List All Installed Programs

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis post is a diversion from the usual Microsoft Dynamics GP focused ones, but is related to Microsoft. The admin team at work recently emailed everyone asking for a list of all the applications installed on laptops and desktop machines for a licence audit. They asked for a screen shot of the Add/Remove Programs window, but one of the developers replied with an email containing a set of commands which would list all programs. Which is much easier when you have a lot of software installed which would require multiple screenshots.

To run the script, open a command prompt in administrator mode and type:

cd c:\windows\system32\wbem (hit enter)
wmic (hit enter)
/output:C:\InstallList.txt product get name,version

The first highlighted section above contains the output location and the second shows the fields to return.

You can use the following to get a list of available fields:

cd c:\windows\system32\wbem (hit enter)
wmic product get /?(hit enter)

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 R1 Web Client Copy & Paste Bug

Microsoft Dynamics GPI’ve recently been upgrading all of my demo and test environments from Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2 to 2016 R1. Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2 web client had a bug in the General Ledgers Transaction Entry windows Excel copy and paste function which prevented it from working.

It worked fine in the desktop client which meant for regular issues for those clients operating a hybrid installation with a mix of desktop and web clients. It could also cause problems when doing a demo and someone asked to see it while I had the web client open rather than the desktop client.

My understanding was that this bug was fixed in 2016, which I was really looking forward to; I also have a large client who was looking forward to this being fixed as well so they could minimise the use of Integration Manager for importing journals.

Unfortunately, after installing 2016 I did a quick test and found that copy and paste still did not work. I asked around and found that Belinda Allen had the exact same issue, she had found the issue already before I asked, which confirmed that it was not confined to my system.

Belinda raised a call with Microsoft and they have confirmed that it is a reproducible bug which has been escalated to the development team to look into.

It would be nice to have a hotfix, but I am guessing that it will be in Dynamics GP 2016 R2 at the earliest.

Upgrading Microsoft Dynamics GP: Missing Security Roles

Microsoft Dynamics GPWhen you do a fresh install of Microsoft Dynamics GP, all of the required security roles and tasks are created. However, when Dynamics GP is upgraded, the new security roles and tasks are not automatically added. Microsoft do supply a set of scripts each time which can be run to add the roles and tasks.

This comes up every time we upgrade a client and I am tired of having to hunt out the posts from Microsoft, so I’m bringing together a list of the last few scripts and will add new ones here as each version is released.

The versions I could find again are listed below

Updated 19/1/2017 to add link for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 R2
Updated 14/11/2017 to add link for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 RTM

SQL View Joining GL Transactions To MDA

Microsoft Dynamics GPWe have a couple of clients using MDA (Multi-dimensional Analysis; the precursor to Analytical Accounting), which I don’t know terribly well. So, when one of them asked for a new SmartList Object to be created which extracts information about General Journals and the related MDA information, I needed to do some exploring of the database to work out the links.

Unfortunately, the links between the GL transactions and MDA are not especially obvious. To verify what I had created I did a search and came across a post from 2011 by Mark Polino which was posting code created by a Jeremy Lowell.

I ended up combining some of the code I had with Jeremy’s code (when I tried just his I was getting duplicate lines) to create the below SQL View. Since writing and giving the view to the client, I’ve spotted a few places where the SQL could be tightened up, but this view has been tested in its current state.

		) AS GLT
				(DTA10200.DTAREF = DTA10100.DTAREF
				GLT.SEQNUMBR = GLT.OrigSeqNum)
				(DTA10200.DTAREF = DTA10100.DTAREF
				GLT.SEQNUMBR <> GLT.OrigSeqNum)

Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 R1: Install SBA Web Components

Microsoft Dynamics GPIn the last post we installed the feature in the desktop client for SBA; in this post I’m going to install the server components.

To do this, launch the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 setup utility and select Web Components:

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 setup utility

Continue reading “Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 R1: Install SBA Web Components”

Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 R1: Install SBA Client Components

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe final additional product to install, is the Service Based Architecture. This is a relatively new addition for Dynamics GP which allows for interaction using REST based web services, rather than the more traditional SOAP based ones made available via the Web Services for Microsoft Dynamics GP.

There are two steps to installing Service Based Architecture (SBA), the first of which, install the SBA feature to the Dynamics GP client. This is the one which we will cover in this post; the next post will cover the second.

I am going to add this feature to the desktop client installation on my web server, so need to use the Programs and Features Control Panel applet. Once it is loaded, select Microsoft Dynamics GP and click Change:

Programs and Features

Continue reading “Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 R1: Install SBA Client Components”

Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 R1: Install the Web Resource Cache

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe web resource cache is an optional component of the Microsoft Dynamics GP web client, but installing it on each session host machine is recommended as it will improve performance.

To install the Web Resource Cache start the setup utility from the download media and, under the Additional Products header click on GP Web Resource Cache:

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 setup utility

Continue reading “Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 R1: Install the Web Resource Cache”

MS Connect Suggestion Sunday: Multiple Items To Vote Upon

Microsoft Dynamics GPI occasionally post suggestions from MS Connect and ask people to read the suggestion and cast their votes. Well, today I don’t have a single suggestion, or even two, but three suggestions for you to vote upon.

One Click Access to SmartList in Web Client

In the desktop client you can access SmartList from the area page, from the Microsoft Dynamics GP menu or via a toolbar icon. However, in the web client, only the first of these options are available and most users of Dynamics GP do not generally know of ways othet than the Microsoft Dynamics GP menu to start SmartList. This suggestion is to make SmartList available via one click in the web client.

Chris Dobkins submitted the suggestion and asked if SmartList can be made available by an icon next to the User Date in the web client; I don’t actually mind where the icon is, but agree that a single click method is required to make SmartList more accessible.

Vote here for this suggestion.

Hide Business Analyzer in Navigation Lists for All Users and All Lists

Business Analyzer can be a good way of seeing infromation from Dynamcis GP, but I have never liked BA being added to the navigation lists in Dynamics GP. This is why I added a recipe to the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Cookbook which allowed it to be switched off globally with a SQL trigger. A Chris says, it would be better to have this functionality available via the GP client itself and allow users to switch it on when wanted.

Vote for this suggestion here.

End a corrupted Web Client Session

This is the third suggestion, suggested by Chris.

From time to time, a web client session will become corrupt. When this happens, you can reconnect to the session, but GP does not work (you may just gets lots of errors pop up in the status spinner, for example). When this happens, the user needs the ability to end the session from the screen that lists your active sessions and the tenants to which you have access to create new sessions. Users have the ability to remove their login from the activity table, and have had for many versions. Ending a hung web client session is the web client version of removing your user from the activity table so that you can log back into GP.

Vote for this suggestion here

Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 R1: First Opinions on the HTML5 Web Client

Microsoft Dynamics GPIn the last post, I showed the new HTML5 web client, but didn’t really give an opinion on how well I thought it worked.

Not having to install SilverLight on each PC or laptop which will run the web client is a definite plus; likewise it being cross platform and supported on Chrome, Safari and Firefox is another plus.

The HTML5 web client is also, in my opinion, quicker than the old SilverLight one.

However, there is one large negative which escaped me when doing initial testing and which Belinda Allen pointed out, although not on her blog, you can only have one open at a time; when you open a window the area pages are disabled, preventing you from opening another:

Vendor Maintenance

You can still drill down to other windows so you can for example drill from the Account Summary Inquiry to the Detailed Summary Inquiry or from Vendor Maintenance to Country Code Maintenance:

Country Code Maintenance

When you do open one window from a drill down the original window is then disabled. To toggle between them you need to use the Search for a Form or Report window:

Search for a Form or Report

This situation has created a bit of an outcry at Microsoft asking that they do further work to allow multiple window to be open at the same time. There is a post on the Microsoft Connect site where you can vote on this issue and impress upon Microsoft the importance that a resolution is found for this issue. You can vote here.

One of the main issues with the approach Microsoft have taken is that some ISV products rely on having more than one window open at the same time; another is it can seriously interrupt your workflow by being restricted to one window. Imagine, you’re half-way through creating a new vendor card when a customer rings up with an invoice query; you’d need to close the Vendor Maintenance window to open the Transactions by Debtor one.

More information on this issue has been posted by MVPs David Musgrave and Beat Bucher.

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