Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 SP2 Web Client Scale-Out Deployment: Introduction

Microsoft Dynamics GPBack in April I did a series of posts on the new Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Web Client covering the installation and first use. In that series of posts I look at installing the web client as a single machine deployment.

Well, I thought it was time to do a series of posts on installing the Web Client as a scale-out deployment; that is, one where the components of the Web Client are installed on separate machines. This type of deployment is typically done by larger organisations who have need for multiple session hosts (the web client equivalent of a Terminal, or Citrix, server).

To install the scale out deployment of Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Service Pack 2, I have configured a number of test servers with, predominantly, Windows Server 2012 to use for his series of posts (Server Name in parenthesis):

  • Domain Controller (DC1)This is the one Windows Server 2008 R2 being used because I saw no reason to create an entirely new DC and so am reusing the one I created last year.
  • SQL Server (SQL1)Running two instances of SQL Server 2012 Datacentre:
    1. GP (SQL1) – which will host the Microsoft Dynamics GP system and company databases
    2. Reporting (SQL1) – which will host the SQL Server Reporting Services databases
  • Reporting Server (RPT1)Running SQL Server 2012 Datacentre Reporting Services.
  • Session Control (SC1)This is the IIS Web Server running the Session Control Service which controls the Session Host to which the user will be assigned when they log into Microsoft Dynamics GP Web Client.
  • Session Host 1 (SH1)Runs the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Web Client Runtime which.
  • Session Host 2 (SH2)Duplicate of the above machine.

I did, briefly, consider writing an overview of the architecture, services and infrastructure of the Web Client, but quickly decided that the Dynamics GP 2013 Web Client Infrastructure Overview post by Aaron Donat on the Developing for Dynamics GP blog was much more comprehensive than anything I would have done.

Over the coming days and, possibly, weeks, I will be taking a look through all the steps needed to create a scale out deployment of the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 SP2 Web Client (and only 10 months later than I told Brian R. that I would be doing this series of posts).

Click to show/hide the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 SP2 Web Client Scale-Out Deployment Series Index

Adding the Vendor’s Address To The Check Remittance

Microsoft Dynamics GPIn Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010, Microsoft changed the underlying tables used by the Check Remittance; I believe this was for purposes of efficiency. However, the downside is that the table, pmRemittanceTemp, used to replace PM_Payment_WORK did not contain the vendor’s address or a link to a table which did.

In the past I have tended to use VBA to add the vendor’s address to the Check Remittance because it was quick and easy to do and I didn’t revisit this approach until Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 was released. And the reason I revisited, was because of the new Web Client which does not support VBA customisations.

As always, I figured I might as well do a blog post about this and had it scheduled in to write when Richard Wheeler asked the question on the Community Forum. So, here is the step-by-step guide to adding the vendor address back onto the Check Remittance modified report.

Continue reading “Adding the Vendor’s Address To The Check Remittance”

Review of WordPress Multisite Administration by Tyler L. Longren

WordPressTime for a short diversion from my usual subject of Microsoft Dynamics GP during the Christas holiday period; I ended up with more time off than I initially expected and had time to do some reading and also to fiddle around with WordPress.

I’ve been using WordPress for a few years now (this blog has been running on it since June 2011 for example) and I’ve been setting up a number of new sites for both myself and others. My hosting package is for unlimited domains and six websites which means running multiple WordPress blogs was a problem as each one needed a separate website.

The unlimited domains is good because it means that I can use an unlimited number of domains for pointing at content I host once I can sort out the limited websites problem.

I heard about WordpPress Multisite and started toying with the idea of using it, but didn’t really get beyond that point. I was then able to get a copy of Wordpress Multisite Administration by Tyler L. Longren from Packt Publishing:

WordPress Multisite Administration by Tyler L. Longren

Continue reading “Review of WordPress Multisite Administration by Tyler L. Longren”

Christmas eBook Bonanza From Packt Publishing

I have received news of a special eBook Bonanza from Packt Publishing between now and the 3rd January 2014.

eBook Bonanza

From today, 19th December 2013, you can get any eBook or Video from Packt for just $5. This sale covers every title in the 1,700+ range and you can grab as many as you like until 3rd January 2014.

There are some fantastic books available from Packt on Dynamics GP, Dynamics CRM, Hyper-V, SQL Server 2012 and Wordpress amongst many others.

Please Enter A Valid Tax Registration Number

Microsoft Dynamics GPAfter upgrading a client from Microsoft Dynamics GP 10 to 2013 they started getting a problem when creating, or editing, creditors. The error only came up when they had loaded the options window:

Microsoft Dynamics GP - Please enter a valid tax registration number.Microsoft Dynamics GP – Please enter a valid tax registration number.

I did some testing and found that this error was produced when the Country Code field was set. Microsoft Dynamics GP 10 didn’t exhibit this behaviour, but there is a difference in the installation of version 10 and 2010. And that difference is the VAT Daybook.

In Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010, and later, the VAT Daybook module needs to be installed to use the VAT 100 report which I had installed during the upgrade process.

In this case, the client operates only in the UK and doesn’t need to have Tax Registrations recorded in GP, so they were able to just stop setting the Country Code field on the addresses.

Management Reporter Period 13 Is Not Valid For Company

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis is an issue I came across a few months ago and misplaced my screenshots. Having just stumbled across them on my test Hyper-V server I decided it is still worth posting about.

I was doing some testing on a system with multiple companies created and was looking at a report consolidating figures from all of them into one report. When the report was generated it failed and gave the error message below for several of the companies in the Report Queue Status window:

Period 13 for fiscal year 2013 is not valid for company <company name>. No data will be returned for this company.
Period 13 for fiscal year 2013 is not valid for company <company name>. No data will be returned for this company.

I checked the Fiscal Period Setup in Microsoft Dynamics GP for all reported companies and all of them had the same period 13 defined. Management Reporter, as well as reporting errors in the Report Queue Status window, logs errors in the Windows Event Viewer.

Continue reading “Management Reporter Period 13 Is Not Valid For Company”

Review of Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Reporting by David Duncan and Christopher J Liley

Microsoft Dynamics GPI have received a copy of the newly published Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Reporting, by David Duncan and Chrisopher J Liley, from Packt Publishing to review. This is an update of a previous book the pair wrote for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010:

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Reporting

The book covers an extensive range of the reporting tools in, or available with, Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013:

  • SmartList Builder including Excel Report Builder
  • Report Writer and Word Templates
  • Reporting Services Reports
  • Analysis Cubes
  • Management Reporter

Continue reading “Review of Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Reporting by David Duncan and Christopher J Liley”

Management Reporter Login Error

Microsoft Dynamics GPI thought I had posted this a while ago, but searching my blog I can’t find it. A client contacted me recently to report the following error message:

Management Reporter - CanManagement Reporter – Can’t connect to the Management Reporter server. Do you want to specify a different server address?

My first step was to try running Management Reporter myself and was able to log in without a problem’; this was on the same Citrix server the client had been trying to log into which ruled it out as being a problem with the Management Reporter services.

The client in question was a member of their internal IT department and had his own Domain account and access to a global Domain administrator account. It was his own Domain account which he had logged into the server with, but this user was not in Management Reporter; it had been configured using the global Domain Admin account to minimise the number of licenses assigned to IT (the client is running Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010).

Once he logged in with the global Domain Admin account he was able to access Management Reporter without any further issues.

SOP Blank Invoice Form Word Template Not Working

Microsoft Dynamics GPI was configuring up a test system a short time ago and found that the Sales Documents (specifically the SOP Blank Invoice Form) were producing into IE rather than Word when I printed them.

The problem was caused by the VAT Daybook being installed. VAT Daybook provides alternative versions of the standard SOP reports which do not work with the Word Template Email functionality. To have the invoices send via Word, I had two choices; make a Word Template version of the SOP Blank Invoice Form or, and as this was only a test system my preferred choice, to change a setting to use the standard SOP template rather than the VAT Daybook one.

To do this, open Alternative/Modified Forms and Reports (Microsoft Dynamics GP menu » Tools » Setup » System), set Product to VAT Daybook and restrict the Type to Reports;

Alternative/Modified Forms and Reports

In the scrolling window, expand SOP Blank Invoice Form and SOP Blank History Invoice Form and mark the Microsoft Dynamics GP option under both.

After saving these changes, the SOP Blank Invoice Form successfully produced to Word.