Script To Copy Segments To All Companies

Microsoft Dynamics GPFollowing the last post I did, on copying segments to a new company, I did some thinking and realised that with a little more work on the script I could make it even more useful when setting up clients with multiple companies and the same chart of account structure.

I have added a cursor to the script which selects all company databases from the DYNAMICS System Database (change the highlighted DYNAMICS if you’re using a named system database) and then loops though them doing the insert from the SourceDatabase.

As before, the script checks to make sure the Segments don’t already exist in the destination before doing the insert.

DECLARE @SourceCompany AS VARCHAR(5)
DECLARE @DestinationCompany AS VARCHAR(5)

SET @SourceCompany = 'TWO'

	cursor_InterID Cursor 
		name = INTERID
		INTERID <> @SourceCompany
	Open cursor_InterID

	While (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -1)
		IF (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -2)
			SET @SQLStatement = 'INSERT INTO ' + @DestinationCompany + '..GL40200
					,Left(DSCRIPTN, 30)
					' + @SourceCompany + '..GL40200 AS SD
				WHERE (SELECT COUNT(GL.SGMNTID) FROM ' + @DestinationCompany + '..GL40200 GL

			EXEC (@SQLStatement)
	CLOSE cursor_InterID

If you run this script, please be careful and ensure you have a good backup before running the script (as I don’t supply a warranty with any script I post here; that said I am happy to talk to people if they have questions or would like the script extending).

Script To Copy Segments To A New Company

Microsoft Dynamics GPI have been doing some work with a client recently where we were creating a number of new companies which were to share the same chart of accounts (with only the first segment representing the company being different).

So we planned to use Integration Manager to to integrate a file containing the new chart of accounts. However, before we could load the accounts themselves we needed to get the Segments loaded.

Tis could be done by creating a SmartList in SmartList Designer to get the Segment Number, Segment ID and Segment Description and then use File Import to load the segments into the new company; or I could knock together a quick SQL script to do the job.

Obviously, as I am writing this post, I opted to go the route of writing an SQL Script. The highlighted pieces at the top are the Source and Destination Company databases; change these to the relevant databases.

The script also checks to make sure the Segments don’t already exist in the destination before doing the insert.

DECLARE @SourceCompany AS VARCHAR(5)
DECLARE @DestinationCompany AS VARCHAR(5)

SET @SourceCompany = 'TWO'
SET @DestinationCompany = 'TWOA'

SET @SQLStatement = 'INSERT INTO ' + @DestinationCompany + '..GL40200
		,Left(DSCRIPTN, 30)
		' + @SourceCompany + '..GL40200 AS SM
	WHERE (SELECT COUNT(GL.SGMNTID) FROM ' + @DestinationCompany + '..GL40200 GL

EXEC (@SQLStatement)

If you run this script, please be careful and ensure you have a good backup before running the script (as I don’t supply a warranty with any script I post here; that said I am happy to talk to people if they have questions or would like the script extending).

Problem Adding Fields To VBA in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 R2

Microsoft Dynamics GPI had a colleague (actually the First Minion, Erebus) using Modifier with VBA to create a customisation of the Account Maintenance window (Financial area page » Cards » Account) in Dynamics GP 2013 R2 (for a client who does not and will not be using the web client). This customisation required a small number of fields and the save button to be added to VBA.

When he was adding the fields everything was fine, but as soon as he tried to add the save button the cursor changed to a standard one and did not allow the save button to be added. Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 R2 saw the introduction of the action pane (or ribbon bar as I keep on calling it):

Account Maintenance action pane

Continue reading “Problem Adding Fields To VBA in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 R2”

Implementing Fastpath’s Config AD: Conclusion

FastpathIn this series of posts I have taken a look at the Config AD product from Fastpath which adds single sign-on to the Dynamics GP desktop client; you can find my series index here.

Over the course of the series I have run through the installation and configuration of several parts of Config AD, but there is still a lot of functionality that I haven’t covered.

For example, I have shown how to associate a GP user with a Windows AD account, but not how to disassociate them. I also didn’t show how SSRS security could also be assigned to users in Config AD; largely because I didn’t have SSRS installed and configured on my test box.

The main reason I haven’t covered even more than I have is that I enjoy playing around with different software and want to move onto something else. I’ve enjoyed the opportunity to have a go with Config AD which I found easy to install, easy to configure and that it provides a lot of functionality which brings together the security setup of Dynamics GP into one location.

Something I find very annoying in Dynamics GP is that to create a user, grant company access and assign roles you need to enter the System Password at least three times (unless you’re just copying security from another user wholesale), but Config AD allows you to configure all of this after logging into it once.

If you’re looking for an add-on which will both simplify the maintenance of Dynamics GP security (and I assume the effect would be the same for the other Dynamics products it integrates with) and allow for single sign on, then Config AD is definitely worth considering.

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Implementing Fastpath’s Config AD: Configuring Config AD Desktop

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business CentralIn this series of posts I’m going to take a look at the Config AD product from Fastpath which adds single sign-on to the Dynamics GP desktop client; you can find my series index here.

With the Config AD Desktop installed, we need to configure it for use; many of the steps in this section are only required the first time you run Config AD Desktop on a machine.

Start Config AD Desktop from the Windows Start Screen (or Start menu for those on an older version of Windows) and click on File » options:

Fastpath Config AD Desktop

Continue reading “Implementing Fastpath’s Config AD: Configuring Config AD Desktop”

Set Citrix XenApp Into Install Mode

Citrix XenAppWhen installing applications onto a Citrix XenApp server you need to do so by running the Install… routine first to ensure the installation works successfully.

While this isn’t difficult to do, it is more fiddly than I ideally want. There is, however, a command that can be run in a Command Prompt to set install mode and another one to switch it off.

I always forget what these commands are so figured by posting them here it would both give me easy access to remind myself, but also that I find posting here helps things stick in memory anyway.

So to set XenApp into install mode open a command prompt (Win + R followed by typing cmd) and type the following:

change user /install

Once the program has finished installing, switch the server back to normal by entering the following command:

change user /execute

Implementing Fastpath’s Config AD: Installing Config AD Desktop

FastpathIn this series of posts I’m going to take a look at the Config AD product from Fastpath which adds single sign-on to the Dynamics GP desktop client; you can find my series index here.

To install the Config AD Desktop run the setup.exe in the Config AD Desktop 2.1.3 folder and accept the security warning:

Open File - Security Warning

Continue reading “Implementing Fastpath’s Config AD: Installing Config AD Desktop”

Implementing Fastpath’s Config AD: Installing Config AD Desktop Prerequisites

FastpathIn this series of posts I’m going to take a look at the Config AD product from Fastpath which adds single sign-on to the Dynamics GP desktop client; you can find my series index here.

The Config AD Desktop requires that Config AD itself be installed. The installation on the client is the same as on the Domain Controller with one exception.

On the Add Active Directory Right-Click Menu tab set the option to Don’t add either menu:

Fastpath Configurator AD: Add Active Directory Right-Click Menu

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Implementing Fastpath’s Config AD: Configuring The Service

FastpathIn this series of posts I’m going to take a look at the Config AD product from Fastpath which adds single sign-on to the Dynamics GP desktop client; you can find my series index here.

With the service installed, the next stage is to configure the service. This is done by accessing Config AD and then opening the Config AD Options (File » Options) and then select the Service tab:

On this tab there are several options which can be enabled/disabled:

  1. Disable/Delete Feature Enabled – When this option is enabled a choice can be made as to the interval the process cycles at and whether Dynamics GP users should be disabled or deleted when the AD account is deleted.
  2. Auto Logout Feature – This option will logout users after the specified number of minutes inactivity.
  3. AD Group Security – This option will provision new users and assign/revoke access to GP users based upon AD Group membership of AD Groups that are setup in Config AD for GP access

As well as the above options, you also need to specify the Login name that should be used to access SQL Server.

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Implementing Fastpath’s Config AD: Installing The Service

FastpathIn this series of posts I’m going to take a look at the Config AD product from Fastpath which adds single sign-on to the Dynamics GP desktop client; you can find my series index here.

Config AD includes a service which can run on any machine within the network; the service can automatically log users out after a period of inactivity and will also disable/delete GP user accounts when the AD user is deleted.

A service account is needed to run the Config AD service; this account needs to be a Domain User account and also needs to be either a Domain Admin or have the following permissions:

  1. Read Property and List Contents permission to the Deleted Objects container in Active Directory (non-admin users will not have these permissions by default, but they can be granted: further details available from Microsoft Support).
  2. Read All Properties permission to the container(s) where your users are located.
  3. Log on as a service permission.
  4. A SQL Login on the SQL Server for the domain user.

With a suitable service account, find the Fastpath.ADServiceSetup.msi in the /FPConfigAD AD Service 3.3.0 folder.

Continue reading “Implementing Fastpath’s Config AD: Installing The Service”