Edge Canary: What Is Edge Canary?

Edge CanaryMicrosoft have recently announced they are ditching the current version of their Edge browser in favour of a Chromium based browser. In this series, I am going to take a look at the Canary version of this new browser.

Microsoft Edge is currently in development and has two “channels” currently available:

  1. Dev Channel, which is updated weekly. The dev builds are the best representation of the improvements in the past week. They have been tested by the Microsoft Edge team, and are generally more stable than Canary.
  2. Canary Channel, which is updated daily. Want to see what Microsoft were working on yesterday? Canary will be released automatically almost every night to keep you up to date on Microsoft’s progress.

As development progresses, a Beta Channel, which updates every six weeks, will become available. This channel will be the most stable Microsoft Edge preview experience. It will be here soon, after we’ve had a chance to learn and improve in our other channels.

For this series, I’ve opted for the Canary Channel.

Edge Canary: Series Index

Edge CanaryMicrosoft have recently announced they are ditching the current version of their Edge browser in favour of a Chromium based browser. In this series, I am going to take a look at the Canary version of this new browser.

If you’re reading this post on azurecurve, the index below will automatically update, otherwise you need to check back on the original post.

Edge Canary
What Is Edge Canary?
Why Is Edge Being Remade In Chromium?
Add Extension From Microsoft Store
Add Extension From Chrome Play Store
Dark Mode

Disable Push Notifications In Vivaldi

Vivaldi BrowserThere are many irritating features of browsing the web with push notifications being the current one which is bugging the crap out of me. So many sites are asking to allow push notifications and I can rarely, if ever, see any reason why anyone would allow them.

I migrated to the Vivaldi browser a while ago which is based on Chromium. This means it has access to the Chrome extensions store and also a lot of settings in common with Chrome. One of these is the ability to block notifications without being prompted.

I’ve searched for the setting in the Vivaldi GUI without success, so need to fall back on the settings page address of chrome://settings/content. Select the Notifications section (ringed in red):

Vivaldi Content Settings page

Continue reading “Disable Push Notifications In Vivaldi”

Local by Flywheel: Access Site From External Location

Local By FlywheelThis post is part of the series on Local by Flywheel.

You are able to give access to people externally in order that they can view your site in Local by Flywheel. You do this from the site overview page, by clicking the Enable button at the bottom of the screen:

Site Overview screen

Continue reading “Local by Flywheel: Access Site From External Location”

Local by Flywheel: Access Site

Local By FlywheelThis post is part of the series on Local by Flywheel.

Once you have a site created, it can be access by clicking the View Site button in the top-right corner:

Site Overview screen

Continue reading “Local by Flywheel: Access Site”

Stopping Auto-Play HTML5 Videos In Vivaldi (and Other Chromium Based Browsers)

Microsoft Dynamics GPI have a very low tolerance threshold for adverts; I largely stopped watching TV becasue of them (atually I no longer have a TV so I guess it would be more accurate to say I stopped watching TV because of them); not only are the adverts irritating in content, but the volumne was usually a lot higher than the TV show wrapped around them.

Adverts on the Internet have gone through various stages and varying annoyances with the current set not being too bad. Of sites I use regularly, arstehnica is by far the worst with adverts taking over the entire front page.

That said, it’s not actually adverts which are bothering me so much at the momernt, but sites with automatically playing videos. This “feature” has grown in popularity in recent times with many news sites having one, or more, autplay videos on almost every page.

Well, with the death of Opera 12 a few years ago, I made the transition to Vivaldi a while ago. This is a Chromium based browser which gives you access to Extensions in the chrome web store.

The best extension I’ve found for stopping autoplay videos is HTML5 Video Autoplay Blocker. Part of the reason for this post, is because I work on a variety of machines at work and home and keep having problems finding the extension, so I figured doing a step by step post to find and install the extension would help me remember.

Continue reading “Stopping Auto-Play HTML5 Videos In Vivaldi (and Other Chromium Based Browsers)”

LinkedIn: Another Site Who Hates Their Users

Well, today it seems that LinkedIn have joined the list of sites who hate their users. In recent times browsers have been shrinking the amount of screen space that they take up and leaving more space for useful content to be displayed on the web page.

However, there is a growing number of sites who hate their users who have been adding floating crap to their pages which takes up screen space and hovers over the page as you scroll down. LinkedIn has become one of them.

They’ve introduced one of those really, really crap floating navigation bars which robs real estate for, in my opinion, absolutely no benefit to the user. It takes up screen space and as you scroll down the page and continues to take up the same amount of screen space no matter where you are on the page.

As they’ve broken their site it seems I need to fix it for myself and I thought I’d share this with you but bear in mind these instructions are for Opera but the custom CSS may be usable in other browsers.

Save the following code into a CSS file somewhere on your PC (I saved mine to C:\Users\Ian.Grieve\Documents\Opera;

position: relative !important;

After it has been saved awy, load the relevant site in Opera, right click the page and select Edit Site Preferences… and click the Display tab.

In the My style sheet field, browse and locate the saved file then click OK to save the preferences.

Reload linkedin.com and the hovering menu bar will stop hovering and scroll up with the rest of the page.

Think this post was over the top? Hyperbolic? Yeah, probably so, but just as browsers were becoming less obtrusive, so websites are becoming far more so that the browser ever was and for no good reason.

Transferring Opera SpeedDial and Bookmarks Between Computers

You’ve probably noticed in the past that I sometimes use this blog as a repository for information I want to keep available to myself (unfortunately, my memory is not sufficient).

This post, I’m afraid, is for this very purpose and will likely only be useful to myself and the 1% of people in the world who use the Opera web browser.

Whenever I set up a new machine I load Opera and then spend an age transferring bookmarks across by exporting and importing them and setting up the SpeedDial. There is an easier way, however, and that is to simply copy speeddial.ini and bookmarks.adr from %appdata%\Opera\Opera on one machine to the other.