Move All Steps for a Microsoft Dynamics GP Workflow Approval Type Under one Workflow Process

Microsoft Dynamics GPI created the script in this post for a client a while ago who wanted to use workflow approvals for purchase orders, but didn’t quite understand how a workflow process should be built.

He needed approximately thirty different approvals and build a step for each approver, all correct so far. Unfortunately, he created them each as a single step under a separate workflow process instead of thirty steps under one workflow process. Asking him to manually recreate all of the steps correctly under one workflow process was not going to be feasible so I did a little table exploring and came up with the below script which will move all steps for a specified workflow type under a single specified workflow process.

The two highlighted parameters at the top are where you need to specify a valid workflow type and destination workflow process. because of how the client had named his workflow processes and steps this script will change the name and description of each step to be the workflow process name and step name concatenated together and separated with a hyphen.

Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve | Ramblings of an IT Professional ( This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Int). */
DECLARE @WorkflowType VARCHAR(50) = 'Purchase Order Approval' DECLARE @WorkflowName VARCHAR(50) = 'PO Approval v1'; WITH WFUpdate AS( SELECT ['Workflow Step Table'].Workflow_Name ,['Workflow Step Table'].Workflow_Step_Name ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY ['Workflow Step Table'].Workflow_Name,['Workflow Step Table'].Workflow_Step_Sequence) * 10 AS ROWNUMBER FROM WF100003 AS ['Workflow Step Table'] -- Workflow Step Table (WF100003) INNER JOIN WF100002 AS ['Workflow Master - Step Parent'] -- Workflow Master (WF100002) ON ['Workflow Master - Step Parent'].Workflow_Name = ['Workflow Step Table'].Workflow_Name WHERE ['Workflow Master - Step Parent'].Workflow_Type_Name = @WorkflowType AND ['Workflow Step Table'].Workflow_Step_Order = 0 ) UPDATE ['Workflow Step Table'] SET Workflow_Name = @WorkflowName ,Workflow_Step_Name = LEFT(RTRIM(['Workflow Master - Step Parent'].Workflow_Name) + - + RTRIM(['Workflow Step Table'].Workflow_Step_Name), 50) ,WF_Step_Description = LEFT(RTRIM(['Workflow Master - Step Parent'].Workflow_Name) + - + RTRIM(['Workflow Step Table'].WF_Step_Description), 100) ,Workflow_Step_Sequence = ISNULL(WFUpdate.ROWNUMBER, ['Workflow Step Table'].Workflow_Step_Sequence) ,WF_Step_Predecessor = CASE WHEN LEN(['Workflow Step Table'].WF_Step_Predecessor) > 0 THEN LEFT(RTRIM(['Workflow Master - Step Parent'].Workflow_Name) + - + RTRIM(['Workflow Step Table'].WF_Step_Predecessor), 100) ELSE '' END FROM WF100003 AS ['Workflow Step Table'] -- Workflow Step Table (WF100003) INNER JOIN WF100002 AS ['Workflow Master - Step Parent'] -- Workflow Master (WF100002) ON ['Workflow Master - Step Parent'].Workflow_Name = ['Workflow Step Table'].Workflow_Name LEFT JOIN WFUpdate ON WFUpdate.Workflow_Name = ['Workflow Step Table'].Workflow_Name AND WFUpdate.Workflow_Step_Name = ['Workflow Step Table'].Workflow_Step_Name WHERE ['Workflow Master - Step Parent'].Workflow_Type_Name = @WorkflowType

As always with scripts, before you run the one above please make sure you understand what the script will do and have a good backup of your company database.

SQL View to Return the Microsoft Dynamics GP Workflow Step Assignments

Microsoft Dynamics GPA common request from clients using Microsoft Dynamics GP workflow was a way to easily be able to review to whom workflow steps were assigned; this was often a request from auditors.

I produced a SQL view which could easily be deployed for use in any reporting tool (SmartList Designer or SmartList Builder, SSRS, refreshable Excel, etc.) and which returned who the step was assigned as well showing the predecessor step.

Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve | Ramblings of an IT Professional ( This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Int). */
CREATE VIEW uv_AZRCRV_GetWorkflowSetupStepAssignment AS SELECT ['Workflow Step Instance Table'].Workflow_name ,['Workflow Step Instance Table'].WF_Step_Predecessor ,['Workflow Step Instance Table'].Workflow_Step_Name ,['Workflow Step Instance Table'].WF_Step_Description ,['Workflow Step Instance Table'].EmailMessageID ,['Workflow Users'].ADLogin ,['Workflow Users'].ADDisplayName FROM WF100003 AS ['Workflow Step Instance Table'] LEFT JOIN WF40200 AS ['Workflow Users'] ON ['Workflow Step Instance Table'].Workflow_Step_Assign_To = ['Workflow Users'].UsersListGuid GO GRANT SELECT ON uv_AZRCRV_GetWorkflowSetupStepAssignment TO DYNGRP GO

Enable Email for All Microsoft Dynamics GP Workflow Steps

Microsoft Dynamics GPI did some work for a client a while ago where we created a lot of email steps in Microsoft Dynamics GP workflow after which the client decided they would be using email after all and needed email on those steps activating and a custom message assigned. Rather than going through each step manually and switching the email on, I created a small script to do the job for us.

The script was for a PM Batch Approval type so also enables the include Document Attachment option.

The highlighted section is the name of the E-Mail Message ID to assign:

	,Workflow_Step_Send_Email = 1
	,WFIncludeDocumentAttach = 1
	Workflow_Step_Send_Email = 0

As always before running a script make sure you understand what it does, test it on a test system before deploying live and make sure you have a good backup before running and verify afterwards.

SQL View to Get Assembly BOM Items for Sales Transactions in Microsoft Dynamics GP

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis script was written for a client who uses Inventory BOMs in Microsoft Dynamics GP and wanted to be able to see all of the component items from those BOMs when they were looking at Sales Order transactions; this would give them some visibility of which component items were going to be needed from quotes or orders on the system.

They only use BOMs in a light way so this script doesn’t cater for BOMs which are inactive or contains inactive items; it wouldn’t be too difficult to update to include these, but the particular question would edit a BOM adding or removing items, rather than creating a new version of the BOM.

-- drop view if it exists
	DROP VIEW uv_AZRCRV_GetBOMComponentsOnSalesTrx
-- create view
Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve | Ramblings of an IT Professional ( This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Int). */
SELECT ['Sales Transaction Amounts'].SOPNUMBE ,['Sales Transaction Amounts'].ITEMNMBR ,['Sales Transaction Amounts'].ITEMDESC ,['Bill of Materials Component'].CMPTITNM ,['Item Master - Component'].ITEMDESC AS COMPDESC ,['Bill of Materials Component'].Design_Qty * ['Sales Transaction Amounts'].QTYFULFI AS COMPQTY FROM ( SELECT SOPTYPE ,SOPNUMBE ,ITEMNMBR ,ITEMDESC ,QTYFULFI FROM SOP10200 AS ['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'] WITH (NOLOCK) --Sales Transaction Amounts Work (SOP10200) UNION ALL SELECT SOPTYPE ,SOPNUMBE ,ITEMNMBR ,ITEMDESC ,QTYFULFI FROM SOP30300 AS ['Sales Transaction Amounts History'] WITH (NOLOCK) --Sales Transaction Amounts History (SOP30300) ) AS ['Sales Transaction Amounts'] INNER JOIN ( SELECT SOPTYPE ,SOPNUMBE ,DOCDATE FROM SOP10100 AS ['Sales Transaction Work'] WITH (NOLOCK) --Sales Transaction Work (SOP10100) UNION ALL SELECT SOPTYPE ,SOPNUMBE ,DOCDATE FROM SOP30200 AS ['Sales Transaction History'] WITH (NOLOCK) --Sales Transaction History (SOP30200) ) AS ['Sales Transactions'] ON ['Sales Transactions'].SOPTYPE = ['Sales Transaction Amounts'].SOPTYPE AND ['Sales Transactions'].SOPNUMBE = ['Sales Transaction Amounts'].SOPNUMBE LEFT JOIN BM00111 AS ['Bill of Materials Component'] WITH (NOLOCK) --Bill of Materials Component (BM00111) ON ['Bill of Materials Component'].ITEMNMBR = ['Sales Transaction Amounts'].ITEMNMBR INNER JOIN IV00101 AS ['Item Master - Component'] WITH (NOLOCK) --Item Master (IV00101) ON ['Item Master - Component'].ITEMNMBR = ['Bill of Materials Component'].CMPTITNM GO GRANT SELECT ON uv_AZRCRV_GetBOMComponentsOnSalesTrx TO DYNGRP GO

Create a Database Role to Grant Access to Views for Reporting

Microsoft SQL ServerToo many times as a consultant I have discovered that users have been grant full access to a database when they only need select permissions on a handful of SQL views or tables. Whenever I create a new SQL view for a client I will create a database role to go with it, as best practice is to only grant the minimum permissions needed.

Below is a script example of creating a database role and then adding a couple of views in with select permissions; tables would be added in exactly the same way.

Once the role has been created you can assign it to any of the users required to have access to the objects to which it is granting access.


GRANT SELECT ON uv_AZRCRV_POReqApprovalStatus TO rpt_AZRCRV_Reports
GRANT SELECT ON uv_AZRCRV_POPOrderApprovalStatus TO rpt_AZRCRV_Reports

A role for stored procedures or function can be created in exactly the same way; the only difference is that you would be assigning EXECUTE permissions instead of SELECT.

Discount on All Books Until the End of September

Microsoft Dynamics GPAs I announced the other day, I have recently changed jobs and will no longer be working with Microsoft Dynamics GP. In celebration of my new role, and as a small give back to the Dynamics GP community I’ve been part of for 19 years (11½ years posting to this site), I am offering 25% off all eBooks available on my azurecurve | Publishing site from now until the end of September.

To get the discount use voucher code SEPT2022 during checkout.

These are the last three books I published, but previous versions of the workflow and web client books are also available:

eOne Support Lifecycle Policy for SmartConnect

eOne SolutionsI only recently became aware of the lifecycle policy which eOne Solutions use for SmartConnect on-premise.

For SmartConnect 2018 and before the product is supported for three years on standard support and a further two years for extended support.

This means that SmartConnect 2018 is only under support until 15th December 2022; this means if you are using SmartConnect 2018 then you only have support on the product for another five months.

Versions of SmartConnect after 2018 use the “Modern Lifecycle Policy” which requires that customers stay current by always being on a supported release of SmartConnect which means applying at least one of the SmartConnect all-inclusive updates released within the last year from the current date. Basically, under the Modern Lifecycle you need to be applying one update per year for SmartConnect to remain on a supported version.

This ties in with the Microsoft Dynamics GP Modern Lifecycle which also requires an annual upgrade to be on a supported version.

“Things change. Farewell, farewell my friends” or “I have a new job working with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central”

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business CentralI am just over half way through my working life (24 years post university and 22 years until I reach the state retirement age) and after doing some serious thinking earlier this year, I decided that it was time to reassess what I was doing now and what I wanted/needed to be doing in future.

The result, as the title says, is that I am changing jobs and will, from today onwards, be working with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and will no longer be working with Microsoft Dynamics GP.

This is a big change for me as I have been working with Dynamics GP for 19 years now, but it feels like the right time to make the change. It also means that I will no longer be the expert in the room and will need to get some serious learning done to get up to speed with Dynamics BC, which I have only lightly used so far.

Why the change? Well, as I say, I am half way through my working life and, while I still think that Dynamics GP is a great product, the future of SME ERP from Microsoft is Dynamics BC. While new features are introduced to Dynamics GP with the Fall release each year, these are now always minor functionality and I have concerns that as technology moves on that GP will get left behind. With 22 years of working life ahead of me, I don’t want to get stuck working only with older software applications.

I did consider moving outside of the Microsoft sphere, but ultimately decided that pretty much all of the software I use professionally is Microsoft. So it made sense to look for a Microsoft ERP in the SME market; Dynamics BC is that product from Microsoft which is actively maintained and integrated with new technologies and therefore provides me with the brightest future.

So having decided that I need to look at moving across to and cross-training into Dynamics BC, I decided that the best way of doing this was to move on from ISC Software. The company I am joining, as of today, is a triple Gold Microsoft Partner (Enterprise Resource Planning, Cloud Platform (Azure) and Application Development) and multiple-award winning company with 20 years experience with both Dynamics BC/NAV and in their sectors of operation. That company is 4PS UK which specialises in Dynamics BC for construction, civil engineering and related sectors.

In terms of this site, posts on Dynamics GP will pretty much stop in the coming weeks and I have already started posting about Dynamics 365 BC and have those posts syndicated to the Microsoft Dynamics Community; existing posts will continue to be available and will not be changed or redirected. I do have a small backlog of posts which I will work through over the next few weeks, so you will see some posts still appearing for a time on Dynamics GP; I am also going to go through my library of SQL scripts and see what I have which hasn’t been posted previously and which I think people may find useful.

The Microsoft Dynamics GP Table Reference site has recently been updated to the Fall 2021 Release and like the blog posts will continue to be available. I will not be taking the site down, but am unlikely to do any further updates to it as new versions are released; however, tables don’t change much in Dynamics GP any more so I’d expect the site to remain relevant for quite some time to come. As always, if you need table information for your specific version of Dynamics GP this is available in the GP Power Tools module available from, and actively maintained by, Winthrop DC.

As I leave the Dynamics GP Community, hopefully I will find a welcome and a place in the Dynamics BC community.

I leave you with a song, “Farewell”, from one of my favourite Irish folk-punk bands, The O’Reilly’s & the Paddyhats.

SQL View to Return Purchasing Status for the GP Elementz PO Management Module for Microsoft Dynamics GP

Microsoft Dynamics GPWhile it isn’t listed on the GP Elementz website, there is a module available called PO Management which replaces the standard POP/SOP link in Microsoft Dynamics GP. The standard functionality requires that all of a sales order line where there is a commitment to a PO must be fulfilled before that line can be invoiced; the PO Management module allows partial invoicing of a line committed to a PO.

After implementing the module for a client, they required a report showing the status of a SO line in terms of whether there was stock, if the SO line had been committed to a PO and if the line had been partially or fully received. As the PO Management module stores it data in a custom table, I had to create a SQL view pulling the relevant tables together to determine the status.

-- drop view if it exists
-- create view
Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve | Ramblings of an IT Professional ( This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Int). */
SELECT ['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].SOPNUMBE ,['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].SOPTYPE ,['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].LNITMSEQ ,['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].ITEMNMBR ,CASE WHEN ['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].SOPTYPE NOT IN (2,6) THEN '' WHEN ['ISC Back to Back'].PONUMBER IS NULL AND (['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].QTYFULFI - ['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].QTYCANCE) <[/sqlgrey] (['Item Quantity Master'].QTYONHND - ['Item Quantity Master'].ATYALLOC) -- AVAILABLE THEN 'Needs Purchase' WHEN ['Purchasing Receipt Line Quantities'].QTYSHPPD IS NULL OR ['Purchasing Receipt Line Quantities'].QTYSHPPD = 0 THEN 'Purchased' WHEN ['Purchasing Receipt Line Quantities'].QTYSHPPD < (['Purchase Order Line'].QTYORDER - ['Purchase Order Line'].QTYCANCE) THEN 'Partially Received' WHEN ['Purchasing Receipt Line Quantities'].QTYSHPPD >= (['Purchase Order Line'].QTYORDER - ['Purchase Order Line'].QTYCANCE) THEN 'Fully Received' ELSE 'None' END AS 'Purchasing Status' FROM SOP10200 AS ['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'] -- Sales Transaction Amounts Work (SOP10200) LEFT JOIN IV00102 AS ['Item Quantity Master'] -- Item Quantity Master (IV00102) ON ['Item Quantity Master'].ITEMNMBR = ['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].ITEMNMBR AND ['Item Quantity Master'].LOCNCODE = ['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].LOCNCODE LEFT JOIN ISC_BACK AS ['ISC Back to Back'] -- ISC_Back_to_Back (ISC_Back) ON ['ISC Back to Back'].SOPNUMBE = ['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].SOPNUMBE AND ['ISC Back to Back'].SOPTYPE = ['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].SOPTYPE AND ['ISC Back to Back'].CMPNTSEQ = ['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].CMPNTSEQ AND ['ISC Back to Back'].LNITMSEQ = ['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].LNITMSEQ LEFT JOIN POP10110 AS ['Purchase Order Line'] -- Purchase Order Line (POP10110) ON ['Purchase Order Line'].PONUMBER = ['ISC Back to Back'].PONUMBER AND ['Purchase Order Line'].ORD = ['ISC Back to Back'].ORD LEFT JOIN ( SELECT PONUMBER ,POLNENUM ,SUM(QTYINVCD) AS QTYSHPPD FROM POP10500 -- Purchasing Receipt Line Quantities (POP10500) GROUP BY PONUMBER ,POLNENUM ) AS ['Purchasing Receipt Line Quantities'] ON ['Purchasing Receipt Line Quantities'].PONUMBER = ['ISC Back to Back'].PONUMBER AND ['Purchasing Receipt Line Quantities'].POLNENUM = ['ISC Back to Back'].ORD GO GRANT SELECT ON uv_AZRCRV_POMStatus TO DYNGRP GO

Custom Email Notification When PO Create from PR in Microsoft Dynamics GP

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe workflow module in Microsoft Dynamics GP can send quite a lot of different notification emails, but the one I am often asked for, an email notification when a purchase is created from a purchase requisition, does not exist.

After being asked a few times, I had a think about how this could be done and came up with a SQL trigger on the Purchasing Requisition History (POP30200) table which joins to the SOP_POPLink (SOP60100) table when a PO has been created. This is easily deployed and also easily customised by customers to meet their own needs by, for example, changing the content of the notification message.

The first highlighted section is the email address of the receipient, in the example below I am building the email using the requested by username concatenated with a email domain internal to my test VM; the second highlighted section is the name of the SQL Database Mail profile which will be used to send the email.

Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve | Ramblings of an IT Professional ( This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Int). */
CREATE TRIGGER utr_AZRCRV_POP30200_PurchaseRequisition ON POP30200 AFTER INSERT AS DECLARE @EmailRecipient VARCHAR(100) DECLARE @EmailSubject VARCHAR(1000) DECLARE @EmailBody VARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @PRFound BIT = 0 SELECT @EmailRecipient = RTRIM(['Purchase Requisition Work'].REQSTDBY) + '@azurecurve.isc' ,@EmailSubject = 'Purchase Order ' + RTRIM(CAST(['SOP_POP Link'].PONUMBER AS VARCHAR(100))) + ' has been created' ,@EmailBody = 'Purchase Order ' + RTRIM(CAST(['SOP_POP Link'].PONUMBER AS VARCHAR(100))) + ' has been created from purchase requisition ' + RTRIM(CAST(['Purchase Requisition Work'].POPRequisitionNumber AS VARCHAR(100))) ,@PRFound = 1 FROM inserted AS ['Purchase Requisition Work'] INNER JOIN SOP60100 AS ['SOP_POP Link'] -- SOP_POPLink (SOP60100) ON ['SOP_POP Link'].SOPNUMBE = ['Purchase Requisition Work'].POPRequisitionNumber /* send email using database mail */ IF (SELECT @PRFound) = 1 BEGIN EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name = 'MDGP Workflow' ,@recipients = @EmailRecipient ,@subject = @EmailSubject ,@body = @EmailBody ,@body_format ='HTML' END GO