ClassicPress Development with TortoiseGit: Revert Last Commit

TortoiseGitWhen I started developing plugins for ClassicPress I decided that I needed to be using source control. As ClassicPress is intending to use GitHub for their plugin directory, it made sense for me to use it as well. This post is part of a series on ClassicPress Development with TortoiseGit which is a sub-series of the ClassicPress Development with GitHub series.

When you have changes committed to GitHub, you need to make a release of your plugin. Making a release has two main benefits:

  1. It labels the files in the repository with a tag making it easy to download a particular version of the plugin.
  2. You can upload a zip file containing the plugin folder giving a zip file which users can download and upload to their ClassicPress site.

To create a release, open the GitHub repository page and click the releases link at the top (ringed in red):

Github repository

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ClassicPress Development with TortoiseGit: Commit

TortoiseGitWhen I started developing plugins for ClassicPress I decided that I needed to be using source control. As ClassicPress is intending to use GitHub for their plugin directory, it made sense for me to use it as well. This post is part of a series on ClassicPress Development with TortoiseGit which is a sub-series of the ClassicPress Development with GitHub series.

Once the repository has been cloned and changes made, you need to submit the changes back to the repository to keep control of changes. This is referred to as a “commit”. To commit your change, right-click the folder (or file) to commit and select Git Commit -> “master” on the context menu:

Git Commit

Continue reading “ClassicPress Development with TortoiseGit: Commit”

ClassicPress Development with TortoiseGit: Update

TortoiseGitWhen I started developing plugins for ClassicPress I decided that I needed to be using source control. As ClassicPress is intending to use GitHub for their plugin directory, it made sense for me to use it as well. This post is part of a series on ClassicPress Development with TortoiseGit which is a sub-series of the ClassicPress Development with GitHub series.

TortoiseGit is like any other application and should be updated when an update is available. Fortunately, it comes with automatic updates includes. You will receive a popup telling you there is an update available; click Download to download the new version:

Check For Updates - TortoiseGit: New version available

Continue reading “ClassicPress Development with TortoiseGit: Update”

ClassicPress Development with TortoiseGit: First run

TortoiseGitWhen I started developing plugins for ClassicPress I decided that I needed to be using source control. As ClassicPress is intending to use GitHub for their plugin directory, it made sense for me to use it as well. This post is part of a series on ClassicPress Development with TortoiseGit which is a sub-series of the ClassicPress Development with GitHub series.

On the last stage of installing TortoiseGit had the run First Start Wizard marked. When the First Start Wizard launches, select your language and click Next:

First Start Wixzard - TortoiseGit: Welcome to TortoiseGit

Continue reading “ClassicPress Development with TortoiseGit: First run”

ClassicPress Development with TortoiseGit: Install TortoiseGit for Windows

TortoiseGitWhen I started developing plugins for ClassicPress I decided that I needed to be using source control. As ClassicPress is intending to use GitHub for their plugin directory, it made sense for me to use it as well. This post is part of a series on ClassicPress Development with TortoiseGit which is a sub-series of the ClassicPress Development with GitHub series.

With Git for Windows installed, we can move onto installing TortoiseGit itself. TortoiseGit can be downloaded from here:

Download TortoiseGit

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ClassicPress Development with TortoiseGit: Install Git for Windows

TortoiseGitWhen I started developing plugins for ClassicPress I decided that I needed to be using source control. As ClassicPress is intending to use GitHub for their plugin directory, it made sense for me to use it as well. This post is part of a series on ClassicPress Development with TortoiseGit which is a sub-series of the ClassicPress Development with GitHub series.

A key prerequisite for installing TortoiseGit is an already installed (command line) Git client which provides a git.exe. The recommended one if Git for Windows which is, the only one, used by the developers of TortoiseGit. The application can be downloaded from Git for Windows:

Download Git for Windows

Continue reading “ClassicPress Development with TortoiseGit: Install Git for Windows”

ClassicPress Development with TortoiseGit: What is TortoiseGit?

TortoiseGitWhen I started developing plugins for ClassicPress I decided that I needed to be using source control. As ClassicPress is intending to use GitHub for their plugin directory, it made sense for me to use it as well. This post is part of a series on ClassicPress Development with TortoiseGit which is a sub-series of the ClassicPress Development with GitHub series.

Project on GitHub can be managed through the web interface, but it can be very useful to have an application installed on the computer(s) on which you are developing. I’ve been a longtime user of TortoiseSVN for developing my WordPress Plugins, so when looking around for a Windows GIT client, it seemed natural to use TortoiseGit.

TortoiseGit is a Git revision control client, implemented as a Windows shell extension and, useful for me due to prior experience, based on TortoiseSVN; TortoiseGit is released under the GNU General Public License so is free for use.

TortoiseGit is written as a shell extension which gives you access to commands by right-clicking a file or folder. Over the next few posts, I will be taking a look at both the installation and use of TortoiseGit.

ClassicPress Development with TortoiseGit
What is TortoiseGit?
Install Git for Windows
Install TortoiseGit for Windows
First run
Clone Repository
Revert Last Commit

ClassicPress Development with TortoiseGit: Series Index

TortoiseGitWhen I started developing plugins for ClassicPress I decided that I needed to be using source control. As ClassicPress is intending to use GitHub for their plugin directory, it made sense for me to use it as well.

While you can manage your uploads and everything from the GitHub website, I decided it would be somewhat easier to use a Windows application and having used TortoiseSVN, I opted for TortoiseGit. This post is the series index for a sub-series of posts on using TortoiseGit, which is a sub-series of the ClassicPress Development with TortoiseGit series.

ClassicPress Development with TortoiseGit
What is TortoiseGit?
Install Git for Windows
Install TortoiseGit for Windows
First run
Clone Repository
Revert Last Commit

This is a weekend series of posts with new posts going live over the next few weeks. If you’re reading this on azurecurve|Ramblings of a Dynamics GP Consultant the index will update automatically.

ClassicPress Development with GitHub: Delete Repository

GitHubWhen I started developing plugins for ClassicPress I decided that I needed to be using source control. As ClassicPress is intending to use GitHub for their plugin directory, it made sense for me to use it as well. This post is part of a series on ClassicPress Development with GitHub.

Over the last few posts, I’ve shown how to create and use the GutHub website for managing repositories. I’ve found that every so often when working with GitHub, I need to delete a repository. This is fairly simple to do, but only delete ones which you are sure are no longer needed, as there is no undo delete function.

To delete a repository, load it on the GitHub website and click the Settings button:

Repository webpage

Continue reading “ClassicPress Development with GitHub: Delete Repository”

ClassicPress Development with GitHub: Commit Files

GitHubWhen I started developing plugins for ClassicPress I decided that I needed to be using source control. As ClassicPress is intending to use GitHub for their plugin directory, it made sense for me to use it as well. This post is part of a series on ClassicPress Development with GitHub.

With a repository created, we can now upload the existing project files. Do this by visiting the repository page and click the Upload files button:

GitHub repository page

Continue reading “ClassicPress Development with GitHub: Commit Files”