azurecurve ClassicPress Plugins: Call-out Boxes

ClassicPress PluginsThis is part of the azurecurve ClassicPress Plugins which introduces the plugins I have available for ClassicPress.

The plugin I am going to cover in this post, is a brand new one; Call-out Boxes.


The Call-out Boxes plugin allows easy creation of a call-out box on a post or page using a shortcode for placement; this allows you to highlight a certain piece of information.

In the plugin Settings page, the default appearance of the Call-out Boxes can be defined, but parameters allow these to be overridden on usage.


Call-out boxes integrate with the [cbl=azurecurve-classicpress-plugins-icons]azurecurve Icons plugin[/cbl] for the icon


Functionality section of this post contains a call-out box.


The plugin can be downloaded via my Development site.

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azurecurve ClassicPress Plugins: Breadcrumbs

ClassicPress PluginsThis is part of the azurecurve ClassicPress Plugins which introduces the plugins I have available for ClassicPress.

The plugin I am going to cover in this post, is one which has been standardised; Breadcrumbs.


The Breadcrumbs plugin allows pages to have breadcrumbs added at the top or bottom; this shows the navigation route through the site to the current from the homepage allowing users to easily navigate back any numbers of levels they choose.


I use this plugin on the azurecurve|GP Tables Reference website where it has been placed at the top and bottom of every page to facilitate navigation; it is also used on coppr|Distilleries to Visit.


The plugin can be downloaded via my Development site.

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azurecurve ClassicPress Plugins: BBCode

ClassicPress PluginsThis is part of the azurecurve ClassicPress Plugins which introduces the plugins I have available for ClassicPress.

The plugin I am going to cover in this post, is an existing one which has been standardised; BBCode.


This plugin allows the use of bbcode to format posts and pages rather than HTML. BBCode may not be as popular as it was, but it is a fairly friendly way of formatting text.

Standard bbcodes are supported (full list of supported bbcodes can be found here).

You can combine this plugin with Shortcodes in Comments to allow your readers to use BBCodes when they leave a comment.


The plugin can be downloaded via my Development site.

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azurecurve ClassicPress Plugins: Avatars

ClassicPress PluginsThis is part of the azurecurve ClassicPress Plugins which introduces the plugins I have available for ClassicPress.

The plugin I am going to cover in this post, is a brand new one; Avatars.


The Avatars plugin has three key pieces of functionality:

  • Upload an image file using an FTP client, to the plugins images folder, called CustomAvatar.png and, via the Discussion settings page, set this as the default avatar to replace the Gravatars used by default.
  • The admin can, via the plugin Settings page, set an option to allow only local avatars which will use the default avatar rather than any Gravatar a user might be using.
  • Users can upload their own avatar which is stored in the media library.


This site is using the Avatars plugin; you can see this in the first comment of this post where you can see my IG avatar.


The plugin can be downloaded via my Development site.

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azurecurve ClassicPress Plugins: Series Index

ClassicPress PluginsI’ve been involved with the ClassicPress project for a while now in a few different ways (such as writing FAQs and drafting plugin directory rules).

One of the things I have been working on is rewriting my plugins, to both improve the functionality and also to improve their adherence to coding standards and best practice. There was quite a few ways where I was not following best practice or where I had code which was not very secure.

Some plugins have had a near total rewrite while others have just been updated to do things in a more standardised and recommend way. Part of the reason I have done this, in fact been able to do this, is how welcoming and willing to offer advice the people in the ClassicPress community have been.

I have also written a number of new plugins which are all available for ClassicPress (they will also work with WordPress, but I have not submitted them to the WordPress Plugin Repository.

There have been quite a few people who have been willing to answer questions and offer assistance, but I will single out John Alarcon, known in the ClassicPress Community as Code Potent, who has gone out of his way to be of great help.

In this series of posts, I am going to give a brief introduction to each of the plugins I have available, along with links to plugin demos or examples and to my Development site where further details, download and support links are available.

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Installing ClassicPress: Change Authentication Keys and Salts

ClassicPressThis post is part of the series on Installing ClassicPress; ClassicPress is an open source fork of WordPress which aims to target the business market or those looking for a CMS with a focus on security, stability and flexibility.

Now that we know that the new ClassicPress site works I’d recommend editing your new wp-config.php file to change the authentication keys and salts. You will need to use your FTP client to make this change.

Open and edit your wp-config.php file and find the highlighted section. These are the authentication keys and salts used by ClassicPress for cookies and the like which it is recommended you change:

wp-config.php file with authentication keys and salts highlighted

Continue reading “Installing ClassicPress: Change Authentication Keys and Salts”

Installing ClassicPress: First Login

ClassicPressThis post is part of the series on Installing ClassicPress; ClassicPress is an open source fork of WordPress which aims to target the business market or those looking for a CMS with a focus on security, stability and flexibility.

With ClassicPress installed, the next step in the installation is to test that the site works.

If you navigate to your web address followed by /wp-login.php you can enter the admin credentials created during the installation:

ClassicPress login page

Continue reading “Installing ClassicPress: First Login”

Installing ClassicPress: Installing

ClassicPressThis post is part of the series on Installing ClassicPress; ClassicPress is an open source fork of WordPress which aims to target the business market or those looking for a CMS with a focus on security, stability and flexibility.

With ClassicPress downloaded, we can now install it on our website.

The file which was downloaded is a zip file which needs to be unzipped and uploaded to the web site using an FTP client. For this post, I am assuming you have done this already.

With ClassicPress uploaded, we can navigate to the installation web page; this is your usual web address. When the page loads, select your language and click Continue:

ClassicPress Setup Configuration

Continue reading “Installing ClassicPress: Installing”

ClassicPress 1.0.0 Now Available

ClassicPressAfter a couple of RC (release candidate) releases over the last couple of weeks, ClassicPress 1.0.0 “Aurora” has been released.

This is the first version of the hard fork of WordPress to be released; I have previously done a series on migrating from WordPress and am currently part way through a series on installing ClassicPress on a new site.

You can download ClassicPress, or the migration plugin, from the ClassicPress website.

This version is fully compatible with WordPress 4.9.8, but there have been some changes which are detailed in the release notes.

Installing ClassicPress: Download

ClassicPressThis post is part of the series on Installing ClassicPress; ClassicPress is an open source fork of WordPress which aims to target the business market or those looking for a CMS with a focus on security, stability and flexibility.

To download ClassicPress, visit their website and click the green Download ClassicPress button:

ClassicPress site with Download ClassicPress button

Continue reading “Installing ClassicPress: Download”