How To Install Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 – Client

Microsoft Dynamics GPHaving installed Microsoft SQL Server 2012 into a test environment and created the ODBC for connecting GP to SQL Server the next step is to install the Microsoft Dynamics GP client.

Microsoft Dynamics GP 9 was the last version which had a separate Server and Client installation; all versions since then have had only a single setup utility for both server and client.

When the setup utility (setup.exe) from the Microsoft Dynamics GP installation media is run, the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 Bootstrapper Setup will run to install the prerequisites;

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 Bootstrapper Setup

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How To Create An ODBC For Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010

Microsoft Dynamics GPI’ve recently had the need to document the install process for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 for a new client so I thought I might as well finish off the task and but turning it into a small series of blog posts, the first of which will cover the manual creation of an ODBC connection.

To connect the Microsoft Dynamics GP client to the databases on SQL Server, an ODBC connection needs to be setup. In an x86 version of Windows this can be done using the ODBC Control Panel applet, but in an x64 version you need to use the x86 version of the ODBC Data Source Administrator.

The easiest way of accessing this is by using the Run window and opening %windir%\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe;


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How To Install Connector for Microsoft Dynamics GP – Integrate Data

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis is the seventh post in the series on how to install the Connector for Microsoft Dynamics GP; the first six posts covered the prerequisites, installation, adapter configuration, creating a new integration, preparing data for integration and synchronise picklists.

Now that the Connector for Microsoft Dynamics has been installed and configured, the data has been prepared for integration and picklists synchronised, the next step is to start running the integrations.

As an example, I’m going to step through the process of integrating the Unit of Measure Schedules from GP into the CRM Unit Groups.

In the Connector for Microsoft Dynamics (Start menu » All Programs » Microsoft Dynamics » Microsoft Dynamics Adapter » Connector for Microsoft Dynamics) navigate down to the UofM Schedule to Unit Group node (Home » Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 \ Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 » Fabrikam, Inc. \ Fabrikam, Inc. » Maps » >UofM Schedule to Unit Group);

Connector for Microsoft Dynamics

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How To Install Connector for Microsoft Dynamics GP – Synchronise Picklists

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis is the sixth post in the series on how to install the Connector for Microsoft Dynamics GP; the first five posts covered the prerequisites, installation, adapter configuration, creating a new integration and preparing data for integration.

One of the things that needs to be done before integrating Microsoft Dynamics GP with Microsoft Dynamics CRM is to synchronise the CRM picklists with data in GP. This can be done using the supplied Microsoft Dynamics CRM Picking Sync utility which is installed along with the Connector for Microsoft Dynamics.

There is no menu item created for this utility, so you will need to open Windows Explorer and navigate to the installation folder (%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Dynamics\Microsoft Dynamics Adapter) and double click the Microsoft.Dynamics.Integration.GpToCrmPicklistSync.exe;

Windows Explorer

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How To Install Connector for Microsoft Dynamics GP – Preparing Data for Integration

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis is the fifth post in the series on how to install the Connector for Microsoft Dynamics GP; the first four posts covered the prerequisites, installation, adapter configuration and creating a new integration.

In this post, I’m going to highlight an issue which bit me when I was creating this series of posts using the Fabrikam, Inc. demo company.

This isn’t an issue I’ve encountered in the wild, so to speak, but it is a difference in how Microsoft Dynamics GP and Microsoft Dynamics CRM handle Unit of Measure Schedules and Unit Groups respectively.

Microsoft Dynamics GP allows for Unit of Measure Schedules to have two UoM details of the same name. For example, the Fabrikam, Inc. Unit of Measure Schedule Wire contains Spool defined as both 100.00 Foot and 33.33 Yard;

Unit of Measure Schedule Setup

Continue reading “How To Install Connector for Microsoft Dynamics GP – Preparing Data for Integration”

How To Install Connector for Microsoft Dynamics GP – Create A New Integration

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis is the fourth post in the series on how to install the Connector for Microsoft Dynamics GP; the first three posts covered the prerequisites, installation and adapter configuration. This one will show the step-by-step process to create a new integration between Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 and Microsoft Dynamics 2011.

To create a new integration between Microsoft Dynamics GP and Microsoft Dynamics CRM, open the Connector for Microsoft Dynamics from the Windows Start menu (Start menu » All Programs » Microsoft Dynamics » Microsoft Dynamics Adapter » Connector for Microsoft Dynamics).

To create a new integration, click the New Integration button on the toolbar;

Connector for Microsoft Dynamics

Continue reading “How To Install Connector for Microsoft Dynamics GP – Create A New Integration”

How To Install Connector for Microsoft Dynamics GP – Configure Adapters

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis is the third post in the series on how to install the Connector for Microsoft Dynamics GP; the first two posts covered the prerequisites and installation. This one will show the step-by-step process to configure the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 and Microsoft Dynamics 2011 adapters.

To configure the adapters, open the Connector for Microsoft Dynamics program (Start menu » All Programs » Microsoft Dynamics » Microsoft Dynamics Adapter » Connector for Microsoft Dynamics) where you will be presented, on first run, the Adapter Settings utility which will be on the Activate new adapters page.

Enter the Integration Account (in my case DOMAIN\DynamicsConnector) and password and also the URL for the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Discovery Service.

The account being used for the Integration Account needs to be a valid CRM user with organization level read privileges for SystemUser (I usually do this by creating a role only with this one security privilege) on the organisations you’re going to integrate into. This user will be added to the following security roles by the configuration utility (which I’ll cover in a moment);

  • System Customizer
  • Dynamics Integration (this security role is automatically created)

The URL for my system is http://azc-crm1:5555/XRMServices/2011/Discovery.svc (your address can be found in Dynamics CRM under Settings » Customise » Developer Resources);

Adapter Settings - Activate New Adapters

Continue reading “How To Install Connector for Microsoft Dynamics GP – Configure Adapters”

How To Install Connector for Microsoft Dynamics GP – Installation

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis is the second post in the series on how to install the Connector for Microsoft Dynamics GP; the first post covered the prerequisites.

When the Connector for Microsoft Dynamics GP setup utility is run, the first window is just a welcome screen, so click next;

Connector for Microsoft Dynamics - Welcome to the Connector for Microsoft Dynamics Setup Wizard

Continue reading “How To Install Connector for Microsoft Dynamics GP – Installation”

How To Install Connector for Microsoft Dynamics GP – Prerequisites

Microsoft Dynamics GPOver the last two or three weeks I’ve been doing a series of posts on how to install the Web Services for Microsoft Dynamics (prerequisites, installation, configuration, verification , security configuration, Management Tools installation and Management Tools configuration) leading up to this series of posts on how to install the Connector for Microsoft Dynamics GP in order to link Microsoft Dynamics GP with Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Web Services for Microsoft Dynamics GP is the major prerequisite for installing the Connector for Microsoft Dynamics.

Continue reading “How To Install Connector for Microsoft Dynamics GP – Prerequisites”

Connector for Microsoft Dynamics GP

Microsoft Dynamics GPConnector for Microsoft Dynamics is a tool available from Microsoft which allows Microsoft Dynamics CRM to be integrated with one of the three Microsoft Dynamics ERP products; AX, GP and NAV.

Being a Microsoft Dynamics GP focused blog, it is the integration to Microsoft Dynamics GP I’m going to take a look at over the next couple of weeks or so depending on how quickly I get the posts written and published.

Connector for Microsoft Dynamics provides a two way integration between Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Microsoft Dynamics GP with the below diagram showing the entities which can be integrated from one system to the other;

Connector for Microsoft Dynamics

Continue reading “Connector for Microsoft Dynamics GP”