ClassicPress Plugins Available From azurecurve | Development in 2023: Mobile Detection

ClassicPressIn this series of articles, I am going to introduce each of the plugins I have developed for ClassicPress, a hard-fork of WordPress, which was originally created to provide an alternative, yet compatible, CMS without the Gutenberg block editor.

The 28th plugin is Mobile Detection.

Mobile Detection
Plugin providing shortcodes and functions to allow different content to be served to different types of device (Desktop, Tablet, Phone); also includes checks on types of device (iOS, iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows Phone) and mobile browsers (Chrome, Firefox, IE, Opera, WebKit).

The following shortcodes are available:

  • ismobile
  • isnotmobile
  • isphone
  • isnotphone
  • istablet
  • isnottablet
  • isios
  • isiphone
  • isipad
  • isandroid
  • iswindowsphone (alternative shortcode iswp)
  • iswindowsmobile (alternative shortcode iswinmo)
  • ischrome
  • isfirefox
  • isie
  • isopera
  • iswebkit
  • istv
  • isconsole

All shortcodes available as functions with an `azrcrv_md` prefix for calling from themes, other plugins, etc. For example,


available as function



Uses PHP Mobile Detect class, the lightweight PHP class for detecting mobile devices (including tablets).

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