MDGP 2013 R2 Feature of the Day: Purchase Requisitions

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog started a series of Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 R2 Feature of the day posts the other day. As they did with the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Feature of the Day posts they are doing them as short posts containing a PowerPoint slide show. I am translating these from the PowerPoints into posts; you can find my series index here.

The second Feature of the Day covered is Purchase Requisitions which ties into Purchase Order Processing and is also workflow enabled. Both workflow and purchase requisitions are entirely new replacements for the old Business Portal and Dynamics Workflow modules which, unlike their predecessors, live within the Microsoft Dynamics GP client and are not dependent on SharePoint.

Navigation is streamlined for the requester to see a requisition status or enter a requisition using a new Purchasing Requisition Navigation List and can route the requisition through a workflow process created using new workflow functionality; when requisitions are submitted, they will route through the active workflow:

Purchasing Requisitions Navigation List

Continue reading “MDGP 2013 R2 Feature of the Day: Purchase Requisitions”

MDGP 2013 R2 Feature of the Day: Identity Management – Login

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog started a series of Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 R2 Feature of the day posts the other day. As they did with the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Feature of the Day posts they are doing them as short posts containing a PowerPoint slide show. I am translating these from the PowerPoints into posts; you can find my series index here.

The third Feature of the Day covered is Identity Management – Login.

This feature allows users to log into the GP web client using their Windows identity (e.g. the Windows Domain login). This is configured in the User Setup window (Administration » Setup » Tools » System » User) when the user is created.

The window has been enhanced to allow a user to be configured with both, or either, an SQL identity and/or a Windows identity; additionally a user can be configured as a Web Client user only and does not then require an SQL identity which is only required if the user will access GP using the desktop client; likewise the Windows identity is only required if the user will be using the web client.

A user would have both types of identity created if they would be accessing GP using either, or both, the desktop or web clients in a mixed mode deployment.

User Security

Continue reading “MDGP 2013 R2 Feature of the Day: Identity Management – Login”

MDGP 2013 R2 Feature of the Day: SmartList Designer Go To’s

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog started a series of Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 R2 Feature of the day posts the other day. As they did with the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Feature of the Day posts they are doing them as short posts containing a PowerPoint slide show. I am translating these from the PowerPoints into posts; you can find my series index here.

The first Feature of the Day covered is SmartList Designer Go To’s. SmartList Designer was introduced in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 SP2 and providd similar, although a much cut down, functionality of SmartList Builder.

This new feature is GP 2013 R2 adds a very important piece of missing functionlity; the ability to add Go To’s to SmartLists created in SmartList Designer.

When a user creates a new SmartList based off an existing SmartList, the GoTo’s that already exist are copied over to the new list created; when a user creates a new SmartList, there are three types of GoTo’s which can be added to the new SmartList: another SmartList, a navigation list or a web page:

SmartList Designer - Go To

Continue reading “MDGP 2013 R2 Feature of the Day: SmartList Designer Go To’s”

MDGP 2013 R2 Feature of the Day: Series Index

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog started a series of Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 R2 Feature of the day posts the other day. As they did with the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Feature of the Day posts they are doing them as short psts containing a PowerPoint slide show.

I need to make these available to various people (colleagues, clients and so on) so have decided to do as I did last time and translate the PowerPoints into posts.

I intend to keep the important information from the PowerPoints and add my own commentary on the benefits and applications of the feature. Below is the series index which will grow with each post.

Continue reading “MDGP 2013 R2 Feature of the Day: Series Index”

Management Reporter 2012 CU9 Released

Microsoft DynamicsI often seem to be busy when a new version of Microsoft Dynamics GP or one of the related products, such as Management Reporter, is released. And it has happened again.

On the 12th May when I was leaving for a weeks holiday in Scotland, a new cumulative update, CU9, for Management Reporter 2012 was released with the announcement made on the Dynamics Financial Reporting blog with the download available here.

This release contains enhancements to the Management Reporter Web Viewer around opening and refreshing reports along with additional troubleshooting information in the Configuration Console related to data issues in the ERP.

In brief, Cumulative Update 9 includes the following:

  • View a list of previous month’s reports and open them in the web viewer
  • Refresh a report in the web viewer
  • Publish a report from the web viewer
  • Headers and footers are shown by default in the web viewer
  • Enhanced data detection in the Configuration Console
  • Support for dynamically displaying currency symbol, currency code and currency description
  • Support for SQL Server 2014
  • Additional fixes for product defects

New azurecurve|Ramblings of a Dynamics GP Consultant Theme Launched

azurecurveAs you can see, I have introduced a new theme on this site. Admittedly it is pretty similar to my last one (azure on white), but the previous one was based on the default 2010 WordPress theme which had become rather dated.

The new one gives me access to some new functionality and brings me up to date. I expect there to be some teething problems over the coming days as I find things that were done a certain way because of the previous theme and which will now look/work differently.

I have also taken the opportunity to remove certain elements from the theme and turn them into plugins (see the Posts Archive as an example although there are more to follow).

Please do let me know both what you think of the new theme and if you encounter any issues or peculiarities in how posts or other items are displayed.

azurecurve Posts Archive WordPress Plugin – Beta Testers Wanted

WordPress PluginI recently created a WordPress archive of my Twitter posts using the plugin and theme from Ozh.

Part of the theme was a sidebar posts archive which I quite liked the look of and have now extracted and turned into a WordPress plugin so I can use it on any site (including this one):

azurecurve Posts Archive

Check out the archive in action in the sidebar to the right below the Calendar and above the Tag Cloud.

I am thinking about releasing it via the WordPress Plugins Directory, but before doing so, wondered if anyone might be interested in doing some beta testing? It is a very easy install (upload to plugins folder, activate and then place widget in widget area) and currently has no options although I am willing to create some if necessary (such as the ability to change the display name).

The plugin only reads the number of posts and does not write back to the database so there is no risk.

If you’re interested in beta testing get in touch with me (by email if you have it or use the Contact page) and I’ll send you a download link (I’m not posting publicly as I want to keep numbers under control while it gets tested).

azurecurve Twitter Archive Created

azurecurveApparently Twitter only allows you to download the last 3,200 posts you have made. While I am substantially short of this number at present, I thought it might be useful to keep an archive of these posts myself so I always had access to them.

The CMS I am most used to these days is WordPress and I recently came across a plugin and theme from Ozh which allows you to make an archive of your Twitter which looks like the new Twitter. This azurecurve Twitter Archive is now available; it has been themed to look very like my Twitter page but has all the functionality of WordPress.

Extract ABR Transactions For Import As Statement

Microsoft Dynamics GPthis is a simple script, but I’ve written it about four times now so I figured I’d post it so I can find it easily next time I lose my local copy.

Perfect Image are resellers of the Advanced Bank Reconciliation module from Nolan Business Solutions (along with the other add-ons they’ve written for Dynamics GP) and I often need to demo this replacement for the standard Bank Rec module.

One item I typically show is the auto-Propose function which matches transactions against statement lines in the Reconcile Bank Transactions window (Transactions » Financial » Advanced Bank Reconciliation » Reconcile Bank Transactions).

To do this I need to be able to import statement lines which match the transactions in Dynamics GP; the easiest way of doing this is to extract the transactions.

This can be done with a very simple SQL script:


Once the data has been extracted it can be imported during the demo using the standard ABR Import Statement routine.