Implementing Post Master Enterprise: Incompatible Modules

Envisage Software SolutionsThis post is part of the series on Implementing Post Master Enterprise for Microsoft Dynamics GP from Envisage Software.

The installation notes for Post Master note that there are known incompatibilities with some first and third party Microsoft Dynamics GP products which can interfere with the start-up or processing of Post Master.

If the below products are installed, a separate launch file or even installation of Dynamics GP will be required:

  • Professional Service Tools Library (listed in the launch file as Technical Service Tools).
  • Report Scheduleer, but only if reports are scheduled.
  • Rockton Auditor
  • Rockton Toolbox
  • Extender Enterprise
  • OlympicSystems.ProjectCost.AddIn.dll
  • Regal Software RegalPay
  • CRG Reformatter

There are also suspected incompatibilities with several other products (I’ve had to remove Fastpath from the installation I use for Post Master):

  • Dynamic Zip
  • eExpense Integrator
  • RM Mass Apply
  • Fast Path

Implementing Post Master Enterprise: What batch types are supported?

Envisage Software SolutionsThis post is part of the series on Implementing Post Master Enterprise for Microsoft Dynamics GP from Envisage Software.

Post Master Enterprise can post many, but not all types of batch. For the standard Microsoft Dynamics GP modules, the following batch types are supported:

  • Assembly Entry
  • Clearing Entry
  • General Entry
  • In Transit
  • Invoice Entry
  • Payables Transaction Entry
  • Payment Entry
  • Purchasing Invoice Entry
  • Receivables Cash Receipts
  • Receivables Sales Entry
  • Receivings Transaction Entry
  • Sales Transaction Entry
  • Inventory Transaction Entry
  • Inventory Transfer Entry
  • Payroll Manual Checks
  • Payroll Computer Checks

Although, please note the following:

  • Recurring batches are not supported.
  • Batches containing Analytical Accounting information can be posted, but the AA reports must be disabled first.

The following Project Accounting batches are supported:

  • PA Inventory Transfer Entry
  • PA Timesheet Entry
  • PA Employee Expense Entry
  • PA Equipment Log Entry
  • PA Misc Log Entry
  • PA Billing Entry
  • PA Revenue Recognition Entry

Some Interfund Management and Binary Stream Multi-Entity Management batches are supported; WennSoft Job Cost transactions are supported although an additional subscription license is required.

Implementing Post Master Enterprise: What is Post Master Enterprise?

Envisage Software SolutionsThis post is part of the series on Implementing Post Master Enterprise for Microsoft Dynamics GP from Envisage Software.

Post Master Enterprise automates the posting process in Microsoft Dynamics GP which can provide for efficiencies by:

  1. Eliminating the need for users to perform the repetitive task of selecting batches to post.
  2. Reducing the need for users to check for batches to post.
  3. Automatically complete the final step of posting a batch created through an integration.
  4. Ensure inventory and account activity is promptly updated.
  5. Minimise system load by allowing posting to be scheduled out of hours.
  6. Control when different types of batches are posted.
  7. Automatically post batches after Workflow approval.

There are three versions of Post master available from Envisage Software with each version building on the capabilities of the lower version:

  1. Standard
    • Automatically post batches.
    • Schedule out of hours.
    • Multiple different batch reporting options.
  2. Enterprise
    • Runs as Windows service meaning:
      • No Dynamics GP client needs to be running.
      • Automatically starts with Windows.
  3. Multi-Instance
    • Parallel post multiple batches for improved performance.

When selling Post Master to clients, I have never sold the Standard version; the Enterprise version is far more useful as it runs as a Windows service and will automatically start with Windows, reducing the need for a user to log onto Windows and into Dynamics GP. For larger clients, I have sold the Multi-Instance version where there was a lot of companies which would require concurrent processing.

With the Enterprise version, you can specify posting of multiple types of batches across multiple companies, but the processing will be strictly sequential.

Whether you opt for Enterprise or Multi-Instance will depend on the number, frequency and time sensitivity of posting. The initial install for both versions is the same, with some additional steps to enable the muli-instance processing.

Over the next posts in this series, I will be installing and configuring the Enterprise version of Post Master.

Implementing Post Master Enterprise: Who are Envisage Software?

Envisage Software SolutionsThis post is part of the series on Implementing Post Master Enterprise for Microsoft Dynamics GP.

Envisage Software was started by Andrew Dean, an experienced software development manager with 10 years experience of working for a leading Microsoft Dynamics GP client, in 2007. Their aim is to provide quality ISV tools and customised business software solutions for Microsoft Dynamics GP to both customers and partners.

They have a number of products for Microsoft Dynamics GP available:

  • Post Master which is the subject of this series.
  • Exchange Rate Feed which imports currency exchange rates into Dynamics GP.
  • Search Master which adds additional search capabilities to Dynamics GP.
  • InSight — Mobile app which allows out-of-office users access to information from Dynamics GP in real-time.
  • VST Controls which extends the power of Visual Studio Tools for Dynamics GP by allowing a .NET developer to add Windows Component Controls to any GP window.

Implementing Post Master Enterprise: Series Index

Envisage Software SolutionsIn this series of posts I am going to look at implementing Post Master Enterprise for Microsoft Dynamics GP from Envisage Software, an ISV based in Australia.

Post Master is one of the auto-posting tools available for Microsoft Dynamics GP and is one which I have sold a number of times. I’ll take a look at the capabilities of the application itself, before moving onto the installation and configuration.

This series index will automatically update as posts go-live, but if you’re reading via a syndication, you’ll need to go to the original page for the updates: Implementing Post Master Enterprise

Implementing Post Master Enterprise
Who are Envisage Software?
What is Post Master Enterprise?
What batch types are supported?
Incompatible Modules
Configure Windows Service
First Run
Create Auto-Posting Rules
Extending Post Master Enterprise

SQL View to Extract Accruals from Microsoft Dynamics GP Payables Management Module

Microsoft Dynamics GPI recently did a webinar for my employer, ISC Software, on Prepayments and Accruals and as part of the accruals section used a SQL View to extract the accruals to be created; as mentioned in thw webinar, the extract cna be done either using a SmartList or a direct query in SmartConnect.

The SQL view has been created using the EOMONTH function which si available only in later versions of SQL Server; you may need to tweak the script a little to handle getting dates in different ways, if you are running an older version of SQL Server.

This script was written with a specific client in mind for use on a few companies so it has been written to look for a specific account description; you will need to either change the description or join in another way to get the credit line to output unless your accrual account has the exact description of Accrued Purchases. The section which will need changing is highlighted.

IF OBJECT_ID (N'uv_ISC_PayablesAccruals', N'V') IS NOT NULL
    DROP VIEW uv_ISC_PayablesAccruals

CREATE VIEW uv_ISC_PayablesAccruals AS
Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve | Ramblings of an IT Professional ( This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Int). */
SELECT * FROM (SELECT 'PAC ' + FORMAT(DATEADD(month,-1,GETDATE()), 'yyyyMM') AS 'Accruals Batch Number' ,FORMAT(EOMONTH(DATEADD(month,-1,GETDATE())), 'dd/MM/yyyy') AS 'Transaction Date' ,FORMAT(DATEADD(day, 1, EOMONTH(DATEADD(month,-1,GETDATE()))), 'dd/MM/yyyy') AS 'Reverse Date' ,'Purchase Accruals ' + FORMAT(DATEADD(month,-1,GETDATE()), 'MM/yyyy') AS 'Reference' ,ISNULL(GL00105_DAIM.ACTNUMST,GL00105.ACTNUMST) AS 'Account' ,CASE WHEN DOCTYPE = 1 THEN CASE WHEN PP000100.PP_Module IS NOT NULL THEN SUM(PP000101.TRXAMNT) ELSE SUM(PM10100.DEBITAMT) END ELSE 0 END AS 'Debit' ,CASE WHEN DOCTYPE = 1 THEN 0 ELSE CASE WHEN PP000100.PP_Module IS NOT NULL THEN SUM(PP000101.TRXAMNT) ELSE SUM(PM10100.CRDTAMNT) END END AS 'Credit' ,LEFT(RTRIM(CAST(PM10100.VCHRNMBR AS VARCHAR(15))) + ' ' + PM10100.DistRef, 30) AS 'Description' ,PM10100.VCHRNMBR AS 'Voucher Number' ,PM10000.BACHNUMB AS 'Batch Number' ,PM10000.TRXDSCRN AS 'Document Description' ,PM10000.DOCNUMBR AS 'Document Number' ,PM10000.PORDNMBR AS 'PO Number' ,PM10100.DistRef AS 'Distribution Reference' FROM PM10000 AS PM10000 --PM Transaction WORK File (PM10000) INNER JOIN PM10100 AS PM10100 --PM Distribution WORK OPEN (PM10100) on PM10100.CNTRLTYP = PM10000.CNTRLTYP AND PM10100.VCHRNMBR = PM10000.VCHRNMBR INNER JOIN GL00105 AS GL00105 --Account Index Master (GL00105) on GL00105.ACTINDX = PM10100.DSTINDX LEFT JOIN -- Join to RED PP000100 AS PP000100 --Deferral Header Work (PP000100) on PP000100.CNTRLTYP = PM10100.CNTRLTYP AND PP000100.PP_Document_Number = PM10100.VCHRNMBR AND PP000100.PP_Sequencer = PM10100.DSTSQNUM LEFT JOIN GL00105 AS GL00105_DAIM --Account Index Master (GL00105) on GL00105_DAIM.ACTINDX = PP000100.ACTINDX LEFT JOIN PP000101 AS PP000101 --Deferral Line Work (PP000101) on PP000101.PP_Module = PP000100.PP_Module AND PP000101.PP_Record_Type = PP000100.PP_Record_Type AND PP000101.PP_Document_Number = PP000100.PP_Document_Number AND PP000101.PP_Sequencer = PP000100.PP_Sequencer AND PP000101.PPOFFSEQ = PP000100.PPOFFSEQ AND PP000101.CNTRLTYP = PP000100.CNTRLTYP AND PP000101.VCHRNMBR = PP000100.VCHRNMBR AND PP000101.DSTSQNUM = PP000100.DSTSQNUM AND PP000101.GLPOSTDT <= EOMONTH(DATEADD(month,-1,GETDATE())) WHERE PM10000.BCHSOURC = 'PM_Trxent' --Include only normal transactions AND PM10000.DOCTYPE = 1 --Include only Invoices AND PM10100.DISTTYPE = 6 --Include only Purchases Distribution GROUP BY GL00105.ACTNUMST ,GL00105_DAIM.ACTNUMST ,PM10000.DOCTYPE ,PP000100.PP_Module ,PM10100.DistRef ,PM10100.VCHRNMBR ,PM10000.BACHNUMB ,PM10000.TRXDSCRN ,PM10000.DOCNUMBR ,PM10000.PORDNMBR HAVING SUM(PP000101.TRXAMNT) > 0 --partial deferral OR PP000100.PP_Module IS NULL --no deferral UNION ALL SELECT 'PAC ' + FORMAT(DATEADD(month,-1,GETDATE()), 'yyyyMM') AS 'Accruals Batch Number' ,FORMAT(EOMONTH(DATEADD(month,-1,GETDATE())), 'dd/MM/yyyy') AS 'Transaction Date' ,FORMAT(DATEADD(day, 1, EOMONTH(DATEADD(month,-1,GETDATE()))), 'dd/MM/yyyy') AS 'Reverse Date' ,'Purchase Accruals ' + FORMAT(DATEADD(month,-1,GETDATE()),'MM/yyyy') AS 'Reference' ,GL00105.ACTNUMST AS 'Account' ,CASE WHEN PP000100.PP_Module IS NOT NULL THEN SUM(PP000101.TRXAMNT) ELSE SUM(PM10100.CRDTAMNT) END AS 'Debit' ,CASE WHEN PP000100.PP_Module IS NOT NULL THEN SUM(PP000101.TRXAMNT) ELSE SUM(PM10100.DEBITAMT) END AS 'Credit' ,'Accrued Purchases' AS 'Description' ,'' AS 'Voucher Number' ,'' AS 'Batch Number' ,'' AS 'Document Description' ,'' AS 'Document Number' ,'' AS 'PO Number' ,'' AS 'Distribution Reference' FROM PM10000 AS PM10000 --PM Transaction WORK File (PM10000) INNER JOIN PM10100 AS PM10100 --PM Distribution WORK OPEN (PM10100) on PM10100.CNTRLTYP = PM10000.CNTRLTYP AND PM10100.VCHRNMBR = PM10000.VCHRNMBR INNER JOIN GL00100 AS GL00100 --Breakdown Account Master (GL00100) on GL00100.ACTDESCR = 'Accrued Purchases' INNER JOIN GL00105 AS GL00105 --Account Index Master (GL00105) on GL00105.ACTINDX = GL00100.ACTINDX LEFT JOIN -- Join to RED PP000100 AS PP000100 --Deferral Header Work (PP000100) on PP000100.CNTRLTYP = PM10100.CNTRLTYP AND PP000100.PP_Document_Number = PM10100.VCHRNMBR AND PP000100.PP_Sequencer = PM10100.DSTSQNUM LEFT JOIN GL00105 AS GL00105_DAIM --Account Index Master (GL00105) on GL00105_DAIM.ACTINDX = PP000100.ACTINDX LEFT JOIN PP000101 AS PP000101 --Deferral Line Work (PP000101) on PP000101.PP_Module = PP000100.PP_Module AND PP000101.PP_Record_Type = PP000100.PP_Record_Type AND PP000101.PP_Document_Number = PP000100.PP_Document_Number AND PP000101.PP_Sequencer = PP000100.PP_Sequencer AND PP000101.PPOFFSEQ = PP000100.PPOFFSEQ AND PP000101.CNTRLTYP = PP000100.CNTRLTYP AND PP000101.VCHRNMBR = PP000100.VCHRNMBR AND PP000101.DSTSQNUM = PP000100.DSTSQNUM AND PP000101.GLPOSTDT <= EOMONTH(DATEADD(month,-1,GETDATE())) WHERE PM10000.BCHSOURC = 'PM_Trxent' --Include only normal transactions AND PM10000.DOCTYPE = 1 --Include only Invoices AND PM10100.DISTTYPE = 6 --Include only Purchases Distribution GROUP BY GL00105.ACTNUMST ,GL00105_DAIM.ACTNUMST ,PM10000.DOCTYPE ,PP000100.PP_Module HAVING SUM(PP000101.TRXAMNT) > 0 --partial deferral OR PP000100.PP_Module IS NULL --no deferral ) AS Accruals WHERE Accruals.Debit > 0 OR Accruals.Credit > 0 GO GRANT SELECT ON uv_ISC_PayablesAccruals TO DYNGRP GO

Updated 27/05/2022: Added highlight for accrual account join

Identify and Fix Corrupt SOP Transactions in Microsoft Dynamics GP

Microsoft Dynamics GPA client recently logged a support call whereby reports were showing incorrect information, including for transactions which had been deleted. I did some exploring mof data and found that the Sales Transaction Amounts Work (SOP10200) and Sales User-Defined Work History (SOP10106) tables contained rows for transactions which were not in the Sales Transaction Work (SOP10100) table.

From reviewing the data, deleted transactions which had an entry in Sales User-Defined Work History (SOP10106) would also have one in Sales Transaction Amounts Work (SOP10200) making the job of identifying the corrupt ones somewhat easier (Sales User-Defined Work History (SOP10106) contains both Work and History rows).

The first script identifies rows in Sales User-Defined Work History (SOP10106) which are orphaned:

Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve | Ramblings of an IT Professional ( This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Int). */

Continue reading “Identify and Fix Corrupt SOP Transactions in Microsoft Dynamics GP”

SQL View on Sales Order Processing Backorder Transactions

Microsoft Dynamics GPI’ve written this view for a number of different clients over the years, so am posting it here for future reference. It returns only open backorders which have yet top be transferred to order or invoice; it includes PO information so users can easily see if a PO has been raised and if any of it has been receipted.

The SQL below includes the

Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve | Ramblings of an IT Professional ( This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Int). */
SELECT ['Sales Transaction Work'].SOPNUMBE AS 'SOP Number' ,['Sales Transaction Work'].SOPTYPE AS 'SOP Type' ,['Sales Transaction Work'].DOCDATE AS 'Document Date' ,['Sales Transaction Work'].CSTPONBR AS 'Customer PO Number' ,['Sales Transaction Work'].CURNCYID AS 'Currency' ,['Sales Transaction Work'].CUSTNMBR AS 'Customer Number' ,['Sales Transaction Work'].CUSTNAME AS 'Customer Name' ,['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].ITEMNMBR AS 'Item Number' ,['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].ITEMDESC AS 'Item Description' ,['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].QUANTITY AS 'Original Backorder Quantity' ,['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].QTYTORDR + ['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].QTYTOINV AS 'Current Backorder Quantity' ,['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].QUANTITY - (['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].QTYTORDR + ['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].QTYTOINV) AS 'Quantity Shipped' ,['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].UNITPRCE AS 'Unit Price' ,['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].XTNDPRCE AS 'Extended Price' ,(['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].QTYTORDR + ['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].QTYTOINV) * ['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].UNITPRCE AS 'Current Extended Price' ,['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].ORUNTPRC AS 'Originating Unit Price' ,['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].OXTNDPRC AS 'Originating Extended Price' ,(['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].QTYTORDR + ['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].QTYTOINV) * ['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].ORUNTPRC AS 'Current Originating Extended Price' ,['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].LOCNCODE AS 'Site ID' ,['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].ReqShipDate AS 'Requested Ship Date' ,['SOP_POP Link'].PONUMBER AS 'PO Number' ,['Purchase Order Lines'].VENDORID AS 'Vendor ID' ,['SOP_POP Link'].QTYRECVD AS 'Quantity Received' ,['Purchase Order Lines'].PRMSHPDTE AS 'Promised Ship Date' ,['Sales Line Comment Work and History'].CMMTTEXT AS 'Comment Text' FROM SOP10100 AS ['Sales Transaction Work'] --Sales Transaction Work (SOP10100) INNER JOIN SOP10200 AS ['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'] --Sales Transaction Amounts Work (SOP10200) ON ['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].SOPTYPE = ['Sales Transaction Work'].SOPTYPE AND ['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].SOPNUMBE = ['Sales Transaction Work'].SOPNUMBE INNER JOIN RM00101 AS ['RM Customer Master'] --RM Customer MSTR (RM00101) ON ['RM Customer Master'].CUSTNMBR = ['Sales Transaction Work'].CUSTNMBR LEFT JOIN SOP60100 AS ['SOP_POP Link'] --SOP_POPLink (SOP60100) ON ['SOP_POP Link'].SOPTYPE = ['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].SOPTYPE AND ['SOP_POP Link'].SOPNUMBE = ['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].SOPNUMBE AND ['SOP_POP Link'].CMPNTSEQ = ['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].CMPNTSEQ AND ['SOP_POP Link'].LNITMSEQ = ['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].LNITMSEQ LEFT JOIN SOP10202 AS ['Sales Line Comment Work and History'] --Sales Distribution Work and History (SOP10102) ON ['Sales Line Comment Work and History'].SOPTYPE = ['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].SOPTYPE AND ['Sales Line Comment Work and History'].SOPNUMBE = ['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].SOPNUMBE AND ['Sales Line Comment Work and History'].CMPNTSEQ = ['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].CMPNTSEQ AND ['Sales Line Comment Work and History'].LNITMSEQ = ['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].LNITMSEQ LEFT JOIN POP10110 AS ['Purchase Order Lines'] --Purchase Order Line (POP10110) ON ['Purchase Order Lines'].PONUMBER = ['SOP_POP Link'].PONUMBER AND ['Purchase Order Lines'].ORD = ['SOP_POP Link'].ORD WHERE ['Sales Transaction Work'].SOPTYPE = 5 GO GRANT SELECT ON uv_AZRCRV_SOPOpenBackorders TO DYNGRP GO

What Data Can SmartConnect Integrate into Microsoft Dynamics GP?

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business CentralI’ve worked with a number of clients on SmartConnect from eOne Solutions this year as well as discussing with a few prospects. SmartConnect is a very flexible tool which can be used to integrate many different types of data. In this respect, it competes with the Microsoft Integration Manager product, but SmartConnect has many other features over Integration Manager.

Discussions on SmartConnect usually involve the question as to what data can be integrated by it into Dynamics GP; the short answer is if eConnect can do it then so can SmartConnect, but few people (including me) remember all of the nodes available within eConnect. As would be expected, this is also a common question direct to eOne, and one which Lorren Zemke addressed on the eOne blog: Tech Tuesday : What Data Can SmartConnect Integrate in Dynamics GP (eConnect).

Error Posting Journals in One Microsoft Dynamics GP Company

Microsoft Dynamics GPA client reported an urgent support call a short time ago that they could not post any journals and were receiving this error when they tried:

Error message

Insert failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL, ANSI_WARNINGS'. Verify that SET options are correct for use with indexed views and/or indexes on comp

This error was produced for all users in only one of their 10+ companies; the other companies could have a journal posted by anyone with no issues. My initial question was to ask what had been changed or deployed in that database, but was told nothing. This meant some investigation.

I fairly quickly found a post from Tim Wappat covering how SQL indexed views are incompatible with Dynamics GP and will result in the exact error the client was seeing. this would make sense as the error referenced indexed views.

I used my find all SQL objects script to look for any object containing the SCHEMABINDING keyword, and found two SQL views in that one database.

After passing this information back to the client they again checked around and found a developer had deployed two SQL views for a report to the database first thing that morning; they hadn’t mentioned them as they didn’t expect them to have caused the problem. Once the views were updated to remove the index, the error was no longer produced when journals were posted.