cancel the link to the requisition in the same way you would a Sales commitment. If you try to cancel by entering a Qty Canceled, you get this error:

Microsoft Dynamics GP - The quantity can't be changed because the remaining quantity doesn't satisfy the commitments for this line item

Microsoft Dynamics GP

The purchase order commitment can't be deleted; an attached sales line item is in use or is in history. Line items that weren't in use or in history are no longer committed to a purchase order.

Continue reading “Cancelling a PO Line Created From a Purchase Requisition”

Microsoft Dynamics GP July Hotfix – 2017 Mid Year Tax Update Now Available

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe Dynamics GP Support and Services Blog blog announced the availability of the Microsoft Dynamics GP July Hotfix – 2017 Mid Year Tax Update towards the end of June.

This hotfix is available for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 R2, 2015 r2 and 2016 R2.

While all of them have updates for the US and Canadian Payroll systems, there were three changes in the 2016 version which caught my eye:

  • Financials

    • You may not be able to view any document attachment for any OPEN Payables Document.
    • Invoice Receipt Date field added for UK installs, click here for details.
  • System

    • Scan functionality may not function with document attach

The fixes to Document Attachment are good to see, but the Invoice Receipt Date was especially interesting as it results from new legislation which came into effect on April 1st for businesses of a certain size in the UK with a duty to report on their payment practices, policies and performance. This new requirement was introduced to protect smaller businesses that suffer from late payments, which can adversely affect their cash flow and jeopardize their ability to trade.

The new Invoice Receipt Date field is available on Payables Transaction Entry (Purchasing >> Transactions >> Transaction Entry), Receivings Transaction Entry (Purchasing >> Transactions >> Receivings Transaction Entry) and Purchasing Invoice Entry (Purchasing >> Transactions >> Enter/Match Invoice).

The Doc Attach changes only effect 2016, but the new field is available in 2013, 2015 and 2016.

When exec wfDeployCLRAssemblies Just Isn’t Enough

Microsoft Dynamics GPI’ve posted a few times about errors in Workflow requiring the wfDeployCLRAssemblies stored procedure to be run again (1 2 3), but the Dynamics GP Support and Services Blog has posted an article about how this is sometimes not sufficient to resolve the problem and the procedures, functions and assemblies deployed by the wfDeployCLRAssemblies stored procedure need to be deleted.

To this end, the blog post contains a series of scripts which need to be run before thew wfDeployCLRAssemblies stored procedure is executed. There are versions of the script for Microsoft Dynamics 2013 R2, 2015 (including 2015 R2) and 2016 (including 2016 R2).

If your problem still isn’t fixed, then a support case would need to be raised.

Microsoft Dynamics GP January Hotfix Released

Microsoft Dynamics GPI don’t usually post about releases, except for major version releases. However, the January Hotfix release caught my eye with a few of the included features in the 2016 R2 one.

As well as having the US Payroll updates there are updates to the following which would be of benefit to clients in the UK:

  • VAT Daybook

    • VAT Daybook Summary reports may not show correct data in boxes 1, 6 and 7 if you voided a transaction.
    • VAT detail report may show incorrect figures if you have 2 or more tax codes on a transaction.
  • General Ledger

    • The Excel copy and paste function may not calculate the credit/debit column correctly when using an allocation account.
  • Fixed Asset Management

    • Tax values may not update properly if a user marks to create multiple fixed assets in the Fixed Asset Purchase Order additional information window.
  • Bank Reconciliation

    • You may experience performance issues with the Checkbook Register Inquiry window after you install GP 2016 R2.
  • Project Accounting

    • Ability to change line distributions for time and material projects in revenue recognition.
    • Fee Accounts not available in line distributions button.
    • Purchase Receiving’s not reflecting WIP account edits from Purchase Order for non-inventory items.
  • System Manager

    • Fixed issues with Uncollated printing.

The hotfixes for Dynamics GP 2013 R2 and 2015 R2 only contain US Payroll fixes.

The post from the Dynamics GP Support and Services blog contains the download links.

List View Action Pane Error During Upgrade

Microsoft Dynamics GPWe have been doing a number of upgrades for clients recently, the majority of which went fine. However, we did have one, being done by one of my team, where there was an error produced on the table List View Action Pane when upgrading to Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2:

Company Detail

Continue reading “List View Action Pane Error During Upgrade”