Hands on with the Microsoft Dynamics GP Fall 2020 Release: Install .NET prerequisite

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis post is part of the Hands on with the Microsoft Dynamics GP Fall 2020 Release series where I am hands on with the newly released Microsoft Dynamics GP Fall 2020 Release.

Before installing any of the Microsoft Dynamics GP components, you need to make sure the system requirements are met. On top of this there is also some prerequisites which need to be met before the Microsoft Dynamics GP client or other components can be installed.

Most of these prerequisites can be handled by installer process, there is one which cannot; this is the .NET Framework 3.5 feature which is installed using the Add Roles and Features Wizard available via Server Manager on Windows Server or using Turn Windows features on or off accessible via Program and Features on Windows.

If the PC or server you’re planning to install Microsoft Dynamics GP onto has an Internet connection, then the .NET can be installed simply by using the wizard. However, if, for whatever reason, you don’t have an Internet connection available, the install process isn’t quite that smooth.

However, for both server and PC you can do an offline install and I have blogged about this several years ago:

  • Offline install on Windows.
  • Offline install on Windows Server.
  • The above articles are for older versions of Windows Server and Windows, but the process is exactly the same on current versions.

    Click to show/hide the Hands on with the Microsoft Dynamics GP Fall 2020 Release Series Index

    Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release: Microsoft Dynamics GP client prerequisites

    Microsoft Dynamics GPThis post is part of the series where I am going hands on with the new version of Microsoft Dynamics GP.

    Before installing any of the Microsoft Dynamics GP components, you need to make sure the system requirements are met. On top of this there is also some prerequisites which need to be met before the Microsoft Dynamics GP client or other components can be installed.

    Most of these prerequisites can be handled by installer process, there is one which cannot; this is the .NET Framework 3.5 feature which is installed using the Add Roles and Features Wizard available via Server Manager on Windows Server or using Turn Windows features on or off accessible via Program and Features on Windows.

    If the PC or server you’re planning to install Microsoft Dynamics GP onto has an Internet connection, then the .NET can be installed simply by using the wizard. However, if, for whatever reason, you don’t have an Internet connection available, the install process isn’t quite that smooth.

    However, for both server and PC you can do an offline install and I have blogged about this several years ago:

    The above articles are for older versions of Windows Server and Windows, but the process is exactly the same on current versions.

    Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release: System Requirements

    Microsoft Dynamics GPThis post is part of the Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release series where I am going hands on with the new version of Microsoft Dynamics GP.

    The October 2019 release of Microsoft Dynamics GP largely has the same system requirements as Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 R2 with the addition of the following:

    • Windows Server 2019
    • SQL Server 2019
    • Office 2019

    Click to show/hide the Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2019 Release Series Index

    An authentication error has occurred; this could be due to CredSSP encryption oracle remediation

    Windows ServerThis error first came up early in 2018, but I’ve stumbled across it a couple of times recently and had to hunt around for the solution, so I am posting it here so I know where to find it next time.

    Microsoft released an update to address vulnerabilities for the Credential Security Support Provider protocol (CredSSP) used by Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) connections for Windows clients and Windows Server.

    Since that hotfix came out, if you try to connect from a patched machine to an unpatched one, you receive this error:

    CredSSP error

    Remote Desktop Protocol

    An authentication error has occurred.
    The function requested is not supported.

    Remote computer: {server name}
    This could be due to CredSSP encryption oracle remediation.

    Continue reading “An authentication error has occurred; this could be due to CredSSP encryption oracle remediation”

    Disable IE Enhanced Security Configuration

    Windows ServerI do a lot of work in virtual machines and this work often involves using the web browser; this is usually just for web client, SSRS or other similar local pages, but even then Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration will get in the way and need to be disabled.

    I never remember where the setting for this is, so I am posting here to make it easy to find in future. To change the setting, open Server Manager; in the left pane, click Local Server:

    Server Manager > Dashboard

    In the main section of the page, click the word ON next to IE Enhanced Security Configuration:

    Continue reading “Disable IE Enhanced Security Configuration”

    PowerShell to Promote Domain Controller

    Windows ServerWhen testing Microsoft Dynamics GP, I often need a domain controller within my set of virtual machines. I’ve been promoting a server to be a domain controller manually, but it recently occurred to me that I could probably do the same task using PowerShell.

    After doing some research, I came up with four commands which will rename and restart the server, install the Active Directory feature and add a forest.

    To rename a server, run the following command, replacing the highligted section with the new server name:

    Rename-computer -newname {server name}

    Continue reading “PowerShell to Promote Domain Controller”

    New GP Compatibility Page Available

    Microsoft Dynamics GPI’ve added a GP Resources section to this site; as well as links to the GP Table Reference, I’ve created a Microsoft Dynamics GP Compatibility page which shows the compatibility with SQL Server, Windows Server and Windows from Dynamics GP 2010 through to 2018.

    If you see any errors, or can contribute information on supported versions, prior to 2010, please contact me with the information.

    PowerShell to Stop Server Manager Loading

    WindowsOne of the things that annoys me about Windows Server 2012 and later, is that the Server Manager launches automatically whenever you log in. This wouldn’t be a problem, if it didn’t take so long to fully launch.

    Well, I did some exploring and investigation, and it turns out that the Server Manager is being launched at user log on by a Scheduled Task:

    Scheduled Task to Auto Launch of Server Manager

    Continue reading “PowerShell to Stop Server Manager Loading”

    eConnect 18 Prerequisites: Install MSMQ Triggers

    Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2018 RTM has now been released and I am in the middle of a series of Hands On posts. As part of thsat series, I am about to cover the installation of the eConnect additional product on a server configured for receiving messages via the MSMQ. However, there are two prerequisites which need to be dealt with before eConnect can be installed on the server.

    Usually, when doing Hands On posts, I only cover the core installs and only mentioned prerequisites such as this, referring back to old posts were necessary, but it appears I’ve only made references previously to what you have to do, without actually blogging about it. So, this series on the eConnect prerequisites, is going to be a brief diversion from the Hands On series, which will resume tomorrow.

    The eConnect 18 Prerequisites series index can be found here.

    Before eConnect can be installed and configured to receive messages from the Microsoft Message Queue, the Message Queuing Triggers need to be installed. This is done via Server Manager:

    Click Add roles and features link:

    Server Manager

    Continue reading “eConnect 18 Prerequisites: Install MSMQ Triggers”

    Remote Desktop Connection – An Authentication Error Has Occurred

    Windowsthis is an off topic post which I’m posting mainly as a memory prompt for myself. I was working with a set of virtual machines the other day on my test server and received the following error when I tried logging in:

    Remote Desktop Connection - An authentication error has occurred. The Local Security Authority cannot be contacted. Remote computer: azc-gp2013-wc-8Remote Desktop Connection
    An authentication error has occurred.
    The Local Security Authority cannot be contacted
    Remote computer: azc-gp2013-wc-8

    I logged onto the Hyper-V server and launched the VM from Hyper-V Manager and was able to log in without issue. I did some fiddling around and realised that my Domain Controller wasn’t accepting connection requests.

    One quick reboot later and I was able to log into the VM without error.