MS Connect Suggestion: Fixed Asset Management – Depreciate Over Longer Than 99 Years

Microsoft Dynamics GPI have submitted a suggestion to Microsoft Connect which I would appreciate people voting for. The issue is that Microsoft Dynamics GP Fixed Asset Management only supports depreciation over a 99 year life; in the UK property/land can need to be depreciated over 125 years (or sometimes even longer).

As GP doesn’t support this, clients are often reluctant to use the Fixed Assets module as they will have to handle the long-life assets in Excel and they commonly take the view that they might as well do all assets that way so that they are all stored in the same place.

Updating GP to support three character years would be of great benefit and allow assets to be depreciated over the correct life span. Please take a look and vote on this suggestion.

Implementing Fastpath’s Config AD: Installation

FastpathIn this series of posts I’m going to take a look at the Config AD product from Fastpath which adds single sign-on to the Dynamics GP desktop client; you can find my series index here.

Once you have the Config AD installer extract the files and run the setup.exe on your Domain Controller server. Depending on your security setup you may see the following warning to which you should click Run:

Open File - Security Warning

Continue reading “Implementing Fastpath’s Config AD: Installation”

MDGP 2013 R2 Feature of the Day: Replace OLE Note With Document Attachment

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog started a series of Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 R2 Feature of the day posts the other day. As they did with the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Feature of the Day posts they are doing them as short posts containing a PowerPoint slide show. I am translating these from the PowerPoints into posts; you can find my series index here.

The thirty-first Feature of the Day covered is Replace OLE Notes‏ With Document Attachment‏. Dynamics GP has long supported the ability to record notes against records and also to attach OLE objects to the notes. However, the OLE notes were stored on a network share with only the link being stored in Dynamics GP.

This feature adds the ability to attach documents to the record level notes in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 R2 using the Document Attachment functionality which means the notes are stored directly in the Microsoft SQL Server database.

As Document Attachments are stored in the SQL Server database the data is backed up along with the rest of the Microsoft Dynamics GP data which reduces backup issues and will also simplify client installs as the OLE Path in the Dex.ini file no longer needs to be changed. Files that are attached to the notes using Document Attach will also be accessible from the Web Client.

As an example, notes can be added to the Creditor Maintenance window (Purchasing » Cards » Creditor) by clicking the Notes icon (blank white page) next to the Creditor ID field:

Creditor Maintenance

Continue reading “MDGP 2013 R2 Feature of the Day: Replace OLE Note With Document Attachment”

SQL Query To Determine Quantity To Order

Microsoft Dynamics GPI recently had cause to knock together a fairly simple SQL script to determine the quantity to order based on Sales transactions in the system taking into account the Order Point Quantity and Quantity To Order for the Item/Site combination in the Inventory module:

   SOP10200.LOCNCODE AS 'Site'
   ,SOP10200.ITEMNMBR AS 'Item Number'
   ,SUM(SOP10200.QUANTITY) AS 'Quantity Required'
   ,IV00102.ORDRUPTOLVL - SUM(SOP10200.QTYTORDR) AS 'Quantity To Order'
   SOP10200 (NOLOCK)
   IV00102 (NOLOCK)

MDGP 2013 R2 Feature of the Day: Assign An Item To Multiple Sites

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog started a series of Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 R2 Feature of the day posts the other day. As they did with the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Feature of the Day posts they are doing them as short posts containing a PowerPoint slide show. I am translating these from the PowerPoints into posts; you can find my series index here.

The thirtieth Feature of the Day covered is Assign An Item To Multiple Sites. This feature will allow the user to select an item and assign it to one, multiple or all sites quickly and easily. The user can also select key item/site default settings for Item Print Option, Primary Vendor and Landed Cost Group during the assignment process.

When I started looking at this feature, it took me a few minutes to actually find it. To assign items to multiple sites open Item Quantities Maintenance (Inventory » Cards » Quantities/Sites) and click the Go To’s button on the ribbon and select Site Item Assignments:

Item Quantities Maintenance

Continue reading “MDGP 2013 R2 Feature of the Day: Assign An Item To Multiple Sites”

Implementing Fastpath’s Config AD: Prerequisites

FastpathIn this series of posts I’m going to take a look at the Config AD product from Fastpath which adds single sign-on to the Dynamics GP desktop client; you can find my series index here.

The prerequisites for Config AD are fairly simple:

  • Windows Active Directory
  • Microsoft Dynamics GP configured with companies and security roles
  • If Dynamics GP has already been implemented the Advanced SQL Server options on all users in Dynamics GP needs to be disabled

When I was configuring Config AD the last of the prerequisites caught me out as it was mentioned only in the Troubleshooting section of the documentation. It would have been helpful if this had been mentioned in the instructions or a prerequisites section. It was fairly easy to resolve once I knew what the problem was (I’ll cover this in a later post).

Click to show/hide the Implementing Fastpath's Config AD Series Index

My First WordPress Plugin (Posts Archive) Is Now Available

WordPress PluginMy first WordPress plugin, azurecurve Posts Archive is now available for download.

Full post on the release can be read here.

The plugin is available from the Plugins Directory and can also be found and installed directly from within the WordPress admin area.

MDGP 2013 R2 Feature of the Day: Roll Down Segment Changes

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog started a series of Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 R2 Feature of the day posts the other day. As they did with the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Feature of the Day posts they are doing them as short posts containing a PowerPoint slide show. I am translating these from the PowerPoints into posts; you can find my series index here.

The twenty-ninth Feature of the Day covered is Roll Down Segment Changes. This feature means that if the Account Segment description is changed then the change can be rolled down to accounts containing the segment.

A warning message will be displayed to prompt the user to confirm the change should be rolled down or not:

Microsoft Dynamics GP: Do you want to roll down account segment description to account that contain this segment?

This is my least favourite feature so far; the Account Description length generally isn’t long enough so users tend to do their own descriptions rather than accepting the defaults. I can see people accidentally clicking yes on the warning prompt without meaning to do so. I’ll see how things go, but a switch to disable this function might be nice.

This feature is targeted at the following roles:

  1. Accounting Manager
  2. Accounts Payable
  3. Bookkeeper

Click to show/hide the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 R2 Feature of the Day Series Index

MDGP 2013 R2 Feature of the Day: SmartList Designer Go To's
MDGP 2013 R2 Feature of the Day: Identity Management – Login
MDGP 2013 R2 Feature of the Day: Purchase Requisitions
MDGP 2013 R2 Feature of the Day: Copy And Paste To General Ledger Transaction Entry
MDGP 2013 R2 Feature of the Day: Workflow
MDGP 2013 R2 Feature of the Day: Workflow Types
MDGP 2013 R2 Feature of the Day: Workflow User Delegation
MDGP 2013 R2 Feature of the Day: Default Fixed Asset ID From The Asset Class
MDGP 2013 R2 Feature of the Day: Identity Management – Scalability Groups
MDGP 2013 R2 Feature of the Day: Workflow Calendar
MDGP 2013 R2 Feature of the Day: Reprint Outstanding Transaction in Bank Reconciliation
MDGP 2013 R2 Feature of the Day: Requisition Management Integration Points
MDGP 2013 R2 Feature of the Day: Default Sort Order for Checks
MDGP 2013 R2 Feature of the Day: Document Attach – Scan
MDGP 2013 R2 Feature of the Day: Workflow History
MDGP 2013 R2 Feature of the Day: Workflow Email Notifications
MDGP 2013 R2 Feature of the Day: Azure Backups
MDGP 2013 R2 Feature of the Day: Suggested Item Enhancements – Analysis and Assignment
MDGP 2013 R2 Feature of the Day: Suggested Item Enhancements – Sales Script and Additional Information
MDGP 2013 R2 Feature of the Day: Dashboards
MDGP 2013 R2 Feature of the Day: Management Reporter Web Viewer
MDGP 2013 R2 Feature of the Day: Take Company Offline
MDGP 2013 R2 Feature of the Day: Encumbrance SQL Reporting Services Reports
MDGP 2013 R2 Feature of the Day: Email Or Print Any Report In Word Format
MDGP 2013 R2 Feature of the Day: Reverse Year End Close
MDGP 2013 R2 Feature of the Day: Document Attachment On Payables Transactions
MDGP 2013 R2 Feature of the Day: Roll Down Segment Changes
MDGP 2013 R2 Feature of the Day: Assign An Item To Multiple Sites
MDGP 2013 R2 Feature of the Day: Replace OLE Note With Document Attachment
MDGP 2013 R2 Feature of the Day: OLE Notes Migration Utility
MDGP 2013 R2 Feature of the Day: Purchase Order Prepayment Additions
MDGP 2013 R2 Feature of the Day: Print Remaining Documents
MDGP 2013 R2 Feature of the Day: Email By Document Type

Implementing Fastpath’s Config AD: Overview

FastpathIn this series of posts I’m going to take a look at the Config AD product from Fastpath which adds single sign-on to the Dynamics GP desktop client; you can find my series index here.

The single sign-on is done by integrating Microsoft Dynamics GP with Active Directory. This can allow for all user provisioning to be done by the IT Helpdesk without requiring them to log into Dynamics GP itself which IT teams are not usually familiar with. Config AD installs onto the Domain Controller and provides a right click interface in the Users and Groups applet.

As it is unlikely that all maintenance will be done on the Domain Controller, Config AD also has a Config AD Desktop which can be installed on any client and allow users to be created and maintained.

Both the Users and Groups applet and Config AD allow a Microsoft Dynamics user can be created in seconds without the need to use the sa account within Dynamics GP or even to give the security and access roles in SQL Server to a user.

Continue reading “Implementing Fastpath’s Config AD: Overview”

MDGP 2013 R2 Feature of the Day: Document Attachment On Payables Transactions

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog started a series of Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 R2 Feature of the day posts the other day. As they did with the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Feature of the Day posts they are doing them as short posts containing a PowerPoint slide show. I am translating these from the PowerPoints into posts; you can find my series index here.

The twenty-eighth Feature of the Day covered is Document Attachment On Payables Transactions. The same Document Attachment functionality that was added to Sales and Purchasing in prior Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 releases has now been added to Payables Transactions.

Documents can be placed directly on the Payables Transaction or they can be set to flow from the selected Vendor; these documents can be viewed from the entry window or inquiry window.

To add a document attachment open the Payables Transaction Entry window (Purchasing » Transactions » Transaction Entry ) and click the Attach button on the ribbon:

Payables Transaction Entry

Continue reading “MDGP 2013 R2 Feature of the Day: Document Attachment On Payables Transactions”