In this series of articles, I am going to introduce each of the plugins I have developed for ClassicPress, a hard-fork of WordPress, which was originally created to provide an alternative, yet compatible, CMS without the Gutenberg block editor.
The 18th plugin is From Twitter.
Automate the retrieval of tweets from Twitter and create posts on your ClassicPress site
From Twitter includes the following functionality;
- Search Twitter and create tweets as posts or as a Tweet custom post type.
- Specify the title and content in posts for retrieved tweets.
- Choose whether to save tweet data.
- Choose cron frequency (hourly, twice daily or daily).
- Choose how many tweets to return each time the cron runs (max 100 as per Twitter api).
- Choose whether Tweet images should be Downloaded.
Make sure that once all the settings have been configured, you enable the cron job to run on the **Cron Settings** tab.
This plugin is multisite compatible with each site having its own settings.
The current release of the plugin can be downloaded from GitHub
More information
More information on this plugin can be found on the azurecurve | Development page for the plugin.
Click to show/hide the ClassicPress Plugins Available From azurecurve | Development in 2023 Series Index
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