Microsoft Dynamics 365 BC Table Reference Website Now Available

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business CentralA few years ago there was a GP Table Reference website which disappeared with no warning; it had been very helpful, so I created my own version of it.

Well, we’ve recently started doing work with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and there didn’t seem to be a similar website freely available, so I have created my own. The main reason for creating the site is that it will help me understand data structures which in turn should help my understanding of data entry through the front end. As I expect to be using Jte Reports with Dynamics BC at some point, knowing how data hangs together will help me there too.

The azurecurve | Dynamics 365 BC Table Reference is, and will remain, free to use. It is currently up-to-date as of 2020 Wave 2 and will be kept up-to-date for new releases (updates may not be immediate, but will happen).

I’ve started adding table joins and will continue to do so; when a join exists, an example SQL statement will be available showing how the tables are joined.

If you see any errors or omissions, or have suggestions as to how the site can be improved, please contact me with details and I’ll see about making an update.

Happy 10th Birthday to azurecurve

My first post on this site, was 10 years ago today.

I had been working with Microsoft Dynamics GP for about 8 years by that time, making a lot of use of blogs by people like David Musgrave, Mark Polino, Leslie Vail and a few others. I’d been running other websites and thought I’d give bogging a go and see if I could contribute back to the Dynamics GP community.

10 today

In 10 years, I have posted 2,476 times, of which 1,888 of them have been about Microsoft Dynamics GP and related products. I think I have fulfilled my aim of contributing back, as I have had a number of consultants and clients all tell me the blog has been very useful.

In more recent years, I have blogged about a variety of other subjects with content management systems being my next most popular subject with 201 posts, with ClassicPress being included in 176 of them.

While I will continue to post about Dynamics GP and, increasingly, ClassicPress, I do post a variety of other subjects which are usually IT related. So, after 10 years, I have decided to create a new logo and tagline which you’ll see in the header of the site starting from today.

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to everyone in the Microsoft Dynamics GP and ClassicPress communities and to anyone else reading this.

I usually just include a Christmas card type image, but thought I’d give you a song this year (although I’m sure you’ll be pleased to know I’m not the one singing). I’ve spent a lot of time in Ireland this year and YouTube has started suggesting Irish music to me, so here is a Christmas song from Celtic Woman:

Sites Migrated to New Host

azurecurveOver the course of this weekend I have migrated my websites to a new web host; hopefully, the only difference you will notice is that the sites are now being served over an https connection.

However, if you do notice any issues, images not loading or broken links (I’ve moved from a Windows hosting package to a Linux one so case now matters) ,for example, I’d appreciate you leaving a comment below with details.

Update: I forgot to mention, that when I migrated the sites to a new host, I also migrated them from WordPress to ClassicPress.

What Services Does ISC Software Offer?

ISC Software SolutionsAs I mentioned in a previous post, I have joined ISC Software Solutions, a UK headquartered Microsoft Dynamics GP VAR (Value Added Reseller) and ISV (Independent Software Vendor) with an office in Ireland.

This short series of posts is a quick introduction to ISC Software and what they offer to Microsoft Dynamics GP clients in the UK, Ireland and in the rest of the world.

Implementations & Upgrades

ISC Software can implement Microsoft Dynamics GP or upgrade existing systems.


Consultancy is available to help you get the most out of your Microsoft Dynamics GP system whether this be reviewing processes, user training, implementing a new module or approval workflows.
Continue reading “What Services Does ISC Software Offer?”

Who Are ISC Software?

ISC Software SolutionsAs I mentioned in the last post, I have joined ISC Software Solutions, a Microsoft Dynamics GP VAR (Value Added Reseller) and ISV (Independent Software Vendor), as the Lead ERP Consultant.

ISC Software are Microsoft business software specialists whose ethos is centered upon our customers. We deliver products and solutions in the way that best meets the needs of our customers and the industries in which they work.

ISC Software are a privately owned company that focuses on the delivery of business software solutions. Our company was formed in 2003, following a management buyout of the Business Solutions Division of ISC Computers plc. We are headquartered in Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom, with an additional office based in Dublin, Ireland.​ Our focus is purely Microsoft business management software:

  • Microsoft Dynamics GP
  • Microsoft Dynamics CRM
  • Microsoft SharePoint
  • Microsoft Azure and Office 365

In addition to having a team of Dexterity developers for extending Microsoft Dynamics GP, ISC Software also use mainstream technologies, primarily Microsoft .NET and tools, Visual Studio .NET, to customise the standard Microsoft products, in our role as a Microsoft partner to provide the extra 20% needed to extend products further to meet exact customer requirements.

ISC Software offer a comprehensive range of consulting, custom software development and support services to assist customers to improve efficiencies through automating processes, accessing key data and sharing information.

Have an enquiry for ISC Software Solutions?

If you’re interested in speaking to ISC Software about consultancy, upgrades, implementation, development, GP Elementz add-ons or portals, or anything else, you can use the form below.
[contact-form-7 id=”1054434″ title=”ISC Enquiry”]

“Times change and we change with them” or “I have a new job”

ISC Software SolutionsAfter just over 7 years with Perfect Image, I decided it was time to move on and have accepted a position with ISC Software as the Lead ERP Consultant; I started in my new role on Monday last week. This is a change for me as I was the ERP Practice Manager at Perfect Image, but I decided to step out of management back into a role with a stronger focus on projects and delivery of consultancy to clients.

ISC Software is, in addition to being a Microsoft Dynamics GP VAR (Value Added Reseller), an ISV (Independent Software Vendor) and have released a suite of add-ons and portals for Microsoft Dynamics GP; this is an additional area with which I will be involved. This means that I am likely to be involved in promoting these add-ons and portals (I’m sure you’ll have guessed that there will be blog posts about them in the near future); this may also involve attending conferences, so you may be able to meet me face-to-face instead of just reading my posts online.

Over the next few posts, I’m going to quickly introduce ISC Software, their services as well as the add-ons and portals, before following up over the next few months with more detailed posts on the various add-ons and portals.

Have an enquiry for ISC Software Solutions?

If you’re interested in speaking to ISC Software about consultancy, upgrades, implementation, development, GP Elementz add-ons or portals, or anything else, you can use the form below.
[contact-form-7 id=”1054434″ title=”ISC Enquiry”]
Who Are ISC Software?
What Services Does ISC Software Offer?
What Are The GP Elementz?
What Are The GP Elementz Portals?