Installing ClassicPress: Series Index

ClassicPressWhen I started this blog seven years ago, I opted to use WordPress as the content management system to build it on. It was both easy to use and flexible. I’ve taken advantage of that flexibility over the years to write a number of plugins to add new functionality.

However, in the most recent iterations of WordPress, ostensibly an open source project, but actually controlled by Automattic, has introduced the Gutenberg block editor which has, in my opinion, fundamentally broken the easy writing experience of WordPress. This lead me to start looking around at alternatives and, quite naturally due to the duration and extent of my use of WordPress, the hard fork of WordPress known as ClassicPress. The initial impetus around the fork was against Gutenberg, but it has taken a wider view of the issues around WordPress and is trying to set itself up so that no one person can dictate the future of the project (as Matt Mullenweg dictates for WordPress).

Having gotten involved in the project, I have helped to update some documentation (such as FAQs), draft some proposed rules for the plugin directory (intended for ClassicPress v2) and assist in a few other small ways (unfortunately, my PHP is not good enough to help update core files).

Continue reading “Installing ClassicPress: Series Index”

Sites Migrated to New Host

azurecurveOver the course of this weekend I have migrated my websites to a new web host; hopefully, the only difference you will notice is that the sites are now being served over an https connection.

However, if you do notice any issues, images not loading or broken links (I’ve moved from a Windows hosting package to a Linux one so case now matters) ,for example, I’d appreciate you leaving a comment below with details.

Update: I forgot to mention, that when I migrated the sites to a new host, I also migrated them from WordPress to ClassicPress.

ClassicPress/WordPress Usage: Add Page Breaks In Blog Posts

ClassicPressAdding page breaks to a blog post came up in discussion the other day, where someone thought it was done by adding <!--more--> to a post.

However this tag is actually used to add a break to a post in the blog index or archive pages, resulting in something that looks like this:

Blog post with more tag

Continue reading “ClassicPress/WordPress Usage: Add Page Breaks In Blog Posts”

WordPress/ClassicPress Plugin Development: Checking If Function Exists In Namespace

WordPress PluginI’ve been developing my own plugins for WordPress and, more reently, ClassicPress. At times it’s been necessary to check if a function exists.

It’s fairly straightforward to do this check:

if (!function_exists('azrcrv_get_breadrumbs')){
	// code here

I also use a few plugins developed by other people. One of the ones I’ve been reviewing recently is Estimated Read Time by CodePotent.

John uses namespaces in his plugins which means the check also needs to include the namespace. You can check for this using the following syntax (the highlighted section is the namespace defined in the plugin):

if (function_exists('CodePotent\EstimatedReadTime\process_shortcode')){
	// code here

I’m posting this as a reminder to myself as it took me a few minutes of searching before I found the right answer.

How To Downgrade WordPress 5.0.3 to 4.9.9

WordPressI’ve discussed before the problems WordpRess 5 and Gutenberg present me; I’ve avoided upgrading to WordPress 5 and remained on Wordpress 4.9.x as I plan my migration to ClassicPress.

Despite remaining on the WordPress 4.9.x branch and telling WordPress, via the config file, to only allow minor upgrades within that branch, the admin dashboard has a large Update Now button which will upgrade you to WordPress 5. Today I had an accident and clicked this button when I intended to click the Update Plugins button.

WordPress dashboard showing Update Now and Update Plugins buttons

Continue reading “How To Downgrade WordPress 5.0.3 to 4.9.9”

Local by Flywheel: Review

Local By FlywheelThis post is part of the series on Local by Flywheel.

Over the course of this series, I’ve installed Local by Flywheel, created and tested the default WordPress site and also accessed the local development site from the Internet.

Overall I have been very impressed with Local by Flywheel. It is a very easy installation, flexible yet simple setup and easy enough to access both internally and externally.

It would be nice, in future, to see ClassicPress available as a default install rather than having to either migrate the default WordPress one or manually replace it with ClassicPress, but that might come with time as ClassicPress grows.

Local by Flywheel: Test Updated Site Works

Local By FlywheelThis post is part of the series on Local by Flywheel.

The change to the wp.config file is the last of the changes needed to complete the migration of the live site into Local by Flywheel.

With the complete, you can access the site and test to make sure that everything has migrated correctly.

Local by Flywheel: Update wp.config

Local By FlywheelThis post is part of the series on Local by Flywheel.

The final step of migrating a live site into Local by Flywheel is to change the wp.config file; this is what tells the WordPres site which database to connect and the credentials to do so.

The settings required for the wp.config file can be found on the Database tab in Local by Flywheel:

Database tab showing connection settings

Continue reading “Local by Flywheel: Update wp.config”

Local by Flywheel: Upload Own Files

Local By FlywheelThis post is part of the series on Local by Flywheel.

With the database restored, the next step is to upload the files from the live site. I used FileZilla to FTP to the site and download the files.

One you have the files downloaded, they need to be copied to the Local by Flywheel version of the site. The fields are accessible using Windows Explorer. The easiest way to get to the folder, is via the Overview tab. On this tab, click the open button (arrow in circle) below the site name:

Site Overview tab showing the open button.

This will launch Windows Explorer to the Local Sites folder; expand the required site >> app >> public; all of the files in here can be deleted and replaced with the ones downloaded from the live site:

Windows Explorer showing the site

As well as uploading files from a live site, you could also upload the files to transfer your site from WordPress to ClassicPress.

Local by Flywheel: Update Links in Database

Local By FlywheelThis post is part of the series on Local by Flywheel.

In the last post of this series, I restored the database from my live blog into Local by Flywheel. The next step is to change the references in the database from my live domain address ( to the one local to Local by Flywheel (azurecurve.local).

I did this by running the following SQL query against the database using mySQL Workbench:

Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve|Ramblings of a Dynamics GP Consultant (
This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Int).
			option_value = 
                                , ''
                                , 'http://azurecurve.local');
			post_content = 
                                , ''
                                , 'http://azurecurve.local');