New Functionality In Microsoft Power Automate 2023 Wave 2: Use SAP-dedicated Actions in Desktop Flows

Power AutomateThis post is part of the New Functionality In Microsoft Power Automate 2023 Wave 2 series in which I am taking a look at the new functionality introduced in Microsoft Power Automate 2023 Wave 2.

The 6th of the new functionality in the Desktop Flows section is use SAP-dedicated actions in desktop flows.

SAP UI elements tend to have dynamic properties, making UI automation difficult to achieve. So, the introduction of SAP-dedicated actions aims to create a smoother maker experience and result in a more accurate attended/unattended runtime.

Enabled for: Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically
Public Preview: –
General Availability: Nov 2023

Feature Details

There are two ways to integrate with SAP: using the SAP UI or using the RFC APIs. Microsoft have recently made improvements to make working with the RFC APIs easier from cloud flows. Now, Power Automate for desktop is introducing dedicated SAP UI actions, simplifying the authoring process for makers and helping create more robust SAP desktop automations.

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New Functionality In Microsoft Power Automate 2023 Wave 2: Inspect a UI Element

Power AutomateThis post is part of the New Functionality In Microsoft Power Automate 2023 Wave 2 series in which I am taking a look at the new functionality introduced in Microsoft Power Automate 2023 Wave 2.

The 5th of the new functionality in the Desktop Flows section is inspect a UI element.

With this new component, you can view the details of all UI elements available on the screen and create better custom selectors. You can discover all the UI elements of a window in an easier and more user-friendly way and test specific actions on top of these UI elements.

Enabled for: Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically
Public Preview: Jul 19, 2023
General Availability: Oct 23, 2023

Feature Details

UISpy is a new sub-app of Power Automate for desktop. You can use it to inspect all the UI elements of your screen, check the hierarchy trees of all windows, capture the elements you desire, and test actions like click or populate without any interaction with the flow designer.

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