Copy Microsoft Dynamics GP Live Company To Test Automatically

Microsoft Dynamics GPBacking up the a Microsoft Dynamics GP company to test is, unfortunately, not as simple as backing up one database and restoring it to the Test one. There are two scripts which need to be run after doing so; the first changed the INTERID and Company Name and the second changes the database owner to dynsa.

At my last company, we decided to make this process as easy as possible for clients, so we started creating a SQL Agent Job which would do the backup, restore and run the scripts with minimal effort or could even run on a scheduled basis. The basic purpose was to give the client a test or training system which was always, or could very quickly be, up to date. Continue reading “Copy Microsoft Dynamics GP Live Company To Test Automatically”

4th Dynamics Certification Gained: Managing Microsoft Dynamics Implementations

Microsoft Dynamics GPI’ve been a bit quiet again this week posting wise, but this was because I was preparing for a Microsoft Certification exam yesterday.

Fortunately, I passed and am now the holder of a Managing Microsoft Dynamics Implementation certification along side the three Dynamics GP certs I already had; GP 10 Installation & Configuration, GP 10 Financials and GP 2010 Inventory & Order Processing.

I’ve taken a look at the Certification Planner on Microsoft Learning to see how far I am from an MCITP in Installation & Configuration for Microsoft Dynamics GP. I think I’m one certification away but it’s slightly hard to tell as the planner hasn’t been updated with the GP 2010 exams.

Fixing A Corrupt Account Index Master

Microsoft Dynamics GPA while ago I investigated an issue where some reports were not working correctly on a client system; they’d been written with Crystal and were not returning transactions for newly created accounts.

As reports I write tend to do, these reports were joining to the General Ledger via the GL Account Index Master (GL00105) table and then joining to GL Account Master (GL00100) for the account descriptions. I wrote the following script to check the two tables against each other to see where the problem lay (my suspicions were on GL00105 being corrupt as the accounts were being used within Microsoft Dynamics GP Continue reading “Fixing A Corrupt Account Index Master”

Making A Drive Available Over The Remote Desktop Connection

WindowsI needed a colleague to backup and copy a clients Microsoft Dynamics GP System and Company database back to our systems remotely out of standard working hours.

While I may have used FTP or similar if I had control of all software installed on the server, in this case the best way of doing this was to just use the Remote Desktop Connection and a local drive made available and copy the backups to this drive over the connection.

However, the colleague who was going to do this for me out of hours is not from an IT background like I am. He’s one of those Mark Polino laments the absence; a qualified accountant who has moved into a role as a Microsoft Dynamics GP consultant.

As he’s not from a technical background, there are some things I take for granted which he does not know of. I therefore documented the process of making a drive available over the RDP connection for him and I thought I’d post it up here as I thought it might be useful to others. Continue reading “Making A Drive Available Over The Remote Desktop Connection”

Selecting The Correct Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Collation For Microsoft Dynamics GP

Microsoft Dynamics GPAfter initial acclimatisation pains with Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (I largely skipped 2005 and 2008 RTM) I have become used to Management Studio and do now prefer it to Enterprise Manager and Query Analyser.

One of the things I really like about SQL 2008 R2 is the installation process where you pick the collation. Dealing with Microsoft Dynamics GP so much means I need to be careful with server and database collations as GP, once installed, cannot have it’s database collation changed.

We typically install SQL Server for Microsoft Dynamics GP using the SQL_Latin1_CP1_CI_AS (case insensitive, accent sensitive), which is very easy in SQL 2008 R2 Continue reading “Selecting The Correct Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Collation For Microsoft Dynamics GP”

Get Next Journal Entry Number

Microsoft Dynamics GPA colleague is currently working on some development for Microsoft Dynamics GP and needs to create a journal.

I did some digging around the company database looking for the correct way to get the next Journal Entry number and found a function called glGetNextJournalEntry.

A little work and I was able to supply the following to the developer for him to wrap into a stored procedure to get the Journal Entry number and make sure there were no issues in GP;

Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve | Ramblings of an IT Professional ( This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Int). */
DECLARE @l_tINCheckWORKFiles tinyint = 1 DECLARE @I_iSQLSessionID int = USER_SID() DECLARE @O_tOUTOK tinyint DECLARE @IO_iOUTJournalEntry int = 1 DECLARE @O_iErrorState int EXECUTE glGetNextJournalEntry    @l_tINCheckWORKFiles    ,@I_iSQLSessionID    ,@IO_iOUTJournalEntry OUTPUT    ,@O_tOUTOK OUTPUT    ,@O_iErrorState OUTPUT SELECT @IO_iOUTJournalEntry AS 'NJRNLENT', @O_tOUTOK AS 'OUTOK', @O_iErrorState AS 'ERROR'

Error: Attempting To Log In From A Data Source Using A Trusted Connection

Microsoft Dynamics GPI’ve been building a test environment in a virtual machine the last few days to do a migration from Microsoft Dynamics GP 9 SP3 to 2010 R2.

After completing the upgrade I tried to log into GP and received the following error;


Continue reading “Error: Attempting To Log In From A Data Source Using A Trusted Connection”

Microsoft Dynamics GP 9 SP3 Upgrade Path To 2010 R2

Microsoft Dynamics GPI did a bit of searching and couldn’t find a specific declaration of the upgrade path from Microsoft Dynamics GP 9 SP3 to Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 R2.

After reading around and trying to work out the correct path, I decided the likely upgrade path would be GP 9 SP3 > GP 10 SP5 > GP 2010 R2, but I would try GP 9 SP3 > GP 2010 R2 and see if it would work (although I was extremely skeptical) as this would save some time on the upgrades if it was possible. Continue reading “Microsoft Dynamics GP 9 SP3 Upgrade Path To 2010 R2”

Enabling Email Cheque Remittances For All Suppliers

Microsoft Dynamics GPIn two previous posts I discussed testing Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010’s new Email Remittance functionality; first, by setting up creditors with an internal email address and, then, by transferring the email address from the INET1 field to the new EmailToAddress field.

The other script which I used, and forgot to post, was the one which configures all of the creditors, who are not currently configured for email remittances Continue reading “Enabling Email Cheque Remittances For All Suppliers”

eConnect Messages Not Posting To GL

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe morning opened with a feeling of déjà vu. A client testing Microsoft Dynamics GP reported that transactions they were posting in an external system were not appearing in GP.

After checking out the other issues I’ve seen recently (Domain Trust issues, Windows Updates restarting MSMQ and timeouts) without luck I expanded the investigation. Continue reading “eConnect Messages Not Posting To GL”