Error 778: It Was Not Possible To Verify The Identity Of The Server

WindowsTaking a slight diversion from my usual subject matter with this post. I was trying to connect to a clients system via VPN a short while ago when I received error 778:

Error 778: It was not possible to verify the identity of the server

Error 778: It was not possible to verify the identity of the server

I did a little digging and found that this error actually relates to the username and password being incorrect. I checked our records and found that the password had been reset since the last time I logged on; after entering the new details I was able to log in successfully.

It would be nice if the error message had been a little more descriptive of the actual problem, but at least it was a simple solution.

When Installing The Web Client Reboot Your Server First

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis probably seems like an obvious one, but when you’re going to install the web client for Microsoft Dynamics GP make sure that any previous installs have had a reboot done.

I had this come up recently when trying to do an install. Earlier that day I had installed a new feature on the server (in this case the Windows Authentication feature of the Internet Information Services IIS role), but not done a reboot as one wasn’t asked for.

However, the web client installation ended prematurely and it was only when I checked the Windows Event Viewer that I found the error relating to the pending reboot.

This was particularly annoying as the premature end was only after I clicked on the Install button after entering all of the required information at the preceding steps.

Based on this error, and when it appeared, from now on I am going to reboot the server I’m installing the web client before starting.

Word Templates XML Update – Make Sure Word Is Closed Before Modifying

Microsoft Dynamics GPWe had a peculiarity the other day when updating a Word template for a client. We added some new fields via Report Writer and then created a new Word Template; when then modifying the Word template the fields usually show in the XML schema, but this time we found they weren’t.

After a couple of fruitless minutes checking the modified report and creating a new version of the Word template without success I started wondering about already open applications. In particular MS Word itself was already running with an unrelated document open.

I closed down all open Word documents and, in Template Maintenance (Administration » Reports » Template Maintenance), clicked the Modify button; when the Word template opened the new fields were showing in the XML schema.

This is something I have experienced before without being able to pin down why which caused..shall we say…a certain level of frustration. I’m not sure why having Word open caused the XML schema not to be refreshed when creating a new document, I am pleased that at least I can void the problem by making sure all open instances of Word are closed before starting.

Integration Manager Syntax Error (Missing Operator) In Query Expression

Microsoft Dynamics GPA client recently logged a problem with our Service Desk to report that an Integration Manager integration wasn’t working; when trying to run the integration they received an error message on every line of the integration:

Opening source query...
Establishing source record count...
Beginning integration...
DOC 1 ERROR: Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'UCase(DATE#######) = UCase('' AND [RUN NUMBER] = ')''.
DOC 2 ERROR: Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'UCase(DATE#######) = UCase('' AND [RUN NUMBER] = ')''.
DOC 10 ERROR: Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'UCase(DATE#######) = UCase('21 January 2015') AND UCase([RUN NUMBER]) = UCase('HP33')'.
DOC 11 ERROR: Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'UCase(DATE#######) = UCase('21 January 2015') AND UCase([RUN NUMBER]) = UCase('HP33')'.
ERROR: Max Errors Exceeded at 11, Integration Canceled
ERROR: Integration canceled during document integration.
Integration Failed
Integration Results
    100 documents were read from the source query.
    11 documents were attempted:
        0 integrated without warnings.
        0 integrated with warnings.
        11 failed to integrate.

After doing some debugging of the integration, we identified the problem as being caused by the source column headers; all of which had multiple # at the end.

For example, as you can see in the above error message, DATE was displaying as DATE#######.

We went through the source removing all of the # symbols and were then able to run the integration without receiving more errors.

Enter/Match Invoice – “You must close the Select Purchase Order Items window before continuing.”

Microsoft Dynamics GPI had an oddity reported by a client just after an upgrade from Microsoft Dynamics GP 10 to Dynamics GP 2013 R2. After opening Enter/Match Invoice, entering the header information and clicking Auto-Invoice they received the following error:

Microsoft Dynamics GP - You must close the Select Purchase Order Items window before continuing.

Microsoft Dynamics GP

You must close the Select Purchase Order Items window before continuing.

I connected to their system and attempted to reproduce the error. My first few attempts failed and everything worked as expected. However, the problem did finally occur and I was able to see the problem happen a few times although it took a few minutes for me to realise the pattern.

The error message appeared when the cursor was in the lines scrolling window; if the cursor was still in a header field the error was not produced.

I have tested this on some of my test systems and the error appears to have been introduced between Dynamics GP 2013 SP2 and Dynamics GP 2013 R2.

The workaround is to make sure the cursor is not within the lines of the scrolling window and this message won’t appear.

Integration Manager Error: ADO Field Is Nothing

Microsoft Dynamics GPIntegration Manager is a great tool for getting information into Microsoft DYynamics GP, but it can also be infuriating at times with the error messages it produces when there are problems.

I recently received an error message when trying to integrate some debtors:

Show/Hide Error Message

Integration Log Integration: Debtors (ID: 1) Action: None Start Time: 09/10/2014 08:49:37 09/10/2014 08:49:37 Source: IIntegrationEngine_Run, Status Code: 0 Opening source query... 09/10/2014 08:49:38 Source: Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.IntegrationManager.IMProvider, Status Code: 33624151 ERROR: Unable to open source queries because Query 'Debtors' is not found in the database. - ADO Field is nothing. Unable to open source queries because Query 'Debtors' is not found in the database. - ADO Field is nothing. ADO Field is nothing. 09/10/2014 08:49:38 Source: FinishIntegration, Status Code: 3 Integration Failed 09/10/2014 08:49:38 Source: FinishIntegration, Status Code: 3 Integration Results 0 documents were read from the source query. 0 documents were attempted: 0 integrated without warnings. 0 integrated with warnings. 0 failed to integrate. Finish Time: 09/10/2014 08:49:38 Source Total: 0 Successfully Integrated: 0 Integrated With Warning: 0 Failed: 0 Completion Status: Incomplete Integration Status: No Documents Succeeded

Continue reading “Integration Manager Error: ADO Field Is Nothing”

Error Configuring The Management Reporter 2012 Legacy Connector

Microsoft Dynamics GPWhile trying to configure the legacy connector in Management Reporter 2012 recently I received an error message while the entered settings were being validated:

Validation Messages - Database configuration: The master password could not be validated against the password policy

Validation Messages - Database configuration: The master password could not be validated against the password policy

Continue reading “Error Configuring The Management Reporter 2012 Legacy Connector”

Form Customisation Errors Adding Fields To VBA

Microsoft Dynamics GPSince the introduction of the web client in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013, I have tried to minimise the use of VBA as it is not supported by the web client. However, some clients don’t intend to use the web client and prefer to have a quick customisation to a window done using VBA rather than full development in Dexterity.

As such, I do still sometimes get work with Modifier and VBA. I recently did a change to a client where I added several fields to VBA on the Sales Transaction Entry window.

A little later I needed to add a new checkbox and add it to VBA. I customised the window in Modifier to add the field, but when I tried adding it to VBA I received an error I had not seen before:

Microsoft Dynamics GP - You are manipulating a modified window whose EventMode is set to emOriginalOnly. You must change this window

Microsoft Dynamics GP

You are manipulating a modified window whose EventMode is set to EmOriginalOnly. You must change this window's EventMode to emModifiedOnly before you can add this field.

Continue reading “Form Customisation Errors Adding Fields To VBA”

Creditor Contains EFT Bank Details For A Different Creditor

Microsoft Dynamics GPI have just recently finished the implementation of a new client on Microsoft Dynamics GP. While I was there during the go-live week, one of the finance team reported a problem whereby they opened the creditor (vendor to the American readers) record the EFT Bank details for a different creditor were displayed.

I immediately started investigating to see if I could find out why this was happening as it is not something I have seen before and was rather concerning.

Ten minutes later while I was still poking around the database, the user came back with further information. When they were originally entering the creditors whey had entered one of them under the wrong creditor ID (they were using the ones from their old system).

After entering the creditor and EFT details they had realised their mistake and deleted the creditor; they then entered the correct details, but this creditor did not have EFT details on record so the EFT details window wasn’t opened at that time.

A few days later, once the creditor supplied details they went to enter them and found the details from the original incorrectly entered creditor and reported the problem. It was only ten minutes later they remembered about the incorrect entry.

I have been able to reproduce this error with 100% success on several versions of Microsoft Dynamics GP. It appears that Dynamics GP is not deleting the creditor bank details when the creditor, or the address, are deleted.