This post is part of the Features of CustomerHQ from ISC Software, as well as part of the over-arching GP Elementz from ISC Software series.
There is a 28 day free trial available for CustomerHQ which allows you to try it with no cost and no obligation to buy and connected to a system of your choice. The 28 day free trial can be quickly installed and connected to the system of you choice; if you have a standalone test system, it can be connected to this for you to do do testing of all scenarios and then when you purchase it will be connected with your live system.
Alternatively, you might choose to connect it to your live system straight away so you can give key members of your sales team or key customers access to CustomerHQ against live data so they can operate using their normal daily processes.
If you’d like to speak to someone about CustomerHQ or to organise a free trial, please use this contact form or call ISC on +44 (0)1480 802280 or +353 (0)1 514 3686: