SQL Function to Remove Alphanumeric Characters

Microsoft Dynamics GPI created a customisation recently for a client which would generate a Vendor ID based on the name, by removing alphanumeric characters. In order to make it as flexible as possible, I created the function to accept a parameter for type which will cause the function to strip different characters:

  • A – leaves alpha characters only.
  • N – leaves numeric characters only.
  • AN – leaves alphanumeric characters.

The second parameter is the string which should have the characters stripped:

IF OBJECT_ID (N'uv_AZRCRV_StripCharacters', N'FN') IS NOT NULL
	DROP FUNCTION uv_AZRCRV_StripCharacters

CREATE FUNCTION uv_AZRCRV_StripCharacters(@Type VARCHAR(100), @String VARCHAR(MAX))
Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve|Ramblings of a Dynamics GP Consultant (https://www.azurecurve.co.uk)
This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Int).
	IF (@Type = 'Alpha' OR @Type = 'A')
		SET @PatIndex = '%[^a-z]%'
	IF (@Type = 'Numeric' OR @Type = 'N')
		SET @PatIndex = '%[^0-9]%'
	IF (@Type = 'AlphaNumeric' OR @Type = 'AN')
		SET @PatIndex = '%[^a-z0-9]%'

	WHILE PATINDEX(@PatIndex, @String) < 0
		SET @String = STUFF(@String, PATINDEX(@PatIndex, @String), 1, '')

	RETURN @String


Can I Create a Temp Table With Collation Different to the Server Collation?

Microsoft SQL ServerAs with virtually all headlines containing a question, the short answer is no. From the research I have done, the temp table will always be created with the collation of the SQL Server. If you want to skip to the solution, click here.

Why would you want a different collation? Well, in this case we need a different collation as there is a third party database which a customisation in Microsoft Dynamics GP is using for pricing lookups. The database was originally on a server with the same collation (SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS) as the Dynamics GP server (and which the database shares). However, the database has now been moved to a new server with the default UK server collation (Latin1_General_CI_AS).

The problem now is that when data is being inserted or updated into this database, a collation error is produced:

Cannot resolve the collation conflict

[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "Latin1_General_CI_AS" and "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" in the equal operation.

Code: 8004OE14

Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers

Continue reading “Can I Create a Temp Table With Collation Different to the Server Collation?”

Create User or Assign Company Access Without Using sa

Microsoft Dynamics GPWith Microsoft Dynamics GP, there are only two user accounts which can, by default, create new users or assign access to companies; these the the sa (SQL Server System Administrator) and DYNSA (Dynamics GP System Administrator).

The former account should only be used when absolutely necessary (such as when implementing Microsoft Dynamics GP or moving it to a new SQL Server Instance; there are some ISV products which also insist on the sa account when it isn’t strictly necessary from a tecHnical perspective).

The recommended way of maintaining security is to configure a normal user account with the permissions necessary to create and assign users to companies. There are a few steps to go through to assign the relevant security.

Mark Polino did a post a while ago on adding users without using the sa account, but, in this post, Mark assigned the sysadmin role to the user. While this will do the job, and in fewer steps, I prefer to lock down security so users only have the permissions required, which precludes assigning a sysadmin role. The reason for this is both best practice, but also that I have several clients who will not allow the sysadmin role to be assigned to a GP user.

The following steps cover the minimum security required for a user to be able to add new users or assign them access to companies.

Assign the user to all companies in Microsoft Dynamics GP (this is done in the User Access Setup window (Administration area page » Setup » System » User Access):

User Access Setup

Continue reading “Create User or Assign Company Access Without Using sa”

Formatting SQL

Microsoft SQL ServerI create a fair amount of T-SQL in the form of selects, views and stored procedures. While I try to format my code to make it easy to use, I do encounter code from other people which is not very well formatted; and if you look at the stored procedures or views which ship with Microsoft Dynamics GP, they are generally formatted with all of the code on a single line.

There are a variety of ways of formatting SQL and I’m sure there are addins for SQL Server Management Studio; however, I often work on clients servers and can’t just install anything I want.

Therefore, a web based alternative is favourite and SQLFormat is the best one I have come across so far.

To use, simple paste your code into the big box and click the Format SQL button:


You can even load a file should you wish.

I’m posting it here as a reminder to myself.

How to Install Microsoft SQL Server 2017: Download SSRS 2017

Microsoft SQL ServerIn this short series of posts, I am going to be covering the installation of Microsoft SQL Server 2017; the installation process for this version is somewhat different to previous ones, in that SQL Server Management Studio and SQL Server Reporting Services have been separated out from the main installer.

The series index can be found here. I am not a SQL expert and this series of posts is intended only for use on demo or test environment and not production ones.

This is a very late addition to this series of posts; I recently came to install SQL Server 2017 on a new machine which did not have an Internet connection and so needed to download the installer and copy itto the new machine.

In the installation post I used the download option in the installer, but didn’t include the direct download link.

Well, to remedy that, here is the download link to the latest version of SSRS 2017.

SQL Snippet: Get Dates for Accruals

Microsoft SQL ServerAs I’ve mentioned before I write a fair bit of SQL code for various projects or support calls and will be posting some of it here.

I recently created a report for a client to use to extract transaction lines to use to import as an accruals journal; as part of the extract I worked out the last day of the one month and the first day of the next to use as the transaction and reversing dates on the journal.

The scripts below has versions for both before and after SQL 2012 (with the introduction of the EOMONTH function in 2012, getting these dates became easier).

Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve|Ramblings of a Dynamics GP Consultant (https://www.azurecurve.co.uk)
This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Int).
-- set date variable

-- get last date of this month
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), DATEADD(month, ((YEAR(@Date) - 1900) * 12) + month(@Date), -1), 126)

-- get last date of this month in SQL 2012

-- get first date of next month
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, 1, DATEADD( month, 1, @Date )), 0), 126)

-- get first date of next month in SQL 2012

SQL Collation — SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS vs Latin1_General_CI_AS by Craig Verster via WinthropDC

Winthrop DCOver the last few years as we have grown the ERP Practice at Perfect Image we have taken over a number of clients from other Microsoft Dynamics GP partners, both in the UK and elsewhere. Far too many of them have had Dynamics GP installed with the incorrect collation.

According to the system requirements, Microsoft Dynamics GP is supported with two collations:

  • SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS (the recommend one as it is case insensitive).
  • Latin1_General_BIN

Whenever I install SQL Server, I am careful to ensure that I pick the SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS collation which is supported; this is important to do, as a UK language server has Latin1_General_CI_AS as the default and you need to proactively make the change. A US server has the correct collation by default.

If I’m honest, I couldn’t have told you why this was important, but it is something I have always been very careful to do. I couldn’t have told you why this was important, until today that is, when I read a guest post by Craig Verster, Senior Microsoft Dynamics GP Consultant at Microchannel Services, on the Winthrop DC blog.

The post by Craig explains why it is important to use the correct collation. Short version is that while both SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS and Latin1_General_CI_AS are 1252 character collations, they handle the Þ character different which can cause incorrect data to be returned in the Reporting Service Reports; there could also be other places where this manifests.

I’d encourage everyone (especially consultants) to read and understand the post so we can stop clients having an incorrect collation installed on the SQL Server used with Microsoft Dynamics GP.

New GP Compatibility Page Available

Microsoft Dynamics GPI’ve added a GP Resources section to this site; as well as links to the GP Table Reference, I’ve created a Microsoft Dynamics GP Compatibility page which shows the compatibility with SQL Server, Windows Server and Windows from Dynamics GP 2010 through to 2018.

If you see any errors, or can contribute information on supported versions, prior to 2010, please contact me with the information.

SQL Script to Alter Server and Database Views After Copying Live To Test

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP includes a number of views in the database which are used to drive some of the reporting (such as the Refreshable Excel Reports); these reports contain drill down links. I’ve never really done that much work with the views myself, but I was alerted to an issue by a partner organisation who was creating some reports from Dynamics GP integrated with data from their system.

As development was in progress, the partner was working on the clients standalone test system, but when they tested the drill downs, the data was coming from the live system. I did some exploring of the views and found that the drilldowns are coded during deployment to include the server and database:

'Account Index For Drillback' = 'dgpp://DGPB/?Db=GP&Srv=2018SQL1\GP&Cmp=TEST&Prod=0' +dbo.dgppAccountIndex(1,['Account Master'].[ACTINDX] )

This issue will affect the views not only when the databases are copied to a new system, but also when a live company is copied to a test company on the same server.

The solution was to create a script which would alter the views to the new server or database:

Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve | Ramblings of an IT Professional (http://www.azurecurve.co.uk) This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Int). */
DECLARE @ViewDefinition AS NVARCHAR(max) DECLARE @OldDatabase AS VARCHAR(5) = 'TWO' DECLARE @NewDatabase AS VARCHAR(5) = DB_NAME() DECLARE @OldServer AS VARCHAR(50) = '2018SQL1' DECLARE @NewServer AS VARCHAR(50) = @@ServerName CREATE TABLE #ViewDefinitions( ViewDefinition NVARCHAR(MAX) ,ROW_ID INT IDENTITY ) INSERT INTO #ViewDefinitions (ViewDefinition) --VALUES (SELECT REPLACE( REPLACE(['SQL Modules'].definition, 'CREATE VIEW', 'ALTER VIEW') ,'Srv=' + @OldServer + '&Cmp=' + @OldDatabase,'Srv=' + @NewServer + '&Cmp=' + @NewDatabase) FROM sys.all_views AS ['All Views'] JOIN sys.sql_modules AS ['SQL Modules'] ON ['SQL Modules'].object_id = ['All Views'].object_id and ['SQL Modules'].definition LIKE '%Srv=' + @OldServer + '&Cmp=' + @OldDatabase + '%') DECLARE cursor_Views Cursor FOR SELECT ViewDefinition FROM #ViewDefinitions Open cursor_Views FETCH NEXT FROM cursor_Views INTO @ViewDefinition WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -1) BEGIN IF (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -2) EXEC (@ViewDefinition) FETCH NEXT FROM cursor_Views INTO @ViewDefinition END CLOSE cursor_Views DEALLOCATE cursor_Views DROP TABLE #ViewDefinitions GO

The script uses the @@ServerName and DB_Name functions for the new server and database names; the two highlighted sections are the parameters for the old server and database which need to be amended.

As this script updates the views, make sure you have a good database backup before running.

Updated 24/10/2018 following feedback from David Morinello

Logical File Name SQL Scripts: SQL Script to Create Restore Scripts for all Dynamics Databases

Microsoft SQL ServerSince the release of Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018, on the 1st December 2018, we have been busy with a few upgrade projects for clients. Our standard recommendation is to have a standalone test system for performing UAT and this means backing up and restoring databases.

While the backups are easy to do, the restores can be trickier when one database has been restored into another, as this means the logical file name will not match the physical one.

This isn’t an issue when the client has only a handful of databases, but when there are 30 or even a hundred, it becomes much more of an issue. However, you can select database details in SQL Server from the sys.master_files single, system-wide view.

This script creates restore scripts for all Dynamics GP databases and will use the correct logical filename whether it matches the . The script is configured with the assumption that the system database is called DYNAMICS; if you are using a named system database, change the highlighted section:

Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve|Ramblings of a Dynamics GP Consultant (https://www.azurecurve.co.uk)
This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Int).

DECLARE @BackupLocation VARCHAR(300) = 'I:\Live Upgrade\2016R2\'
DECLARE @DataLocation VARCHAR(300) = 'S:\Data\'
DECLARE @LogLocation VARCHAR(300) = 'L:\Logs\'
DECLARE @DateParameter VARCHAR(10) = FORMAT(GETDATE(), 'yyyy-MM-dd')
SELECT @SQLStatement =	'
	USE master
	DISK = N''' + @BackupLocation + DB_NAME() + '_' + @DateParameter + '.bak'' WITH  FILE = 1,  
	MOVE N''' + ['databases-data'].name + ''' TO N''' + @DataLocation + RIGHT(['databases-data'].physical_name, CHARINDEX('\', REVERSE(['databases-data'].physical_name)) - 1) + ''',  
	MOVE N''' + ['databases-log'].name + ''' TO N''' + @LogLocation + RIGHT(['databases-log'].physical_name, CHARINDEX('\', REVERSE(['databases-log'].physical_name)) - 1) + ''',  NOUNLOAD,  STATS = 5
	sys.master_files AS ['databases-data']
	sys.master_files AS ['databases-log']
			DB_NAME(['databases-log'].database_id) = DB_NAME(['databases-data'].database_id)
	DB_NAME(['databases-data'].database_id) = DB_NAME() and ['databases-data'].name like '%.mdf'

SELECT @SQLStatement = @SQLStatement + 
	'RESTORE DATABASE ' + RTRIM(['Company Master'].INTERID) + ' FROM  
	DISK = N''' + @BackupLocation + RTRIM(['Company Master'].INTERID) + '_' + @DateParameter + '.bak'' WITH  FILE = 1,  
	MOVE N''' + ['databases-data'].name + ''' TO N''' + @DataLocation + RIGHT(['databases-data'].physical_name, CHARINDEX('\', REVERSE(['databases-data'].physical_name)) - 1) + ''',  
	MOVE N''' + ['databases-log'].name + ''' TO N''' + @LogLocation + RIGHT(['databases-log'].physical_name, CHARINDEX('\', REVERSE(['databases-log'].physical_name)) - 1) + ''',  NOUNLOAD,  STATS = 5
	SY01500 AS ['Company Master']
	sys.master_files AS ['databases-data']
			DB_NAME(['databases-data'].database_id) = ['Company Master'].INTERID AND ['databases-data'].name LIKE '%mdf'
	sys.master_files AS ['databases-log']
			DB_NAME(['databases-log'].database_id) = ['Company Master'].INTERID AND ['databases-log'].name LIKE '%ldf'
	['databases-data'].name NOT LIKE '%<TEST>'
	['Company Master'].CMPANYID > 0
	['Company Master'].INTERID

SELECT @SQLStatement