How To Remove The CEIP Reminder

Microsoft Dynamics GPWhen you install Microsoft Dynamics GP it automatically creates a recurring reminder for the Microsoft Customer Experience Improvement Program. In most cases this reminder is not wanted but removing it through the system for every user can be a bit time consuming;

For each user, log into Microsoft Dynamics GP and open the Reminders window (Microsoft Dynamics GP menu » Reminders) and open the CEIP task. In the window click Name and select an option. Flag the task as Completed and move onto the next user and repeat.

However, help is at hand in with two short SQL scripts. Continue reading “How To Remove The CEIP Reminder”

Management Reporter Version Numbers & Release Dates

Microsoft Dynamics GPLes Wright on the Microsoft Dynamics Corporate Performance Management, Management Reporter & BI Blogger site has posted a list of the Management Reporter versions and their release dates.

Of most interest is the release of the latest service pack (which we posted details of here) and the upcoming Feature Pack 2 for Management Reporter 2 which, as Les says, is expected during December 2011.

I believe among other new features is the ability to both schedule and email reports and also a drill-down facility to the GP General Ledger.

Feature Explained: Combine Budgets

Microsoft Dynamics GPI like how Microsoft Dynamics GP handles budgets and the ease with which they can be exported to, amended and then imported from Excel. However, one of the issues constantly raised by customers in the past was that you could only have one budget and had to include all codes within it. This is problematical when you have several budget holders within your organisation who will have a budget figure to divide up between their account codes.

Well, in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010, a new feature has been added; you now have the ability to combine several budgets into one. Continue reading “Feature Explained: Combine Budgets”

Feature Explained: Account Rollup Enquiry

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis is not a new feature in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010, or even in GP 10, but is a feature that almost no-one I have spoken to uses. This has always left me slightly puzzled as, to me, the Account Rollup Enquiry seems quite a useful tool, which is quite simple to use even for non-technical users, for getting segment-based enquiries for open or historical years.
Continue reading “Feature Explained: Account Rollup Enquiry”

Dynamics GP “12”: Web Client

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe below quote is from Errol Schoenfish, the director of product management for Dynamics GP and gives an indication of the path Microsoft are intending to take.

A large portion of that release will be dedicated to getting us to the cloud. It’s pretty astounding what our development team has been able to do. This was a massive task and ISVs are over the moon about it.”

Continue reading “Dynamics GP “12”: Web Client”

Windows XP – 999 Days of Support

WindowsOn the Windows Team Blog Steven Rose has posted a reminder that only 999 days of support remain for the now rather venerable Windows XP.

…reality is trophies get dusty, records are broken, and what it took to be the best ten years ago, just isn’t enough for today’s standards. Things get better, faster. And eventually, it’s time to move from good enough to something much better.

Continue reading “Windows XP – 999 Days of Support”

Feature Explained: How To Configure The Document Email Functionality

Microsoft Dynamics GPA recent customer who upgraded to Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 wanted to enable the email functionality to allow them to email creditor remittances out rather than having to print them out and sending a hard copy.

As our support account did not have an associated Exchange email account on their system I was getting errors when loading the forms used in this new functionality. So rather than risk problems due to these errors, I put together a quick document for their IT department to enable it themselves. I thought it might also be useful to create an internet version to refer other customers to if they want documentation. Continue reading “Feature Explained: How To Configure The Document Email Functionality”

Support Debugging Tool Build 15 Released

Microsoft Dynamics GPOn Developing for Dynamics GP David Musgrave has announced the release of the Support Debugging Tool Build 15

Build 15 introduces lots of new functionality as well as many fixes and improvements. Available from PartnerSource (login required)