Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 RTM: First Run Of The Desktop Client

Microsoft Dynamics GPNow that Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 RTM is available, I thought I could follow my usual pattern of posting a series of posts o how to install and configure both Dynamics GP, but also the additional products which ship with it. You can find the series index for these posts here. I am assuming you already have your server built with Windows and SQL Server for this series.

In the last couple of posts, I ran through the server install and deploy of the Fabrikam Sample Company. In this post, I’ll take a quick look through the first run of the GP client.

Dynamics GP is launched using the GP icon on the Start screen. You’ll notice that the old tri-colour icon has been replaced with a simple white on dark blue background (which matches the Dynamics Community site colours) and the splash has also been redone to match. When the logon prompt appears log in using the sa account and wait while the SQL Get Messages are updated:

Welcome to Microsoft Dynamics GP

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Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 RTM: Sample Company Deployment

Microsoft Dynamics GPNow that Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 RTM is available, I thought I could follow my usual pattern of posting a series of posts o how to install and configure both Dynamics GP, but also the additional products which ship with it. You can find the series index for these posts here. I am assuming you already have your server built with Windows and SQL Server for this series.

In the last post I deployed the system database; in this one I’m going to take a look at deploying the sample company. While this isn’t something generally done with a new system, I am in the process of building a new demo/test environment.

We’ll pick up where the previous post left off on the Additional Tasks step of GP Utilities. If you had closed GP Utilities log back in and progress through to this step and in the combo box, in the middle of the screen, make sure it is set to Add sample company data and click Process:

Additional Tasks

Continue reading “Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 RTM: Sample Company Deployment”

Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 RTM: Server Installation

Microsoft Dynamics GPNow that Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 RTM is available, I thought I could follow my usual pattern of posting a series of posts o how to install and configure both Dynamics GP, but also the additional products which ship with it. You can find the series index for these posts here. I am assuming you already have your server built with Windows and SQL Server for this series.

In this second post, I am going to take a look at the server install where the system database is created. To do this, run GP Utilities from the Start screen and log in using the sa account:

Welcome to Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities

Continue reading “Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 RTM: Server Installation”

Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 RTM: Desktop Client Installation

Microsoft Dynamics GPNow that Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 RTM is available, I thought I could follow my usual pattern of posting a series of posts o how to install and configure both Dynamics GP, but also the additional products which ship with it. You can find the series index for these posts here. I am assuming you already have your server built with Windows, an Active Directory Domain, SQL Server and SSRS for this series.

In this first post, I’ll be taking a look at the installation of the Dynamics GP 2015 RTM desktop client which, since the abolition of the server components prior to the release of Dynamics GP 10, needs to be done on at least one machine in order to deploy the system database.

Once you have downloaded an unpacked the media for Dynamics GP 2015 RTM, open the folder and double click on the setup.exe to launch the Microsoft Dynamics GP2015 setup utility. In the Install section click on Microsoft Dynamics GP and choose Install:

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 - Setup Utility

Continue reading “Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 RTM: Desktop Client Installation”

Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 RTM: Series Index

Microsoft Dynamics GPWith Monday’s launch of Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 RTM, it is time for a series of posts looking at the new version (come on, based on my previous posting history, who didn’t expect this series?). Over the coming days I’ll have a series of posts looking at the installation and configuration of Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 RTM and the additional products which com with it.

This series index post will grow through time as additional posts are submitted, so keep checking back.

Continue reading “Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 RTM: Series Index”

Merged Systems Duplicating Note Indexes

Microsoft Dynamics GPWe have been doing some work for a client who is merging two Dynamics GP implementations into one and during testing found that new orders being entered in the newly merged system were showing notes for previous orders.

The reason is that the next number to be used is an entry on the SY01500 (Company Master) table. When the systems were merged, it was done by creating a new company in Dynamics GP, restoring the source systems database over the top and then configuring the setup stored in the System database, such as the Company Setup (Administration area page » Setup » Company » Company).

So we had a database which had notes attached, but a brand new entry in the Company Master (SY01500) table. As we still had the DYNAMICS for the source company database it is a fairly easy job to identify the correct value and update into Company Master.

However, should you want to automate this process, there is a KB article from Microsoft available: Cross-linked or incorrect notes indexes in Microsoft Dynamics GP. The KB article contains a SQL script which is run against the company database and identifies the highest used Notes Index and then resets the Company Master value.

azurecurve Links Updated: The Dex God Has A New Blog

Microsoft Dynamics GPThere has been some movement on Dynamics GP related blogs since I last updated my links page.

Steve Endow was awarded MVP so I have moved him to the MVP section from the Consultants one.

And, obviously, the biggest news is that David Musgrave left Microsoft and founded Winthrop Development Consultants and is now blogging at the Winthrop DC blog.

David’s contributions to the Dynamics GP community are one of the main reasons why I started blogging (his posts were so damn useful I decided to offer back whatever I could), so I am delighted to see that he will be continuing to contribute to the community following his departure from Microsoft.

If there are other blogs out there I should have listed, please let me know.

SQL View To Select User, Company and Security Role Assignment

Microsoft Dynamics GPWe had a user recently who wanted to quickly see which users had access to which companies and the Security Roles which had been granted. While Dynamics GP does have a number of security reports, they are the standard ones which, while readable in the usual screen or printer output, cannot easily be exported to Excel. However, the client is on Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 R2 and therefore has access to SmartList Designer.

While I could have done this entirely as a SmartList Designer report, I already had the majority of the SQL needed to generate this as a SQL View which SmartList Designer can access:

CREATE VIEW uv_PI_UserAccessAndGrantedSecurityRoles AS
	['User Master'].USERID AS 'User ID'
	,['User Master'].USERNAME AS 'Username'
	,['User Master'].USRCLASS AS 'User Class'
	,ISNULL(['Class Master'].DSCRIPTN, '') AS 'User Class Description'
	,ISNULL(['Company Master'].INTERID, '') AS 'Intercompany ID'
	,ISNULL(['Company Master'].CMPNYNAM, '') AS 'Company Name'
	,ISNULL(['Security Assignment User Role'].SECURITYROLEID, '') AS 'Security Role ID'
	,ISNULL(['Security Roles Master'].SECURITYROLENAME, '') AS 'Security Role Name'
	SY01400 AS ['User Master']
	SY40400 AS ['Class Master']
		ON ['Class Master'].USRCLASS = ['User Master'].USRCLASS
	SY60100 AS ['User-Company Access']
		ON ['User-Company Access'].USERID = ['User Master'].USERID
	SY10500 AS ['Security Assignment User Role']
		ON ['Security Assignment User Role'].CMPANYID = ['User-Company Access'].CMPANYID
			AND ['Security Assignment User Role'].USERID = ['User-Company Access'].USERID
	SY09100 AS ['Security Roles Master']
		ON ['Security Roles Master'].SECURITYROLEID = ['Security Assignment User Role'].SECURITYROLEID
	SY01500 AS ['Company Master']
		ON ['Company Master'].CMPANYID = ['User-Company Access'].CMPANYID

Of course, the other reason I used the SQL rather than recreating entirely in SmartList Designer is that I can use this SQL in future, but a SmartList Designer is only usable on the system on which it is created as there is no import/export functionality.

Old Style Emailing Of Dynamics GP RM Statements Error: “Path for the E-mail Status Report is Not Setup”

Microsoft Dynamics GPA client on Dynamics GP 2010 R2 has been configuring email for the RM statements recently, but after configuring the system were still receiving an error message:

Path for the E-mail Status Report is Not Setup

When we were assisting to diagnose the problem, we found that while they did have the EmailStmtStatusPath line in their Dex.ini file (as detailed in this KB article), the specified path did not have a trailing slash; as soon as this was done the report started working without issue.