Cashbook Bank Management – Cash Receipt Entry Oddity

Microsoft Dynamics GPI was reviewing a specification for some development in Microsoft Dynamics GP yesterday and encountered an oddity on one of the supplied screenshots. I was going to add it to the issues list and pass it back to the developer but decided to check the window in GP so I could outline the exact requirements.

It was then that I found the screenshot actually looked exactly like the window.

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Hiding The Fabrikam Demo Company Date Warning

Microsoft Dynamics GPWhen doing sales demos or testing I tend to use the Microsoft supplied demo database to save time on rolling my own.

One annoyance in it is the warning message that is displayed when logging into Fabrikam;

Microsoft Dynamics GP - You have chosen to use the sample company, which provides data that you can use to practice procedures or learn nore about the product. When you use this sample company, the date is automatically set to April 12, 2017.

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Transferring Opera SpeedDial and Bookmarks Between Computers

You’ve probably noticed in the past that I sometimes use this blog as a repository for information I want to keep available to myself (unfortunately, my memory is not sufficient).

This post, I’m afraid, is for this very purpose and will likely only be useful to myself and the 1% of people in the world who use the Opera web browser.

Whenever I set up a new machine I load Opera and then spend an age transferring bookmarks across by exporting and importing them and setting up the SpeedDial. There is an easier way, however, and that is to simply copy speeddial.ini and bookmarks.adr from %appdata%\Opera\Opera on one machine to the other.

Integration Manager: “Argument ‘Start’ must be greater than zero”

Microsoft Dynamics GPA client doing some work with Integration Manager 10 recently reported the following error when trying to load the VB Script Editor;

Integration Manager - Argument

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Update Debtor Addresses From CSV To Work Around An Integration Manager Bug

Microsoft Dynamics GPEarlier this week I posted about a bug in Integration Manager where it added extra zeros into the phone and fax number fields when importing creditors. Well, the same bug also affects debtors but a similar script to update debtors via a CSV is also possible.

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Update Creditor Addresses From CSV To Work Around An Integration Manager Bug

Microsoft Dynamics GPI was doing some work for a client recently where we were loading lists of new creditors into Microsoft Dynamics GP from CSV files via Integration Manager. There is, however, a bug in IM 10 where it adds extra zeros to the phone and fax number fields of both creditors and debtors. These extra characters are, rather bizarrely, not always at the end but can be interspersed in the phone number.

The easiest work around was to put together a SQL script for loading the phone and fax numbers from CSV file which I did while on site which updated only a single address on the PM Creditor Master (PM00200) and PM Address Master (PM00300) tables.

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Updating Item Purchasing Unit Of Measure From A CSV

Microsoft Dynamics GPAfter a slight mid-week diversion, here is another script I produced a while ago which updates the Item’s Default Purchasing Unit of Measure. It was produced when a client wanted to bulk update a large number of records which would have taken a long time manually but by script only minutes to write and run.

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Update Sales Transactions Distributions From Item

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis is a script I’ve had a few months now and, like the one I posted yesterday, thought it might be useful to others.

This script was created for a client who changed some of their account codes on some Item Classes and had rolled them down to the Items themselves but there were many Sales Transactions already on the system which had the old code on and needed to be updated to the new one.

Continue reading “Update Sales Transactions Distributions From Item”