Error Starting Microsoft Dynamics GP After Installing PSTL

Microsoft Dynamics GPI’m taking a slight detour away from posting the series of how to’s on the Professional Services Tools Library to highlight an installation error that I’ve recently seen when installing PSTL.

A client recently installed PSTL and reported receiving the below error message;

Microsoft Dynamics GP - A Get/Change Operation on Table 'gpAppEnabled' cannot find the table

I’d sent them the PSTL download along with the instructions on how to install it without realising that there was a missing part to me instructions (which has now been added).

When installing PSTL into a company for the first time, you must log into Microsoft Dynamics GP as the sa user as there are some tables which get created (covered in KB Article 861564 which is actually a retired article but does mention the issue and the resolution).

How To Rebuild GL00105 Using PSTL

Microsoft Dynamics GPA while ago I posted a script that could be used to fix a corrupt Account Index Master (GL00105). However, the Toolkit within the Professional Services Tools Library (PSTL) can be used to do the same thing without resorting to a custom script.

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How To Copy Shortcuts Using PSTL

Microsoft Dynamics GPAfter installing the Professional Services Tools Library earlier this week, I’m doing a series of posts on the different functions available, for free, within.

This post covers the Copy Shortcuts options. This function allows shortcuts to be copied from on user to another.

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How To Disable A Database Using PSTL

Microsoft Dynamics GPNow that the Professional Service Tools Library (PSTL) has been installed it’s time to take a look at some of the functionality available.

The first one I’ll look at is how to disable a database so users cannot log in. Without using PSTL, to deactivate a database requires you to use the User Access window (Microsoft Dynamics GP menu » Tools » Setup » Administration » User Access) and select each user in turn and uncheck the company to be disabled. If you have more than a handful of users, this can take a long time to do but with PSTL all users can be disabled very quickly.

Continue reading “How To Disable A Database Using PSTL”

How To Install Professional Services Tools Library

Microsoft Dynamics GPAs I mentioned in the last post, Microsoft Dynamics GP Support Blog announced that the Professional Services Tools Library had been made free of charge and can be downloaded from here (PartnerSoruce login required; Customers will need to contact their partner). The free PSTL is only available for supported versions of Microsoft Dynamics GP so if you are not using 10 or 2010 you will need to upgrade.

I thought it might be useful to do a short series of posts highlighting some of the PSTL tools and what you can do with them, so to start with I thought a post on how to install the module.

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PSTL Registration Error

Microsoft Dynamics GPEarlier this month the Microsoft Dynamics GP Support Blog announced that the Professional Services Tools Library had been made free of charge and can be downloaded from here (PartnerSoruce login required; Customers will need to contact their partner).

It’s a while since I did much with PSTL so I decided to download it and take a look. I got it installed correctly but when I tried to open it I got this error;

Microsoft Dynamics GP - Unhandled script exception: [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]Could not find stored procedure 'PI.dbo.smChangeAccountIndex2'.

Continue reading “PSTL Registration Error”

Editing Standard SmartLists with SmartList Builder

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe Google-fu is weak with this one (this one being me). I read a post ages ago on the subject of SmartList wildcards which looked like it would be really useful, but then, after I’d forgotton the details, couldn’t find it again no matter what searches I tried.

On the Developing for Dynamics GP blog David Musgrave gives a reminder for those using SmartList Builder that there is in fact a way to modify standard SmartLists by downloading them from here (Customer Source login required) without having to manually recreate them.

When you download them, remember to think kind thoughts of the Microsoft Dynamics GP Support Team who created these SmartLists.

SmartList Wildcards

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe Google-fu is weak with this one (this one being me). I read a post ages ago on the subject of SmartList wildcards which looked like it would be really useful, but then, after I’d forgotton the details, couldn’t find it again no matter what searches I tried.

Then, a couple of days ago, Tim Cruickshank, on the Rose Business Solutions blog, posted a few tips and tricks he’d picked up at Convergence, one of which was SmartList Wildcards.

Continue reading “SmartList Wildcards”