Creating a Customer from a Contact Fails with No Message in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business CentralI’ve been doing some work with a client recently to implement Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. When entering quotes they want to use the contact functionality to record who they are dealing with on the quote. They also need to create a customer for the contact when raising the quote; there is an action on the Contact Card (5050) card which allows the customer to be created (Actions » Functions » Create as » Customer).

However, when they clicked this action, nothing happened. No customer was created and no error message displayed.

I did some investigating and found that, while we had discussed it in training, they had not yet created any customer templates. While a template is optional when creating the customer directly, if you want to create a customer from a contact then the templates are mandatory.

Once the customer templates had been created, they were able to create customers from the contact without issue.

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