hMailServer: Series Index

Microsoft Dynamics GPWhen demoing Microsoft Dynamics GP it is often necessary to demonstrate a few functions which integrate with email. With the email document functionality introduced in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 R2, being able to have the email appear in an Outlook client without a mail server connected was sufficient because you could still open the email and show the attachment.

However, with the introduction of Workflow 2.0 in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 R2 it is actually necessary for Workflow 2.0 to be able to connect to an SMTP server to send an email and also for the logged in user to receive the email.

We typically do the demo using a virtual machine with everything required installed; because of Workflow 2.0 this now also includes a mail server. The VM already has SQL Server, Dynamics GP, Web Services, Web Client, Management Reporter and other services and applications installed so I don’t want to use something like Microsoft Exchange which is far larger and resource heavy than is needed.

Instead I have started using hMailServer which is a small and lightweight mail server with both POP3 and SMTP.

This is short series of posts where I’ll cover the installation, configuration and connection of an Outlook client, but please bear in mind this is for a self-contained test system and not a production one.

Database Configuration
hMailServer Administrator Configuration
Connecting Outlook
Connect Outlook 2019 Professional

Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2: Install GP Add-in For Microsoft Word

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2 was released at the end of May. As I mentioned at the time, I was away from home for work and rather busy otherwise so this series of posts has been somewhat delayed.

However, I am now getting my hands on GP 2015 R2 and thought I would do my usual set of posts on the installation of the various components and also the usage of the new functionality. This is going to be quite a long series of posts, so keep checking back regularly.

When using the Word Templates to replace the standard reports for printing reports such as invoices, remittances or purchase orders you can do changes to the format or layout using the standard functionality of Microsoft Word.

However, if you want to add additional fields then you need to install the Microsoft Dynamics GP Add-in for Microsoft Word. Do this by launching the Microsoft Dynamics GP setup utility from the downloaded installation media and, under Additional Products, click on Microsoft Dynamics GP Add-in for Microsoft Word:

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 setup utility

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Update Setup Mistake On Inventory User Categories

Microsoft Dynamics GPWe implemented Microsoft Dynamics GP for a client a while ago; they are quite heavy users of the Inventory Control module.

Unfortunately, when they configured the User Categories in Inventory Control Setup (Inventory » Setup » Inventory Control) the description for the category was entered in the Image field instead of the Description field.

Rather than making them go through and manually change all of the categories that had been defined, I put together a small script to do the job.

The script checks if the length of the entry in the Image field is greater than zero and that the Description has not been set before doing the update.

	UserCatLongDescr = Image_URL
	,Image_URL = ''
	LEN(RTRIM(Image_URL)) > 0
	LEN(RTRIM(UserCatLongDescr)) = 0

As I was writing this script we encountered the same setup issue on a client installation we took over from another partner so this looks like it may be more common that I thought it would be; caused I think be the fact the window has the Image field visible by default and not the Description which people expect.

GP Power Tools Now Available

Winthrop DCWinthrop DC has now officially launched the GP Power Tools and which are available to purchase from Winthrop DC’s partner Mekorma.

The GP Power Tools includes all of the functionality of the old Support Debugging Tool that they replace, but have new functionality, enhancements and bug fixes.

There is a special introductory annual subscription price of US$365 (one free day every four years!).

More information can be found on the GP Power Tools here.

I am/was a Support Debugging Tool user; what now?

If you were a Support Debugging Tool user on Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 or 2013 then absolutely nothing needs to change. SUpport Debugging Tool will not expire.

That said, you should consider upgrading to GP Power Tools for one major benefit: GP Power Tools is fully supported by Winthrop DC.

While this may not sound like much, the old Support Debugging Tool, which was offered by Microsoft, was not supported at all (not even by Microsoft).

Change Rate Calculation Method To Divide

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis is a script I hope not to need in future, but as I have had to write it, I figured I might as well post it.

When creating an exchange rate table in Multicurrency Exchange Rate Table Setup (Administration » Setup » System » Exchange Table)several fields need to be defined. One of them is the Rate Calculation Method which is set to either Divide or Multiply.

This field can be changed until there are rates entered. The reason this script was created was for a client who create several currencies, entered quite a few rates and then realised that the flag for Rate Calculation Method was set to Multiply instead of Divide.

The choices were either to delete all rates or to change the data behind the scenes; the script took five minutes to write and test, whereas doing the update manually would have taken near an hour.

So script it was. Before I ran the update, I double checked to make sure there were no transactions and also that there was a good backup of the system database.


The yellow highlighted section is the list of currencies to update.

This script should NOT be run when transactions for the currency being updated have been entered.

Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2: Integration Manager First Run

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2 was released at the end of May. As I mentioned at the time, I was away from home for work and rather busy otherwise so this series of posts has been somewhat delayed.

However, I am now getting my hands on GP 2015 R2 and thought I would do my usual set of posts on the installation of the various components and also the usage of the new functionality. This is going to be quite a long series of posts, so keep checking back regularly.

After Integration Manager has been installed on a client machine, the license key needs to be input. Do this by locating the Integration Manager icon on the Start screen, right-click it and select Run as Administrator.

When Integration Manager starts you will be prompted to register now or later; click on Register Now:

Integration Manager: Register Now or Later

Continue reading “Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2: Integration Manager First Run”

Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2: Install Integration Manager

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2 was released at the end of May. As I mentioned at the time, I was away from home for work and rather busy otherwise so this series of posts has been somewhat delayed.

However, I am now getting my hands on GP 2015 R2 and thought I would do my usual set of posts on the installation of the various components and also the usage of the new functionality. This is going to be quite a long series of posts, so keep checking back regularly.

Integration Manager is a tool which is very useful during an implementation and is also on an ongoing basis for integrating files from other systems or third parties. It is also a very simple install.

To install Integration Manager, run the setup.exe from the downloaded installation media. Under Additional Products click on Integration Manager:

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 setup utility

Continue reading “Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2: Install Integration Manager”

Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2: Web Services Verification

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2 was released at the end of May. As I mentioned at the time, I was away from home for work and rather busy otherwise so this series of posts has been somewhat delayed.

However, I am now getting my hands on GP 2015 R2 and thought I would do my usual set of posts on the installation of the various components and also the usage of the new functionality. This is going to be quite a long series of posts, so keep checking back regularly.

Once the Web Services have been installed and configured, it is recommend that they be verified to ensure everything is working as it should. There are four items which need to be checked.

Firstly, open the Services Control Panel applet (easiest to do by hitting Win+R and typing services.msc; scroll down and find Microsoft Dynamics GP Service Host. Ensure it is running and set to Automatic:


Continue reading “Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2: Web Services Verification”

Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2: Web Services Configuration

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2 was released at the end of May. As I mentioned at the time, I was away from home for work and rather busy otherwise so this series of posts has been somewhat delayed.

However, I am now getting my hands on GP 2015 R2 and thought I would do my usual set of posts on the installation of the various components and also the usage of the new functionality. This is going to be quite a long series of posts, so keep checking back regularly.

With the web services installed, the next step is to configure them for the companies being used. Do this by launching the Web Services Configuration Wizard from the Start screen.

On the Welcome screen, click Next:

Web Services for Microsoft Dynamics GP Configuration Wizard: Welcome

Continue reading “Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2: Web Services Configuration”

Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2: Install Web Services

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2 was released at the end of May. As I mentioned at the time, I was away from home for work and rather busy otherwise so this series of posts has been somewhat delayed.

However, I am now getting my hands on GP 2015 R2 and thought I would do my usual set of posts on the installation of the various components and also the usage of the new functionality. This is going to be quite a long series of posts, so keep checking back regularly.

In the past, we used the Web Services for Microsoft Dynamics GP mainly for integration, but since Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 R2 introduced Workflow 2.0 we have been installing it for more and more clients.

In this, the fifteenth post of the Hands on with Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2 series, I’m going to step through the installation process and following it up in the next couple of posts with the configuration and verification of the installation.

To install the Web Services for Microsoft Dynamics GP launch the setup.exe from the downloaded installation media and, under Additional Products click Web Services Runtime:

Microsoft Dynamics GP setup utility

Continue reading “Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2: Install Web Services”