ClassicPress Plugins Available From azurecurve | Development in 2023: Events

ClassicPressIn this series of articles, I am going to introduce each of the plugins I have developed for ClassicPress, a hard-fork of WordPress, which was originally created to provide an alternative, yet compatible, CMS without the Gutenberg block editor.

The 14th plugin is Events.

Events allows events such as webinars or conferences to be created via a custom post type; categories, excerpt, details, start and end dates and times and a featured image are all supported.

In the options set defaults for the widget and shortcode.

Multiple widgets can be created, each assigned to display a category; settings for title, image size and limit for number of events to list can be set per widget.

The event shortcode accepts three parameters:

  • slug to select specific event.
  • width to set the size of the featured image.
  • height to set the size of the featured image.

    Shortcode usage is

    Tuesday, 4th March 2025 - -

    ; all parameters are optional and will use the defaults set via the settings page if not supplied.

    The events shortcode accepts four parameters:

  • category to restrict the output to the selected category.
  • width to set the size of the featured image.
  • height to set the size of the featured image.
  • limit to restrict the number of events to display.

Shortcode usage is No events found for category webinars; all parameters are optional and will use the defaults set via the settings page.

Integrates with To Twitter from azurecurve | Development for automatic tweeting of announcement each time the announcement is made and a retweet after a specified amount of time.

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ClassicPress Plugins Available From azurecurve | Development in 2023: Estimated Read Time

ClassicPressIn this series of articles, I am going to introduce each of the plugins I have developed for ClassicPress, a hard-fork of WordPress, which was originally created to provide an alternative, yet compatible, CMS without the Gutenberg block editor.

The 13th plugin is Estimated Read Time.

Estimated Read Time v1.0.0 Released

Display After Post Content
The **Estimated Read Time** plugin for ClassicPress allows you to display expected reading times on your articles and summaries. The average person reads at 200 words per minute, so, that’s the default setting. You can change it with a simple filter to suit your own audience and content.

This plugin is multisite compatible; each site will need settings to be configured in the admin dashboard.

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ClassicPress Plugins Available From azurecurve | Development in 2023: Display After Post Content

ClassicPressIn this series of articles, I am going to introduce each of the plugins I have developed for ClassicPress, a hard-fork of WordPress, which was originally created to provide an alternative, yet compatible, CMS without the Gutenberg block editor.

The 12th plugin is Display After Post Content.

Display After Post Content v1.2.4 Released

Display After Post Content
Allows insertion of content configured through admin panel to be displayed after the post content; supports HTML format, works with shortcodes and is multisite compatible.

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ClassicPress Plugins Available From azurecurve | Development in 2023: Disable FLoC

ClassicPressIn this series of articles, I am going to introduce each of the plugins I have developed for ClassicPress, a hard-fork of WordPress, which was originally created to provide an alternative, yet compatible, CMS without the Gutenberg block editor.

The 11th plugin is Disable FLoC.

Disable FLoC v1.1.1 Released

Display After Post Content
Disable Google’s next-gen tracking technology

Have you ever heard of “Federated Learning of Cohorts” – or FLoC? It is Google’s next-generation technique for tracking users across the web. They say it’s anonymous and safe. We know better. This plugin sets a header to disable the FLoC tracking.

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ClassicPress Plugins Available From azurecurve | Development in 2023: Contact Forms

ClassicPressIn this series of articles, I am going to introduce each of the plugins I have developed for ClassicPress, a hard-fork of WordPress, which was originally created to provide an alternative, yet compatible, CMS without the Gutenberg block editor.

The 10th plugin is Contact Forms.

Contact Forms
A simple contact forms plugin with an options page allowing default settings to be configured; these settings can, in most cases, be overridden when adding a contact form to a page. This plugin supports the use of multiple contact forms on a page.

Contact forms can be placed on pages using the simple-contact-form shortcode which supports the following parameters:

  • id is the only mandatory parameter; a unique id for each contact form on the page must be supplied.
  • send-from-email allows the default send from email address to be overridden.
  • send-from-name allows the default send from email name to be overridden.
  • recipients is a comma separated list of email address which allows the default recipients to be overridden.
  • label-name allows the default label for the name field to be overridden.
  • label-email allows the default label for the email field to be overridden.
  • label-subject allows the default label for the subject field to be overridden.
  • label-message allows the default label for the message field to be overridden.
  • subject allows the default subject for the name field to be overridden. If an empty subject is provided, users can free form type a subject. Multiple subjects to allow picking from a drop down list can be supplied, separated with a |.
  • subject-prefix allows a subject prefix to be added to all subjects when the email is sent and override the default.

Example shortcode usage:
[simple-contact-form id=”contact-us” recipients=”,” subject=”Sales|Support|Accounts” subject-prefix=”Contact us from”]

This plugin is multisite compatible, with options set on a per site basis.

Continue reading “ClassicPress Plugins Available From azurecurve | Development in 2023: Contact Forms”

ClassicPress Plugins Available From azurecurve | Development in 2023: Conditional Links

ClassicPressIn this series of articles, I am going to introduce each of the plugins I have developed for ClassicPress, a hard-fork of WordPress, which was originally created to provide an alternative, yet compatible, CMS without the Gutenberg block editor.

The 9th plugin is Conditional Links.

Conditional Links
Conditional links allows shortcodes to be created which will automatically link when a page or blog post exists with the same slug or title. If the conditionally linked page or post exists, the text will be wrapped in anchor tags otherwise plain text will be returned.

The following shortcodes are available:

  • cpl for page links.
  • cbl for blog post links.

Shortcodes can be used in the following ways:

  • [cpl title="this link title"]link
  • the link title

This plugin is multisite compatible.

Continue reading “ClassicPress Plugins Available From azurecurve | Development in 2023: Conditional Links”

ClassicPress Plugins Available From azurecurve | Development in 2023: Comment Validator

ClassicPressIn this series of articles, I am going to introduce each of the plugins I have developed for ClassicPress, a hard-fork of WordPress, which was originally created to provide an alternative, yet compatible, CMS without the Gutenberg block editor.

The 8th plugin is Comment Validator.

Comment Validator
Checks comment to ensure they are longer than the minimum, shorter than the maximum and also allows comments to be forced into moderation based on length.

This plugin is multisite compatible; each site can be set to use network settings or locally defined ones.

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ClassicPress Plugins Available From azurecurve | Development in 2023: Code

ClassicPressIn this series of articles, I am going to introduce each of the plugins I have developed for ClassicPress, a hard-fork of WordPress, which was originally created to provide an alternative, yet compatible, CMS without the Gutenberg block editor.

The 7th plugin is Code.

Set of shortcodes which can be used for manual syntax highlighting of code:

  • `formatcode` adds pre and span tags
  • `copyright` displays user defined copyright message
  • `highlight` highlights text
  • `sqlblue`
  • `sqlred`
  • `sqlgrey`
  • `sqlgreen`
  • `sqlpink`
  • `phpgrey`
  • `phpblue`
  • `phpgreen`

This plugin is multisite compatible; each site will need settings to be configured in the admin dashboard.

Continue reading “ClassicPress Plugins Available From azurecurve | Development in 2023: Code”

ClassicPress Plugins Available From azurecurve | Development in 2023: Call-out Boxes

ClassicPressIn this series of articles, I am going to introduce each of the plugins I have developed for ClassicPress, a hard-fork of WordPress, which was originally created to provide an alternative, yet compatible, CMS without the Gutenberg block editor.

The 6th plugin is Call-out Boxes.

Call-out Boxes
Place configurable call-out box in posts, pages or other post types.

Integrates with the Call-out Boxes plugin from azurecurve for call-out box icons.

The following parameters can be used with the



  • icon
  • heading
  • width
  • margin
  • padding
  • border
  • border-radius
  • color
  • background-color

This plugin is multisite compatible; each site will need settings to be configured in the admin dashboard.

Continue reading “ClassicPress Plugins Available From azurecurve | Development in 2023: Call-out Boxes”

ClassicPress Plugins Available From azurecurve | Development in 2023: Breadcrumbs

ClassicPressIn this series of articles, I am going to introduce each of the plugins I have developed for ClassicPress, a hard-fork of WordPress, which was originally created to provide an alternative, yet compatible, CMS without the Gutenberg block editor.

The 5th plugin is Breadcrumbs.

Allows breadcrumbs to be placed before and after the content on a post, page or other post type.

The getbreadcrumbs() function can be added to a theme template to position the breadcrumbs elsewhere on the page such as before the post heading; the [getbreadcrumbs] shortcode can also be used to place breadcrumbs.

Function usage, to avoid errors if the plugin is not active is:

if (function_exists(azrcrv_getbreadcrumbs)){
	echo azrcrv_getbreadcrumbs('arrow');

Shortcode usage is [getbreadcrumbs=arrow] or [getbreadcrumbs=text] to choose between arrow and text breadcrumbs.

The plugin supports both text based and arrow breadcrumbs; styles maintainable via the admin console.

Backward compatibility for those migrating from WordPress to ClassicPress has been maintained by retaining the azc_b_getbreadcrumbs() function..

This plugin is multisite compatible; each site will need settings to be configured in the admin dashboard.

Continue reading “ClassicPress Plugins Available From azurecurve | Development in 2023: Breadcrumbs”