Shortlinks Now Available

azurecurveEvery post and page here on azurecurve now has a shortlink available; for example, this post has a shortlink of

You can find the shortlinks at the bottom of the post or page to the right of the Permalink.

The shortlinks are available through a plugin I am about to release and am using azurecurve as the final test; if you do see any oddities with the shortlinks, please let me know.

New Detailed RSS Feed

azurecurveOver four years ago, David Musgrave asked for a detailed RSS feed and I hacked one into WordPress (I was using the standard functionality for the summary RSS feed and it is one or the other).

It has taken me a while, but I have now created a proper detailed RSS feed by creating a plugin to provide this alternative feed (I will be releasing the plugin soon).

If you are using the current feed-full RSS feed, please change to using the new detailed RSS feed:

The current one will be available for a few more weeks, but I will then be retiring it.

Majority Of Missing Posts Restored

azurecurveFollowing my moment of recklessness the other night, I have been able to find a much more recent backup file which has now been restored. All posts up to the start of May are back, and I have kept the ones I entered in May.

I will still be working to restore the missing posts I have entered in May; at this point I am down only six posts which I will try to get back. The SQL Installation ones I may need to rewrite, but I still have the screenshots so that shouldn’t be too difficult.

One Moment Of Sheer Recklessness

azurecurveOne moment of sheer recklessness tonight saw me accidentally delete the database for this site.

To further compound the error, the most recent backup I can find is from the end of December (December 21 to be exact).

I have restored this database and will be adding back in the missing posts which were syndicated to the Dynamics GP Community and also the Perfect Image Dynamics GP site.

Unfortunately, I will not be able to recover the comments, pings or trackbacks which were received after the 21st December 2014. I will also go through all of the pages looking for missing changes I have made elsewhere.

Off the top of my head the only items I remember changing was the links page where I will have added Beat Bucher and Mahmoud al Saudis blogs to the MVP section; if you do see anything which looks wrong or has missing content, please use the Contact Us form to let me know.

Finally, please learn from my error and make regular backups of your site; and also keep a track of those backups so you know where they are and can access them quickly.

azurecurve Included in Dynamics101 Top 25 Dynamics GP Blogs

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe recently launched Dynamics 101 training site has announced their first annual list of Top 25 Dynamics GP Sites.

The list includes the usual suspects of Victoria Yudin, Leslie Vail, Mark Polino, Mariano Gomez, David Musgrave and more.

Click the image below to see the rest of the list:

Top 25 Dynamics GP Blogs

Recent Lack Of Posts Down To New Project

Microsoft Dynamics GPIf you’re a regular visitor then you’ll have noticed a distinct lack of posts in August. The reason is that I have been working on a side project which should come to fruition in the middle of September. I’ll be trying to restore normal service before then, but if not it will be back to normal posting from mid-September.

The side project is Microsoft Dynamics GP related and I hope it will be of use to the community; details will be supplied nearer to the release date.

New azurecurve|Ramblings of a Dynamics GP Consultant Theme Launched

azurecurveAs you can see, I have introduced a new theme on this site. Admittedly it is pretty similar to my last one (azure on white), but the previous one was based on the default 2010 WordPress theme which had become rather dated.

The new one gives me access to some new functionality and brings me up to date. I expect there to be some teething problems over the coming days as I find things that were done a certain way because of the previous theme and which will now look/work differently.

I have also taken the opportunity to remove certain elements from the theme and turn them into plugins (see the Posts Archive as an example although there are more to follow).

Please do let me know both what you think of the new theme and if you encounter any issues or peculiarities in how posts or other items are displayed.