Update Creditor Addresses From CSV To Work Around An Integration Manager Bug

Microsoft Dynamics GPI was doing some work for a client recently where we were loading lists of new creditors into Microsoft Dynamics GP from CSV files via Integration Manager. There is, however, a bug in IM 10 where it adds extra zeros to the phone and fax number fields of both creditors and debtors. These extra characters are, rather bizarrely, not always at the end but can be interspersed in the phone number.

The easiest work around was to put together a SQL script for loading the phone and fax numbers from CSV file which I did while on site which updated only a single address on the PM Creditor Master (PM00200) and PM Address Master (PM00300) tables.

Continue reading “Update Creditor Addresses From CSV To Work Around An Integration Manager Bug”

azurecurve.co.uk finally back up

azurecurveWell, after approximately thirty six hours of downtime azurecurve is back up and running. Speed currently seems to be up and down but I’m hoping this is just index rebuilds or similar slowing things down.

If you encounter any problems when using the site, please send an email to webmaster[at]azurecurve.co.uk so I can investigate. Thanks.

Updating Item Purchasing Unit Of Measure From A CSV

Microsoft Dynamics GPAfter a slight mid-week diversion, here is another script I produced a while ago which updates the Item’s Default Purchasing Unit of Measure. It was produced when a client wanted to bulk update a large number of records which would have taken a long time manually but by script only minutes to write and run.

Continue reading “Updating Item Purchasing Unit Of Measure From A CSV”

Windows 8 Consumer Preview Available

WindowsWindows 8 Consumer Preview now available for download.

Windows 8 Consumer Preview Available

Yesterday, at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain, Microsoft announced the availability of the Windows 8 Consumer Preview.; full details at the Building Windows 8 blog.

I’m in the process of downloading it so I can see what improvements have been made since the Developer Preview and will post any thing of interest.

Update Sales Transactions Distributions From Item

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis is a script I’ve had a few months now and, like the one I posted yesterday, thought it might be useful to others.

This script was created for a client who changed some of their account codes on some Item Classes and had rolled them down to the Items themselves but there were many Sales Transactions already on the system which had the old code on and needed to be updated to the new one.

Continue reading “Update Sales Transactions Distributions From Item”

Update Inventory Item Accounts From CSV

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis script was produced for a client who wanted to bulk update the accounts defined against selected Inventory Items in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 R2. This particular client did not have Integration Manager so I needed an alternative approach to doing the update.

I could have used a GP Macro to do the job (doing one while recording the macro to create a template to be populated from a CSV using Mail Merge) but it was easier to create a SQL script to do the job directly from the CSV (this is the same view I took for updating the Account Segment Master).

Continue reading “Update Inventory Item Accounts From CSV”

Lack Of Updates

azurecurveApologies for the lack of updates recently, but I’ve been out of the office over the last couple of weeks for my birthday (I never work it), on client site and then back down to Cheshire for a week to pack the contents of the house I am selling as part of moving to the NE for work.

I’m now back and over this week will post a few SQL scripts I’ve written over the last year or so which you may find useful.

How To Deploy SSRS Reports In Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 R2

Microsoft Dynamics GPEarlier this week I did a post on how to configure SQL Server Reporting Services for use with Microsoft Dynamics GP. This is the follow up post where I’m going to explain how to deploy the SSRS reports for GP.

To deploy the reports you need to open the Reporting Tools Setup window (Tools » Setup » System » Reporting Tools Setup) Continue reading “How To Deploy SSRS Reports In Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 R2”

How To Configure SQL Server Reporting Services In Order To Deploy Reporting Services Reports In GP

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe post following this will cover deploying SSRS reports within Microsoft Dynamics GP but I thought I’d cover configuring SSRS as a spearate post rather than assuming everyone has it already configured. A number of the clients I deal with have had GP for a while and never installed the SSRS reports but are now doing so.

When you install SQL Server Reporting Services at the same time as SQL Server you have the option to automatically configure SSRS with the default settings. In the case of someone who has SQL already installed but didn’t install SSRS at the same time, this is not an option.

This How To starts after SSRS has been added to the installation on the client machine at the point where you would start to configure it; if you’d like a walk through adding SSRS to an existing installation of SQL Server, let me know and I’ll sort one out.

To do the initial configuration of SSRS, or to change the configuration of an existing installation, you need to start the Reporting Services Configuration Manager (Start menu » Programs » Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 ?? Configuration Tools » Reporting Services Configuration Manager) Continue reading “How To Configure SQL Server Reporting Services In Order To Deploy Reporting Services Reports In GP”