Consumer Preview Of New Microsoft Office Available

Microsoft OfficeMicrosoft have just announced the availability of the Consumer Preview of Microsoft Office which delivers Office as a cloud service using all the innovations of Windows 8.

Okay, that sounds like a press release because it is; it was quoted from Microsoft’s press release. The Consumer Preview is available here and offers lots of new functionality and integration with Windows 8.

Full details of the new features are here but there is no news on the eventual pricing. I am a little suspicious of pricing with the tie-in to the cloud and especially the Sky Drive service.

I’ve signed up and will be taking a look first thing tomorrow morning when I get to work (probably badly timed as the second thing I have tomorrow is a Microsoft Dynamics GP exam.

Licensing Changes Coming With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013

Microsoft DynamicsThat’s right, changes are being made to the licensing model of Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013; Business Ready Licensing (BRL) is being replaced by Perpetual Licensing (PL). While details are still being released, with many still in draft form, it looks like there will be two licensing levels; Starter Pack and Extended Pack.

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Microsoft Dynamics GP and Schrödinger’s Cat

Microsoft DynamicsOne of the points I make (repeatedly until I see a confirmation they’ve done so) to clients when implementing Microsoft Dynamics GP is that they need to make sure that a maintenance backup of the SQL databases and other resources are being made.

In some cases the maintenance backup is a once a night job, other clients have had one done every twelve hours with log backups made every hour. As long as a regular backup is being made I’m happy and stop nagging them.

Continue reading “Microsoft Dynamics GP and Schrödinger’s Cat”

New Mobile Theme Added To azurecurve

azurecurveI’ve just added a mobile theme to the site which will display the first time you visit the site on a smart phone; if you want the normal desktop theme then you can scroll right down to the bottom of the page and disable it.

If you notice any problems with the theme let me know and I’ll see about fixing it (I won’t see the problem myself as I don’t have a smart phone so if you see an issue please let me know).

Changing FRx Menu Option To Open Management Reporter

Microsoft Dynamics GPIn this post I discussed renaming the FRx menu option in Microsoft Dynamics GP to show the name Management Reporter. One thing I didn’t cover, and which Susan Conrod reminded me of in the comments, is how to change the menu option so that it does actually open Management Reporter.

If you have not previously used the FRx mneu option on a client, then clicking the, FRx, or Management Reporter as it will be after you have renamed it, menu option in Microsoft Dynamics GP (Reports » Financial » Management Reporter (or FRx)) you will be presented with this window where you can select the application to be started;

FRx Setup

Continue reading “Changing FRx Menu Option To Open Management Reporter”

Unknown Error Logging Into Microsoft Dynamics GP

Microsoft Dynamics GPI recently got a call to help one of the Business Development Managers with the installation of Microsoft Dynamics GP on his laptop as he was getting an unknown error. Literally an unknown error according to the error message;

Microsoft Dynamics GP - Your attempt to log into the server failed because of an unknown error. Attempt to log in again.

Continue reading “Unknown Error Logging Into Microsoft Dynamics GP”

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 SP3 Has Been Released

Microsoft DynamicsOn the Developing for Microsoft Dynamics GP blog, David Musgrave has posted an announcement that Microsoft Dynamics GP Service Pack 3 is now available.

As always with service packs to Microsoft Dynamics GP there are a multitude of downloads covering all the different related products to Dynamics GP itself such as Integration Manager and eConnect.

Continue reading “Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 SP3 Has Been Released”

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Launch Portal Is Available

Microsoft DynamicsIn the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 LinkedIn Group, Jon Rivers has posted a link to the newly available Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Launch Portal (PartnerSource or CustomerSource login required).

Make sure to keep an eye on it for all the latest news leading up to the launch later this year.