MDGP 2013 Feature of the Day: Tenant Services

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft have started the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Feature of the Day series on the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Blog.

The eleventh feature they’ve announced is Tenant Services.

Tenant Services enables multi-tenant deployments of select Microsoft Dynamics GP applications which will improve the efficiency in delivery as a hosted solution to multiple customers.

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Management Reporter 2012 Doesn’t Process Reports In Queue

Microsoft Dynamics GPI was on site with a client last week to do training on various parts of the system, one of which was Management Reporter.

Before the training started, I was alerted to the fact that Management Reporter had stopped working. We ran through a few issues such as the Microsoft Dynamics GP adapter disappearing from the Configuration Console (we re-added it), the Application Service was not running and couldn’t be started (it had been setup by the client using the Network Service and for some reason stopped working; we changed it to Local System and was able to restart the service but I’ve advised them to change both Management Reporter services to a Domain User account).

Once everything was set up and apparently working we encountered the final problem. When we tried to produce a report, it was added to the Management Reporter queue where it remained and did not move to a status of Processing.

I found a website discussing changing the SQL Server broker on the ManagementReporter database to true (and it was set to false) so I did this but no luck.

A little more prodding and poking at both Management Reporter and SQL Server, and I turned up the problem which was actually a fairly obvious one.

The ManagementReporter database was owned by Domain\Administrator. Running the below script to change the database owner to sa resolved the problem and allowed the reports to be processed;

sp_changedbowner 'sa'

Fortunately the investigation and resolution didn’t take a long time so we were able to do the full length training session.

Management Reporter 2012 Rollup 2 Released

Microsoft Dynamics GPI typically like to see rollups come out as they tend to fix bugs and add new features but yesterday I advised a customer to install rollup 1 for Management Reporter.

Hopefully, I can catch them first thing in the morning and get them onto rollup 2 instead, of which Sivakumar has just announced the release on the Dynamics Partner Technical Services team blog.

Rollup 2 can be downloaded from here (CustomerSource or PartnerSource login required).

This one adds support for SQL Server 2012 as well as other bug fixes and enhancements to the currency translation.

Mark Polino’s Weekly MS Connect Suggestion — Better Control of SmartList Visibility

Microsoft DynamicsContinuing Mark Polino’s weekly series of posts recommending an MS Connect suggestion.

This weeks is a vote on changing the default SmartList visibility option. This suggestion differs from the previous ones as it is one of Mark’s own suggestions that he has submitted to the MS Connect site.

I’ll admit I’ve tended not to stress to customers that any one of the options in the SmartList favourites window is any better than the others; I’ve tended to explain what they all do and left it at that. But thinking about it now, this is a bad approach as without guidance to any particular selection the average user will leave it at the default which is currently System. Mark’s suggestion would change this to User which would generally leave a tidier SmartList favourites list visible to the system.

If you’d be interested in seeing this change made, please go to Connect and vote.

MDGP 2013 Feature of the Day: Alternative/Modified Forms and Reports

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft have started the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Feature of the Day series on the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Blog.

The tenth feature they’ve announced is some enhancements to the Alternative/Modified Forms and Reports window.

This feature covers several enhancements to the window to improve usability.

Continue reading “MDGP 2013 Feature of the Day: Alternative/Modified Forms and Reports”

MB3-859 Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 Financials Certification Acquired

Microsoft Certified Technology SpecialistWell, I’m just back from the Prometric test centre with an updated Microsoft Dynamics GP certification. I gained the Microsoft Dynamics GP 10 Financials certification a few years back and, as it was about to expire, I’ve just been and passed the GP 2010 replacement.

The new one is MB3-859 Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 Financials.

A bit like the GP 2010 Installation & Configuration certificate I passed the other week, I can’t help but feel the timing is bad with the new version about to expire, it is driven by the certiifcation requirements of Microsoft for partners.

MDGP 2013 Feature of the Day: Track Serial & Lot Numbers On Drop Ship POs

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft have started the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Feature of the Day series on the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Blog.

The ninth feature they’ve announced is Track Serial & Lot Numbers On Drop Ship POs.

This feature allows serial or lot numbers to be tracked on drop ship purchase orders where the goods do not enter the inventory system which allows for better tracking of items dispatched to customers.

Continue reading “MDGP 2013 Feature of the Day: Track Serial & Lot Numbers On Drop Ship POs”

LinkedIn: Another Site Who Hates Their Users

Well, today it seems that LinkedIn have joined the list of sites who hate their users. In recent times browsers have been shrinking the amount of screen space that they take up and leaving more space for useful content to be displayed on the web page.

However, there is a growing number of sites who hate their users who have been adding floating crap to their pages which takes up screen space and hovers over the page as you scroll down. LinkedIn has become one of them.

They’ve introduced one of those really, really crap floating navigation bars which robs real estate for, in my opinion, absolutely no benefit to the user. It takes up screen space and as you scroll down the page and continues to take up the same amount of screen space no matter where you are on the page.

As they’ve broken their site it seems I need to fix it for myself and I thought I’d share this with you but bear in mind these instructions are for Opera but the custom CSS may be usable in other browsers.

Save the following code into a CSS file somewhere on your PC (I saved mine to C:\Users\Ian.Grieve\Documents\Opera;

position: relative !important;

After it has been saved awy, load the relevant site in Opera, right click the page and select Edit Site Preferences… and click the Display tab.

In the My style sheet field, browse and locate the saved file then click OK to save the preferences.

Reload and the hovering menu bar will stop hovering and scroll up with the rest of the page.

Think this post was over the top? Hyperbolic? Yeah, probably so, but just as browsers were becoming less obtrusive, so websites are becoming far more so that the browser ever was and for no good reason.