A Diary of reIMAGINE 2016: Part 3 – At Newcastle Airport

reIMAGINE2016The taxi arrived bang on time and I am now not only at the airport, but I have done the baggage drop and gone through security. This time I remembered to take my belt off and keys out of my pocket, so I had no problems.

With a couple of hours to kill before the gate opens, I’ve decided to have a breakfast stottie.

My next check-in, will ne when I am at London airport.

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A Diary of reIMAGINE 2016: Part 2 Waiting For The Taxi

reIMAGINE2016Well, just arrived at work and am now waiting for the taxi to take me to the airport.

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A Diary of reIMAGINE 2016: Part 1 Leaving Home

reIMAGINE2016Just about to leave on first part of journey to airport.

Overnight, I decided to do a series of posts in diary format. So this is the first of man posts today as I make my way to Fargo.

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I’m at reIMAGINE 2016

reIMAGINE2016I mentioned the other week I am at reIMAGINE this year. I realise I’ve been fairly quiet recently, post-wise, and I am not sure how much I’ll be blogging while I am away, but I intend to return in October and get to get some regularity back to my posting.

Actually, I may take the opportunity to bore you all over the course of my 20 hour trip to Fargo from the UK; I set off at 0700 UK time and arrive 2200 North Dakota time after being on four different flights.

Error Submitting Batch For Workflow 2.0 Approval

Microsoft Dynamics GPWhile preparing earlier today for a client demo on Workflow 2.0, I encountered an error while trying to submit a batch for approval.

Workflow Error

[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server][A .NET Framework error occurred during execution of user-defined routine or aggregate "Get "GetAssignedUsers".
System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly 'System.DirectoryServices, Vers[

Continue reading “Error Submitting Batch For Workflow 2.0 Approval”

VBA for Integration Manager to Insert Vendor EFT Bank And Email Addresses

Microsoft Dynamics GPI did a SQL Script back in October 2014 which allowed Vendor EFT Details to be inserted, but, if the client is going to run it themselves, requires the assistance of the IT Department as end users don’t usually have access to SQL Server Management Studio.

For most clients, this hasn’t usually been a problem, but a number of the clients I have worked with recently have had multiple projects on the go at the same time. This has meant that while an IT representative can be available, it isn’t usually very timely and can delay UAT.

As such, I wrote some VBA script for Integration Manager which inserts both the Vendor Email and EFT Details. Continue reading “VBA for Integration Manager to Insert Vendor EFT Bank And Email Addresses”

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 Cookbook Now Available

Microsoft Dynamics GPMark Polino and I have been working on a new version of the Microsoft Dynamics GP Cookbook for Dynamics GP 2016. Originally, it was scheduled for publication in January 2017.

However, Mark and I were able to proceed a tad ahead of schedule, meaning the Cookbook is now available:

Microsoft Dynamics GP Cookbook

Despite being early, the quality of the book is as high, if not higher, than previous versions as this book is a genuine collaboration between Mark and I. By splitting the work in this way, we were each able to focus on particular areas in which we had strengths.

We also received good feedback, to guide improvements, from fellow MVPS Leslie Vail and Jivtesh Singh.

You can order the book from Packt Publishing.

Fixing Typo in Fabrikam’s Tax Schedule Description

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe script in this post fixes a typo, in the Fabrikam sample database, in the Tax Schedule Description whereby the h in Purchases was missing. Not a big thing, but I was working on a report which was configured to return the Description as well as the Tax Schedule ID and it was bugging me.

Hence a script to fix it, so I can easily fix it again in future.

Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve|Ramblings of a Dynamics GP Consultant (https://www.azurecurve.co.uk)
This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 UK: England & Wales (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 UK).
	['Tax Schedule Header Master']
	TXSCHDSC = REPLACE(TXSCHDSC, 'Purcase', 'Purchase')
	TX00101 AS ['Tax Schedule Header Master']
	TXSCHDSC LIKE '%Purcase%'

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 Cookbook Now Available In August

Microsoft Dynamics GPMark Polino and I have been working on a new version of the Microsoft Dynamics GP Cookbook for Dynamics GP 2016. Originally, it was scheduled for publication in January 2017.

However, Mark and I were able to proceed a tad ahead of schedule, meaning the Cookbook is now slated for release in August:

Microsoft Dynamics GP Cookbook

That’s right; scheduled for release this month. Five months ahead of schedule. Don’t worry though, the quality is as high, if not higher, than previous versions as this book is a genuine collaboration between Mark and I. By splitting the work in this way, we were each able to focus on particular areas in which we had strengths.

We also received good feedback, to guide improvements, from fellow MVPS Leslie Vail and Jivtesh Singh.

You can pre-order the book from Packt Publishing, and very soon your pre-orders will be shipped. From what I gather the book should be available to order, as opposed to pre-order, in the next week or so, so you won’t need to wait long to receive your copy.

New Microsoft Dynamics GP Sample Data

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft have been adding quite a lot of new functionality to Microsoft Dynamics in recent versions, but the sample data has not been getting updated.

To remedy this, Terry Heley on the Dynamics GP Support and Services Blog has shared some macros, for Dynamics GP 2016, which add sample data into the Fabrikam sample data.

The new sample data focuses on a few modules:

  • Advanced Human Resources
  • Analytical Accounting
  • Workflow for HRP
  • Project Accounting Time and Expense
  • PTO Manager
  • Employee Self Service

Terry points out that this is a run at your own risk macro built on GP 2016, although it would probably be usable on Dynamics GP 2015 as well.

There are instruction documents with each macro as macros can crash based on the menu bar selected in user Preferences.

Also note that there is no support for these macros so no cases can be logged if issues are found.

The download link is available at the end of the post.