Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 R2 Very Slow Login

Microsoft Dynamics GPI recently assisted a client with upgrading Microsoft Dynamics GP to 2013 R2; after the upgrade was complete we found that logging in was incredibly slow. It would take over two minutes to log in or change company.

We did a few things such as checking that all external shortcuts were valid, checking on the Quick Links and ensuring SSRS was functioning correctly (including removing Business Anlayzer from the homepage) without effect. After spending a little time investigating I remembered a blog post from the Dynamics GP Support and Services Blog where they discussed this as being a known problem with Dynamics GP 2013 R2.

The problem is caused by the navigation lists being duplicated during the upgrade. The areas you’ll see this is in the following:

  1. Under the Purchasing area page:
    • Purchasing Requisition Transactions
    • Purchase Order Transactions
  2. Under the HR & Payroll area page:
    • Historical Timecards
    • Current Timecards

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Error In SmartList Excluding One Category

Microsoft Dynamics GPA client reported an error to our service desk recently when they were working with an Account Transactions SmartList which they were trying to filter to exclude a particular Account Category. When they entered the search criteria they received a string of error messages.


Microsoft Dynamics GP - GPS Error: 58

Microsoft Dynamics GP

GPS Error: 58

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MS Connect Suggestion Sunday: Fix Print Icon In Print Payables Checks

Microsoft Dynamics GPMark Polino posted a suggestion to the MS Connect site asking for the print icons on Print Cheques (or Print Checks for our American readers). The details of the suggestion are:

When you select a batch of checks to print in the Print Payables Checks window GP 2013 R2 shows 2 icons labeled “Print” in the center of the Action Pane. The left icon has a printer with a document behind it that resembles a report. The right icon displays a plain printer. It’s very confusing to users to decided which icon to pick to print checks.

The left most icon, the one with an apparent report behind it actually prints checks. The right icon, the one with a plain printer, prints reports. This is not intuitive at all. Neither the icon nor the label indicate which print icon does which. Since the primary function of this window is to print checks it needs to be very obvious to users what to do.

Please clarify both the icon and label to make this easier to use.

This suggestion can be found here; please take a look and add your vote.

Fixed Assets Now Disallows Hyphens In The Asset ID

Microsoft Dynamics GPI heard about this problem a short time ago, but have just had a client upgrade to Dynamics GP 2013 R2 and encounter this problem:

Microsoft Dynamics GP - The asset ID cannot contain a hyphen. Select a different asset ID.Microsoft Dynamics GP – The asset ID cannot contain a hyphen. Select a different asset ID.

This issue was discussed at some length on the Community Forum with Frank Hamelly supplying a SQL script to update the assets.

With my client I took a slightly different tack and used the Fixed Assets Modifier tool in the Professional Services Tools Library (PSTL). This tool works on a single asset at a time and, unlike some of the other modifiers, does not allow import of a spreadsheet.

However, PSTL is written in Dexterity and allows the use of Dynamics GP Macros; so after doing an extract of all Asset IDs I was able to use mail merge to generate a macro to update all fixed assets containing a hyphen in the Asset ID.

I have checked Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 and a hyphen is still disallowed in the Asset ID field.

Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 RTM: Installing GP PowerShell

Microsoft Dynamics GPNow that Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 RTM is available, I thought I could follow my usual pattern of posting a series of posts on how to install and configure both Dynamics GP, but also the additional products which ship with it. You can find the series index for these posts here.

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 has seen the introduction of some PowerShell cmdlets. This is something new in the Dynamics GP arena which I am going to need to investigate. The first step in this, is to install GP PowerShell. This is done by starting the setup.exe on the GP 2015 installation media and, under Additional Products, select GP PowerShell:

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015

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Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 RTM: Installing the Microsoft Dynamics GP Add-in for Microsoft Word

Microsoft Dynamics GPNow that Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 RTM is available, I thought I could follow my usual pattern of posting a series of posts on how to install and configure both Dynamics GP, but also the additional products which ship with it. You can find the series index for these posts here.

One of the very useful additions in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 was the ability to create invoice, remittance and other types of documents in a Word Template rather than having to do it all in Report Writer (although Report Writer is still needed if you want to create a custom field or make other fields available to the Word Template). While much of the editing and changing of formatting can be done using Word as is, if you want to add any new fields then the Microsoft Dynamics GP Add-in for Microsoft Word is required on any machine which will be used for doing this.

To install the Microsoft Dynamics GP Add-in for Microsoft Word open the setup.exe from the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 installation media and, under Additional Products, select Microsoft Dynamics GP Add-in for Microsoft Word:

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015

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Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 RTM: Integration Manager First Run

Microsoft Dynamics GPNow that Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 RTM is available, I thought I could follow my usual pattern of posting a series of posts on how to install and configure both Dynamics GP, but also the additional products which ship with it. You can find the series index for these posts here.

The first run of Integration Manager is something needed on each client. When staring Integration Manager for the very first time it is important to Run as Administrator.

When Integration Manager starts for the first time, you will be prompted to Register Now or Register Later; if you choose the latter option, Integration Manager will close:

Integration Manager

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Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 RTM: Integration Manager Installation

Microsoft Dynamics GPNow that Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 RTM is available, I thought I could follow my usual pattern of posting a series of posts on how to install and configure both Dynamics GP, but also the additional products which ship with it. You can find the series index for these posts here.

Integration Manager is a handy tool to have around; it allows easy integration of CSV or text files from a multitude of sources (once a suitable integration template has been created).

Its installation process is straightforward. Start the steup.exe and, under Additional Products select Integration Manager:

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015

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MS Connect Suggestion Sunday: AP Invoice Approval Workflow

Microsoft Dynamics GPIt seems that quite a few of the MS Connect suggestions I am selecting to post about are in the area of Workflow 2.0 which was a fantastic addition to Microsoft Dynamics GP; I’ve expressed before my delight at the retirement of Business Portal and the original Workflow modules. Workflow 2.0 was introduced in Dynamics GP 2013 R2, was then further enhanced in GP 2015 and the roadmap shows further enhancements will be coming in future.

However, there is always room for user suggestions for improvements to functionality which is where the MS Connect site comes in. Jared Hall has logged a suggestion that approval workflow be added for individual Payables Management invoices; this is a feature that I know several of my clients would be interested in this function as invoices need to be approved by different budget holders and it isn’t always easy to separate these invoices into batches by budget holder.

The suggestion can be found here where you can also cast your vote.

If you have an MS Connect suggestions you want publicised, contact me with details.