New Functionality In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2024 Wave 1: Connect Business Central With Shopify B2B

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business CentralThis post is part of the New Functionality In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2024 Wave 1 series in which I am taking a look at the new functionality introduced in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2024 Wave 1.

The 7th of the new functionality in the Application section is connect Business Central with Shopify B2B.

Connecting Shopify B2B and Business Central improves visibility into pricing, customers and their order histories, order status, billing, and payments. Better visibility means faster response to customer inquiries, timely returns and refunds, and more accurate order processing.

Enabled for: Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically
Public Preview: Mar 2024
General Availability: Apr 2024

Feature Details

The Shopify Connector now supports the latest features of Shopify’s B2B platform, such as companies, prices, payment options and more. These features allow you to manage multiple buyers and groups, offer different pricing and discounts, and streamline your B2B operations. You can easily synchronize your Shopify B2B data with Business Central and automate your workflows. This helps save time, reduce errors, and increase customer satisfaction.

Adapt faster

Connecting Business Central with Shopify helps merchants around the world to implement more agile online business processes, while keeping their people focused on selling. With connected data across your online stores and business operations, you can rapidly respond to consumer demands to adjust product pricing and merchandising. With support for multitier pricing structures and multiple currencies, companies, and entities, Business Central easily supports multiple Shopify store scenarios.

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Upcoming Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Knowledge Hub Webinars (Feb-Apr 2024) from MADIC dynamics

MADIC dynamicsEvery month, on the third Tuesday, at MADIC dynamics we will be presenting a Knowledge Hub Webinar on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and related products; I will be presenting the first few webinars, but in future other consultants will be getting involved, so there will be a variety of presenters through time.

We aim to have the next three monthly Knowledge Hub Webinars scheduled and details of them available; the webinars are open to everyone, not just customers of MADIC dynamics. The next three webinars, starting this month, are:

No february-2024 events found.

No march-2024 events found.

No april-2024 events found.

New Functionality In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2024 Wave 1: Block Item, Item Variant or Service Item from Use in Service Management transactions

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business CentralThis post is part of the New Functionality In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2024 Wave 1 series in which I am taking a look at the new functionality introduced in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2024 Wave 1.

The 6th of the new functionality in the Application section is block item, item variant or service item from use in service management transactions.

Prevent certain items, item variants, or service items from being used in service management transactions, such as service contracts, service orders, and service invoices. This can be useful if you want to restrict the availability of some items or service items for service purposes, for example, due to discontinued support, limited stock, or contractual agreements.

Enabled for: Users, automatically
Public Preview: Mar 2024
General Availability: Apr 2024

Feature Details

To block an item or an item variant from being used in service management transactions, turn on the Service Blocked toggle on the Item Card, Item Variants, and Item Variant Card page. You can also set this field on the Item Template page, and it will be copied to the items created from that template.

Blocked item

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In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central (Power Automate), how do I… Create Environment Variables for the Environment and Company

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business CentralThis post is part of the In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central (Power Automate), how do I… series and of the wider In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, how do I… series which I am posting as I familiarise myself with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

When developing flows for Business Central there are (at least) two environment variables I would create; environment and company.

Both of these environment variables are created as I explained in this article, as text variables.

The environment one is quite straightforward where you can simply enter the BC environment name, such as sandbox or, as in my case, BCDEV:

New environment variable pane completed for a variable called BCEnvironment

Continue reading “In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central (Power Automate), how do I… Create Environment Variables for the Environment and Company”