Home Screen Connect Error – Server Error in ‘/lus’ Application.’

Microsoft Dynamics GPA client testing Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 R2 prior to going live rang to say they were getting a runtime error when logging in. I dialled in and checked the home screen and couldn’t see any problem with the dynsa home screen so asked for a screenshot showing the error;

The screenshot they sent showed the below error message;

Home Screen Connect Error - Server Error in '/lus' Application.'

Continue reading “Home Screen Connect Error – Server Error in ‘/lus’ Application.’”

How To Use All Account User Defined Fields On SmartLists – Step By Step

Microsoft Dynamics GPIn a post last week I linked to Frank Hamelly’s post on using all four User Defined Fields on the Account Maintenance window (Cards » Financial » Account).

I thought it might be useful to follow up with a step-by-step explanation of creating a SmartList for historical GL transactions with all four user defined fields from the account. Continue reading “How To Use All Account User Defined Fields On SmartLists – Step By Step”

Fixing A Corrupt Sales Invoice

Microsoft Dynamics GPWe received a call from a client yesterday about a problem with a sales invoice.

They’d tried to amend the value, had a problem and then tried to void the transaction (their settings prevented the registered invoice being deleted but something went wrong.

It was at this point that they called the helpdesk to report the following error message;

This document number already exists. Please enter a new document number.

Continue reading “Fixing A Corrupt Sales Invoice”

Earlier Version of Dynamics.dic Than Installed

Microsoft Dynamics GPI did a test upgrade for a client recently (yes, I’ve been doing a few of these) so they could make sure everything still works and allow them to check out some of the new features.

I got this error message forwarded to me by one of the clients after he tried to login to do some testing;

You are using an earlier version of Dynamics.dic than the one that

Continue reading “Earlier Version of Dynamics.dic Than Installed”

Installing Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 – Insufficient Privileges To Modify The VBA Project Error

Microsoft Dynamics GPI upgraded a clients test system from Microsoft Dynamics GP 10 SP3 to 2010 R2 successfully on the main system such as installing the main client and upgrading the system and company databases.

The client has a few modified reports on the system which needed to be brought across to Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010. These reports were exported from Customisation Maintenance (Microsoft Dynamics GP menu » Tools » Customise » Customisation Maintenance);

Customisation Maintenance

Continue reading “Installing Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 – Insufficient Privileges To Modify The VBA Project Error”

Automate Login To Microsoft Dynamics GP 10

Microsoft Dynamics GPClients who have upgraded to Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 can use the new remember user and password functionality, but what about those who have not yet upgraded?

Well, in Microsoft Dynamics GP 10, and before, you can use a login macro to automate the login process. A macro can be created by pressing Alt + F8 on the login screen and following the normal login process before pressing Alt + F8 again to stop recording. Continue reading “Automate Login To Microsoft Dynamics GP 10”